"Index can eat anything at any time, it's amazing." Saten laughed with tears in his eyes.

Ye Fei entrusted Index to Leizi and walked towards the class.

Speaking of which, Academy City is the only period when it is fully open during the Daha Star Festival. Parents and outsiders are invited to enter, and it is also the time when criminals are most likely to take advantage of the opportunity. Therefore, guards and guard robots can be seen everywhere at this time. .

"Hey! Tomorrow is the Daba Star Festival, I'm really bored."

"Why such a boring activity."

"How are we going to beat the other schools? There's no hope at all."

Ye Fei shook his head weakly with his hands on his hips. Indeed, the Daba Star Festival is a one-sided crush for ordinary schools. To win the entire Daba Star Festival is very powerful.

In the Daba Star Festival, the superpowers have an absolute advantage. After all, it is a competition for the superpowers.

"You're finally here, I say you."

Seeing Ye Fei's arrival, Fukiyose Seiri hurriedly rushed up and grabbed Ye Fei's arms with both arms and dragged him here.

"Why do you come so late every time? You have no motivation at all. You are the pillar of the class. If you are not there, the whole class will be disillusioned."

"It's not that exaggerated, I think everyone just feels powerless about the game." Ye Fei shrugged.

"What's this, you have to show your energy no matter what the competition is, and you are still at level 5, but you can't show your energy." Fukiyose Seiri was dissatisfied with this.

"I can't use super powers in the game either, well, it's really unfriendly to level 5"

"So that's why you're late?" Fukiyose said, staring at Ye Fei intently.

"I can't wait to see you."

At this time, Teacher Xiaomeng came over, feeling a little depressed. Although she tried her best to cover it up, she was noticed by everyone, and everyone was angry.

Every time the Daba Star Festival, these schools for the incompetent will be laughed at by other schools. Although they are no longer ordinary schools, most of them are still incompetent, which leads to teacher Xiaomeng being laughed at because of them.

"Now I've shown my energy." Ye Fei frowned slightly, planning to talk to Teacher Xiaomeng later, so that Teacher Xiaomeng would be taken care of.

After all, this is not the first time that a high school has been laughed at by teachers from other schools. In the Daba Star Festival, a high school is basically counted down.

the next day.

With the resounding gun salute, the Daiba Star Festival is about to begin, and a large number of parents come to Academy City...  

"The opening ceremony of the Daha Star Festival is five minutes away. Now the opening ceremony song is sung by the popular singer of Academy City, Naruto Alyssa."

Sitting in the waiting room, Ye Fei listened to the passionate singer's singing, and a trace of irritability in her heart was instantly washed away.

"This kind of song that can cleanse the mood is really comfortable."

"So you have a crush on Naruto Alyssa~ So when will you pull her into the harem?"

A voice full of vinegar smell came out of Shokuhou Kauki's mouth, and Xingxingyan looked at Ye Fei who was enjoying herself a little angrily.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything to her right now." Ye Fei said with a shrug.

"That's what it means in the future. Don't think I didn't know that you secretly hid a nun at home." Shokuhou Caoqi snorted coldly. In fact, she was not angry because of him, but in front of her. Other women, this makes her very tasteful.

"I didn't do it secretly. You know me so well, and of course you know that I brought it back with integrity." Ye Fei said proudly.

Shokuhou Caoqi had a tic-tac-toe on his forehead, and his foot stomped on Ye Fei's instep.

"Your songstress is over. Now it's time for us to play. I really don't know what your high-level executives are thinking. It's totally unnecessary to have so many superpowers come on stage to read the manuscript together."

1.7 The main venue of the Daba Star Festival, there are more than a dozen high platforms already erected here, each level 5 standing on it, surrounded by flag bearers holding colorful flags, Suzuka Yuriko looked at the guy next to her with twitching eyes.

"It's abominable, to make her stand on the stage with inexplicable threats."

The main venue accommodated at least tens of thousands of people, and a large number of foreign media were sitting and broadcasting live online.

"The contestant swears."

After that, every level 5 read the same manuscript.

However, things didn't go smoothly. Whether it was Soba Junba, Flanda, or Shirley Maiye, it was extremely embarrassing to swear a good player.

"Completely screwed up..." Everyone in the Daha Star Festival Committee wanted to cry without tears. .

Chapter [*]: Hello mother-in-law, I'm Mikoto's boyfriend

, "What are you really doing?"

Looking at the big screen of Academy City, everyone stared at the chaotic oath scene.

