"Why don't we dare to appear here, just rely on your group of defeated generals? I really don't know what to say, I will defeat you all now." Mai Ye Shenli waved a few atomic collapses and solved several magicians.

"Mai Ye, don't take action, leave it to me."

Takitsubo Rihou looked at Muye Shenri's shot, and the dead man said plainly. After he finished speaking, the wings of the non-elemental matter appeared behind him, and then floated up, and then invisible matter was created and spread rapidly.

All the magicians fell to the ground instantly.

"Wow, are they dead? Are they dead?" Flanda asked, dumbfounded.

......... 0 ...

"No, it's just a substance that creates an instant coma." Takitsubo Rihou said as he fell to the ground, then looked up at the sky.

"The real trouble is this."

Knowing that the situation had changed unexpectedly at this time, the Roman Orthodox Church decided to use the Gregorian Chorus against the superhuman who suddenly called.

The sky clouds swirled directly overhead and a fiery red light was interspersed within.

"Extremely exaggerated!" Silk Flag said most in surprise.

"It's fancy, those guys on the magic side always make their attacks so complicated." Mai Ye tutted his lips disdainfully, raised his hand, aimed at the vortex above his head, and an atomic collapse the size of a car appeared. Then it shot out instantly, like a laser cannon.

The fiery red vortex in the sky also dropped a devastating beam of light, and the two attacks collided instantly, but the atomic collapse was stronger and directly defeated the fiery red beam of light that penetrated the clouds.

"How is that possible! That's the big magic that needs to be chanted by [*] people in the Vatican before receiving the big magic that is activated here. It was defeated so easily!" Yanis, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked.

"Hey! The little mouse hiding in the dark, either we are swept out of Tokyo as rubbish now, or we can get rid of it, of course, we can kill it." Mai Ye Shenri said bluntly, very dissatisfied in his heart, this kind of work of driving people is really Not suitable for her to do.

Chapter three hundred and sixty-four: This favor owes a lot

"Hey - really terrible fighting ability, this is close to level 6 in the intelligence, that is, the combat power of the angel level, the power that can compete with the saint or even defeat the saint, one pseudo-angel level combat power and three level 5 are enough. Let the Roman Orthodox Church eat a pot."

Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who was observing from a high place, said in shock.

"However, it's not enough to completely defeat the Roman Orthodox Church. If the Roman Orthodox Church throws a rat, it will be easy to retreat."

Kanzaki Kaori looked at the person who saved his former partner at a critical moment with a complicated look.

This time, she owes a big favor. She doesn't know how to pay it back. She is not someone who likes to owe favors.

"Hey, big sister Kanzaki, are you thinking about how to repay the favor?" Tuyumen Yuanchun said with a hilarious smile. "Nine Zero Three"


A long sword with a scabbard rested on Tsuchimikado Motoharu's shoulder.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking." Kanzaki Kaori said expressionlessly.

"I know, the saint's mentality is transparent! I'm just talking about the facts." Tuyumen Yuanchun shrugged, then looked at the battlefield: "The former partner was saved, so is it time for Big Sister Kanzaki to leave, you are very busy here. Danger."

"I have to wait until they are all right before leaving." Kanzaki Kaori retracted the knife, feeling melancholy for a moment.

At this time, Amakusa hid aside and looked at the superpowers who were confronting the Roman Orthodox Church.

"We are saved, are you here to save me?"

"We don't seem to have anything to do with Academy City, boss, do you know what's going on?"

Facing the inquiries from his partners, Jian Gong Zhai cautiously stuck his head out, fell into deep thought, and then seemed to have figured it out.

"I know what's going on. I heard that the list of forbidden books of Puritanism is in the hands of a certain director of Academy City, and I also heard the news that the Pope has come to Academy City. It may have something to do with the Pope."

"Does it have anything to do with the Pope?"

Although the partners are very happy, Jian Gong Zhai Zi is very uncomfortable, which is completely different from everyone's expectations. If the Pope is still needed to save it, does it prove that they have not become stronger, and have not changed much.

"Let's see first and make a decision."


