"Misaka Misaka will never trouble Yuriko, hehe."

At this time, the contact person hanging on the tree wanted to cry without tears.

"First, listen to me first, it's not too late to start, it's the Daba Star Festival..."

Looking at the far away Accelerator contact person shed sad tears.

Tokiwadai's two level 5s received the invitation, and although they did not agree immediately, their attitudes were obviously the best. In the end, Sogiita Junba agreed to other people's requests. As for Saten Leiko, he did not reveal the fact that he was a level 5.

As for Ye Fei, although he is a director, the Daba Star Festival Committee still recruits contacts to invite Ye Fei.

"It's probably like this, you should be very clear, what I said is superfluous." Bu Shutuxin calmly drank tea with a cup of tea.

"Why did you come to invite me, I obviously won't participate." Ye Fei looked at the cloth bundle and said with a half-smile.

"I owe someone a favor. Anyway, I have already paid the favor. Whether you go or not is your business, but I think you will definitely go."

"How can I see you?" Ye Fei shrugged. Although he really didn't want to go, the school asked Mr. Xiaomeng to invite him to participate.

Teacher Xiaomeng's expectant expression is cute when you think about it, but he is not unconditional.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. After the Daba Star Festival, he asked Mr. Xiaomeng if he wanted a reward. I have the final say in what reward I want.

The atmosphere in the Daha Star Festival Committee office was bleak.

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult. I thought at least half of them would agree."

"The first, fourth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth all died heroically, especially the first contact person, who was found hanging on a green tree and trapped In a coma, they are being rescued in the hospital, as for the fourth and ninth, they are all rejected by an Anbu organization, the second has no clues so far, as for the sixth... too many people claim to be the sixth."

The person in charge has a sad expression, the funds have been spent so much, and the person almost never came back.

"Does the commission of the Daba Star Festival really upset them so much? It's just to show up and say a few words." An uncle said with a sigh, he really didn't quite understand it.

"However, the thirteenth level 5 member of the Discipline Committee agreed, the seventh also agreed, and the third and fifth are still under consideration."

"The task is only half completed, and the first level 6 must be involved. This is really a headache."

"I heard that the eighth level 5, that is, Director Ye Fei, has a very good relationship with Accelerator. We can try to contact him."

"He's a director. Is it wrong for us to contact him?"

"Anyway, the proposal to let Accelerator participate was made above, and I think it should be fine."

"I actually want Yuriko to read the congratulatory speech...Puchi, hahaha, it seems very interesting."

Ye Fei hung up the contact and couldn't help but burst into laughter. In his mind, he couldn't help but come back to the image of Yuriko Suzuka standing on the stage and reading a congratulatory message.

"Well, no matter what, let Yuriko have a try."

Talking to Yuriko Suzuka.

Accelerator, who was eating a crepe at the family restaurant and The Last Works, frowned and couldn't believe it.

"What? You want me to go to the Daba Star Festival to read inexplicable congratulations, hehe, do you think I look like a good girl from a three-good student? What a joke."

"It doesn't matter, just play it like a game."

"Cut! Impossible."

"It's really impossible?" The sound of a half-smile made Yuriko Suzuka feel a bad feeling in her heart. .

Chapter [*]: Daba Star Festival begins

"Sister, I heard that you have been invited to the opening ceremony by the Daha Star Festival Committee. As expected of your elder sister." Kuroko Shirai twisted her waist like a snake and circled around Misaka Mikoto, drooling at the corner of her mouth.

I heard that the various activities of the Daba Star Festival will have competitions that cooperate with each other. If there are various accidents during the competition that cause two people to hug each other, or kiss so much mouth to mouth, it is completely understandable, wow , and I, Shirai Kuroko, are a natural pair for my elder sister, and the match will definitely make Kuroko and me a partner.

"That's true. I heard that all level 5s were invited. It seems to be to show their abilities or something. I originally wanted to refuse, and the school respected my opinion, but what did Ye Fei say? I want to see it. My heroic figure or something, that guy is really hateful, how could I..."

Speaking of this, Misaka Mikoto clenched her fist, and the next moment she realized what she had blurted out, and quickly explained: "No, it's not what you think Kuroko, how could I agree because of that guy's request, just for the school's honor, yes, the school's honor , after all, I'm Tokiwatai's ace, if I don't agree, I'll let that blond woman get the limelight, and then talk about my relationship with Ye Fei~ that guy..."

"Well! What shall I say! No, no, no, it's not as dark as you think..."

Misaka Mikoto said something and then blurted out what she thought. Simple Shirai Kuroko looked like she was about to cry, and quickly explained that her cheeks were flushed.

"I know... this is a complete misunderstanding..." Shirai Kuroko, with tears in the corners of his eyes, covered his face and wept loudly, "Sister elder sister's heart was completely stolen by that guy."

"You, what are you talking about, Heizi, you're like this again, stop crying, it's embarrassing."

Misaka Mikoto's cheeks were flushed, and she suddenly turned her head to the classmates who had already looked over, and hurriedly dragged Kuroko Shirai back to the dormitory.

On the other hand, Shokuhou Misaki and the clan members were eating snacks and chatting in the rest area of ​​the dormitory, and Dolly and Kaisetsu Kantori were also talking about the Daha Star Festival.

"As expected of the queen, the official of the Daba Star Festival actually hired you as a guest at the opening ceremony with a high salary. This faction's prestige will increase a lot." Fanfeng Runzi said with his hands together in admiration.

"It's just a guest at the opening ceremony of the Daba Star Festival. If I just invited me, I would be very happy, but if I invite all level 5s, it becomes cheap, which makes me have no motivation." He picked up a puff cake and looked at Dolly.