The battlefield became quiet, all the magicians at the outpost had fallen to the ground, and the props four were standing in the center.

At this time, the sound of wooden shoes rubbing against the ground came.

"I really didn't expect Academy City to take the initiative, but Tokyo is not within the scope of Academy City, and Academy City is not qualified to attack us."

Some sassy but very comfortable voices sounded along with the footsteps.

The props group of four saw that it was a nun in the same monastic uniform as lying on the ground.

"You don't need to tell us these conversations that seem to be negotiations. Our order is to defeat you and let the religious forces leave Tokyo. Now you have two choices. The first choice is to leave Tokyo, and the second choice is to be defeated by us and then thrown out of Tokyo."

Takitsubo Rikou stepped forward and said indifferently, "You will definitely not be our opponents."

"It's really arrogant. Academy City's heresy is really disgusting. Do you think you have defeated us?"

Yanis said angrily, she was obviously only a fourteen or fifteen-year-old child, but her voice was extremely mature, like an angry elder.

"Hehe, I said, have you not figured out your current situation? We can wipe out all of you with just a little effort. It's best to be obedient to Takitsubo. If Takitsubo gets angry, hehe." Fran. Da put his hands on his waist, mocking like a fox, a tiger and a dog.

"Frenda is talking too much."

"Hey, sorry, I'm telling the truth." Flanda said with a smirk, then shrank behind Takitsubo with a smile.

"Damn Academy City."

Yanis clenched her hands tightly. If it weren't for the fact that these four were too powerful, even the Gregorian Choir couldn't do anything to them, she would have stepped forward and stepped on them.

"In other words, this is what Academy City means."

"Hey, isn't this a well-intentioned question? I haven't been taught enough last time. If it's not enough, we will teach you a lesson." Flanda laughed contemptuously.

Yannis decided to retreat after weighing the pros and cons, and the leaders of the other teams also made a decision...  

Last time the Roman Orthodox Church assembled the two most powerful warriors and the heretical annihilation army was defeated by Academy City. The two most powerful warriors almost died in Academy City. It would be absolutely useless for them to fight at the gate of Academy City. Temporarily retreat.

Their target is the female saint, and the Amakusa style is just a bait for them. So far, no trace of the female saint has been found. It is very unwise to conflict with Academy City now.

"We retreat."


Everyone in the Amakusa style breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the Roman Orthodox Church who quickly left with his unconscious companions, and walked out slowly. Just about to thank the superpowers of Academy City, but a black RV came over, not yet. Just a single word gave Amakusa Shiki a face full of exhaust fumes.

"I originally wanted to ask about the Pope, but I didn't expect to leave so soon."

"But let's get out of here quickly and head to Academy City by the way."

For Amakusa, only the Academy City can escape the pursuit of the Roman Orthodox Church.It is not difficult for them to enter Academy City, and it is not the first time for them to enter Academy City, and they enter Academy City in the normal way.

"Now the eldest sister is satisfied." Tuyumen Yuanchun said after seeing the matter resolved.

"I do owe a lot of favor..." Shen 1.7 Kaihuozhi's face was complicated. She was thinking about how to repay this favor. It seemed that Ye Fei didn't need any help from her. Although she was a saint, he With so many capable people who are comparable to saints, her role is greatly reduced.

Kanzaki Kaori also returned to Academy City. In comparison, the senior management of the Roman Orthodox Church was furious. They never thought that Academy City would suddenly intervene, and they also let go of Amakusa-style, and the Roman Orthodox Church was busy. It's been a waste of time for so long.

"Huh! The Daiba Star Festival? It needs to be broadcast live to the world, so I hope I allow the Daiba Star Festival organizing committee to invite the Accelerator of Level 6 and the psychic of Level 5 to give speeches at the opening ceremony and get idol spokespersons?"

Ye Fei, who was walking slowly on the streets of Academy City, suddenly received a message and raised his eyebrows. .

Chapter [*]: He is a wicked man.

"Are you in trouble, teacher? Mr. Ye Fei?" Orsola asked in a soft tone, looking at the boy who stopped and frowned slightly.

"No, it's nothing." Ye Fei shook his head with a smile, then looked at the night scene in the distance and said, "Osola hasn't seen such a different night scene? Such a street scene full of lights and high-tech. You can't see it outside."

"I haven't seen it. I often live in Italy, and even the mission is in the surrounding countries. The cities in the Mediterranean countries are not far from each other."

Ye Fei took Orsola to the apartment next to the Seventh Pharmacy Research Center, and then saw Naruto Eliza standing in the spacious corridor, looking at the night scene through the glass wall, her eyes full of anticipation.

"I haven't slept so late, are you not used to living here?"

Ye Fei walked over to the girl and asked.

The girl was a little overwhelmed, and turned her head to look at Ye Fei.

"Don't be too nervous. Although I'm a director, aside from this status, I'm just a 28-year-old who is about the same age as you. It's just a big brother who treats me well."

Ye Fei looked at the girl who seemed to be nervous about his identity. He usually didn't have the aura of a ruler, and more often he looked like an ordinary teenager.

"Well, good evening, Mr. Ye Fei, I'm just too happy that I can't sleep." Minghu Alyssa said shyly with her arms down and her cheeks flushed, looking very unconfident, in her opinion Talking to the big guys alone, without my nervous stuttering is already fine.

"Happy things? Can you tell me about it? I like listening to happy things." Ye Fei asked with a smile.

"Yes..." Naruto Alyssa's cheeks were flushed, and she was very nervous, kneading her hands together: "Well, because of Endymion's concert I'm about to debut, but because of the sudden Daba Star Festival, the concert will be held. Delayed until after the Daba Star Festival..."

"Isn't that bad?"

Ye Fei said suspiciously, it was because, taking advantage of the postponement of the summer vacation and the restoration of the ruined king's building in Academy City, the upper level decided to bring forward the Daba Star Festival, which was originally a month later, and prepared to hold it before the school started.

At that time, the eyes of the whole world will be let go, just to show the world the strength of Academy City, the power of education, scientific research, etc., which can not only act as a deterrent, but also attract students and investment from all over the world. It can be said that It's a golden sign.

"No, that's not the case. On the contrary, the host of the Daba Star Festival invited me to sing the theme song of the Daba Star Festival at the opening ceremony. Before I debut, I will be on the world stage. I, I'm so excited, I can't sleep. ."

Naruto Alyssa's cheeks flushed with excitement, and she happily told Ye Fei that she wanted to tell the world the good news.

"It turns out to be so, so congratulations, the debut is the pinnacle, hahaha, no wonder our big stars can't sleep."

The Daiba Star Festival is a stage that looks all over the world. As a singer at the opening ceremony, it is the greatest opportunity for singers, but it seems that the high-level group of Academy City mistakenly thinks that Naruto Eliza has a lot to do with him, so To do it behind the scenes, plus she sings well.

In fact, he regards Naruto Alyssa as a member of his group of gods, and she will not be able to escape from now on anyway.


The sound of a belly drumming came from Minghu Alisha's stomach, which made her expression froze, and then she lowered her head shyly, so embarrassing, she was actually hungry in front of Director Ye Fei.

"Would you like to have a supper together, I'll treat you." Ye Fei said, holding Naihu Aliza's hand, although it was a question, it was a strong affirmation.

"Eh?" Minghu Alisha was stunned for a moment, and then she was dragged by Ye Fei to the cafeteria in a daze.

On the other side, the Roman Orthodox Church was leaving Tokyo, and after Academy City intervened, it was no longer able to perform its mission, and the female saint was not seen from beginning to end.

The props quartet also returned to Academy City under the driving of Ayumi Kona.

In the black-toned RV, the group of four is taking a shower, so the configuration of such a high-end RV bathroom is very normal.

"Hey hey! Fifty million yen, it's actually fifty million yen, that lascivious guy Ye Fei is so rich, and he gave so much directly. In the past, he had to take at least ten missions to have so many!"

Flanda was wearing underwear, and before her hair was dried, she turned on the computer to deliver the task, and a money symbol instantly appeared in her eyes when she saw the amount received.

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