"Dolly should be looking forward to participating in the Daba Star Festival. After all, I haven't gotten used to the time spent in the laboratory and school."

"Hee hee, as long as there is a place for Xiao Qi and Xiao Tou, I will be happy to do anything." Taoli smiled sweetly and innocently.

"How about I and Dolly become partners to complete the challenge together."

"Why didn't I and Dolly become partners?" Police Tensor said, touching the tip of his nose.

"Xotori, let's become partners together." Tao Li hugged the two of them and said with a smile.

"Wow, what a warm scene, does the queen need to record this scene with photos?" Fanfeng Runzi suggested with bright eyes.

"Then take a photo and put it in the most conspicuous place in my bedroom." Shokuhou Caoqi smiled gracefully.

"Yes, Queen."

"But speaking of it, my boyfriend really wants me to be a guest at the opening ceremony, so I'll satisfy his eyes this time." Shokuhou Cao Qi said with a slight smile, thinking of Ye Fei's special call before.

"His Royal Highness's request, His Royal Highness really loves His Royal Highness the Queen very much."

"Speaking of which, you are really amazing to be able to fall in love with the director." Police Said Kanto raised his brows.

In the afternoon, ribbons and balloons were flying all over Academy City, and the sound of salutes quickly rang out in the sky. All schools quickly arranged their exhibition areas and activity areas, and Academy City quickly became active.

At the same time, there were fights to grab the venue for the event.

"Wow, that's amazing, just such a short event in the afternoon gave the entire Academy City a festive atmosphere."

Saten Leiko looked at the snack bars on both sides of the road and the students who were responsible for setting up the venues in each school and said excitedly.

"By the way, wasn't Chuchun invited to the opening ceremony? It's really amazing, although I really want to go, but after thinking about it, it's okay, I don't want to be suitable for the stage, I may be scared by then. Trembling." Zuotian Leiko scratched his head and said innocently.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"It's not good at all." Chu Chunxiao sighed with mixed feelings, her tender cheeks full of sadness.

"I was also afraid of being watched by so many people, I was too impulsive at the time."

"Don't say that! This is a good time for Uiharu to start the level 5 disciplinary committee. Anytime you hear the name of the hot queen Uiharu, you will shiver." Saten Leiko hugged Uiharu Shiri's shoulder and encouraged him. said.

"Boom—" A tragic explosion interrupted the conversation between the two.

"what happened?"

A large amount of colored smoke spread from not far away and gradually formed a mushroom cloud with a diameter of fifty meters.

......... 0 ......

Uiharu Shiri and Zoten Leiko looked at this scene in surprise, and the exclamation made them rush over quickly.

"That smoke! It's the strongest rough stone!"

"Use your abilities in a crowded place! That person is really overwhelmed as always." Saten Leiko complained.

I remember the first time I met with Ye Fei and the others when they met Sobaita Junba, it was also the other party's ability to use the ability, which had a great impact.

"Is this the level of your backbone? It's really disappointing. With this level of backbone, let me properly inject the warmth of your backbone."

The sound of blood boiling sounded, and another explosion sounded.


Everyone present had their arms in front of them, Satian Leiko and Uiharu Shiri saw that the hot-blooded boy with a headband was holding his arms, and in front of him was a group of senior seniors lying on the ground. , foaming at the mouth.

"You, what are you doing, why did I use my powers to knock down so many people for no reason." Uiharu Shili grew his mouth and ran over and said angrily.

"Oh, Discipline Commissioner? I'm just giving them a backbone, don't worry, I'm very measured, they just passed out." Sogiita Junba was stunned for a moment, and then he raised his thumb and said enthusiastically.

"This is no longer an ordinary fight." Uiharu Shiri said angrily.

"That! In fact, it was them who were fighting. This classmate really persuaded the fight, although the way he persuaded the fight was a bit..." The passerby said strangely.Several.

Chapter [*]: Completely screwed up


Uiharu Shiri and Saten Leiko looked at each other.

Dozens of senior students were knocked unconscious, while the parties involved were waving their fists. It didn't look like a persuasion.

"Okay, goodbye." Sogiita Junba waved his hand enthusiastically, then jumped, stepping on the air and flying away.

"And then this mess is left behind! It is rumored that there is a fate in a level 5 with a feverish head and a headache." Saten Leiko couldn't help but complain.

"Let's call the ambulance first." Uiharu Shili said helplessly.

The work of the Stroke Discipline Committee at the Daiha Star Festival is very busy.

"Yo, Chuchun, tears, this way, this way."

Hearing a familiar voice at this time, he turned his head and saw that Ye Fei was waving to them with Index's school's snack stall "Nine Zero Seven".

"Yefei School, I didn't expect to meet you here." Zuotian Leizi waved his hand innocently, and hurriedly dragged Chuchun Shili to run over.

"Senior is a level 7 that is not even in the legends. I think the senior can know everything if he wants to know." Uiharu Shiri said in a low voice, as if Misaka-senpai could use her abilities to invade the network.

"Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of Academy City, are you ready?" Ye Fei said with a bright smile, looking forward to it.

Although he has experienced the Daha Star Festival every year in Academy City, this year's Daha Star Festival has the most luxurious lineup.

"This, although I'm nervous, I'm ready. I hope it won't be messed up tomorrow." Uiharu Shiri said worriedly.

"Uuuu, black hair and flowers, there are so many delicious food here, Fei said that you can eat whatever you want, so let's eat together, it's really delicious." Index stood in front of the food stall with her mouth stuffed. Full of hesitant contentment, he said.

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