"How can it be repaired, what kind of broken line is this? I want the old lady to read this in a proper manner, do you think the old lady is really a good girl? Besides, I didn't recite it at all yesterday, so that's it." Mai Ye Shenli threw the microphone, his forehead A tic-tac-toe grumpy statement appeared on the top, and he left the oath scene after speaking.

"We must create beautiful memories full of backbone, all difficulties, obstacles and hardships, no matter how many times we fall, we will get up. I swear to conquer them with all my backbone..."

The Sogoban Junba didn't understand the scene at all, and it was already a mess. He was full of blood and agitation, reciting lines, colorful smoke ribbons spun around his body, and a series of explosions like fireworks exploded in the air, blowing the flag-raising personnel away. go out.

"Ah ah ah... what are you doing?"

"..." Misaka Mikoto stared at the originally serious opening ceremony in a stunned manner, her brows beating in confusion: "Why is it like this?"28

"Hahaha, it's really lively, it really looks like our style." Flanda didn't think it was a big deal, akimbo akimbo and laughed heartlessly.

"It's really bad." Rolled up his favorite spit.

"I'm going back..." Takitsubo Ri said expressionlessly behind him, and left the much-anticipated venue lazily.

"So, this is what I have to come here, it's really boring." Yuriko Suzuka pinched her fingers and looked at someone who was interested in everything, and then walked off the stage carelessly.

Shokuhou Cao Qi twitched the corners of his mouth, the whole person was in the shadows and forced a smile

Screwed up, totally screwed up, with so much preparation, why on earth did it screw up….

"Hahaha, it's really joyful, it really has a festive atmosphere! The usual Daba Star Festival is too ordinary." Ye Fei grinned with great interest, and then gave a thumbs up.

"This is the first time I stood on the stage, and this happened. I'm still not fit to give a speech." Uiharu Shiri fell to the ground in frustration and muttered to himself, giving up treatment.

Saten Leiko, who was watching the big screen outside the venue, was ashamed. It seemed that everyone had screwed up the opening ceremony of the Daha Star Festival.

"Eh...then the opening ceremony ends here."

One hour after the opening ceremony of the Daba Star Festival, Ye Fei and others set up a corner in a dessert shop.

"It's obviously a very important opening ceremony, but I screwed up. Next, I can only stay in the branch to watch the live broadcast. It's a pity."

Uiharu Shiri leaned on the table listlessly as if he had lost his energy and muttered, not even the creamy ice cream he liked to eat.

"Mama, it's not a big deal. It's not Chuchun's fault. There's no need to worry too much. Let's take a look at the latest urban legends." Saten Leiko instantly stirred up the atmosphere of optimism. Comforting Uchun Shiri, he took out his phone and said.

"Has Satian come to power? I don't know how embarrassing it was just now. When I think of my ugly appearance being seen by the whole world..." Chuchun Shili was about to cry out of grievance.

"I thought I was entangled in something. If this kind of trivial matter has to be entangled for a long time, and don't do anything for a day, I really hate a good girl." Mai Ye Shenli said disdainfully, and then picked up the cake and ate it slowly.

"It's really interesting to say that." Uiharu Shiri puffed out her cheeks.

"By the way, don't you have to participate in the competition?" Satian Leiko looked at Maiye Shenri and the three of them curiously. Although she had met them twice, she was not familiar with them, but Senior Ye Fei knew them well.

"We've long passed the age to play this kind of family wine, hum." Flanda snorted arrogantly, looking down on these good girls in the greenhouse.

"Greenhouse Flowers... Ranking at the top is really..."

"This has nothing to do with rankings, it's just that you just can't stand the brutality of your own abilities. It's completely useless." Mai Ye Shenli said with a pouting lip.

"Cough cough!" Ye Fei coughed lightly, and used his mental ability to talk to Shirley Maiye.

"Hey, they haven't come into contact with the dark side of Academy City, and the dark side is already in the past, don't talk about those things."

"I know, I won't disturb the fantasies of those good girls, tsk." Mai Ye Shenli clicked his mouth.

"I owe a stick, I'll go to your apartment at night to discuss the great harmony of life." Ye Fei gave a wicked smile.

"By the way, I heard that the first game is for Misaka-senpai. It is said that the school will broadcast it exclusively. Let's go and cheer for Misaka-senpai." Saten Leiko stood up full of energy.

"Cut, it's all children's play. I didn't want to come at first, so I'm leaving." Mai Ye Shenli said impatiently, and then walked out. After Flanda and others gave Ye Fei a respectful farewell Follow in her footsteps.

"It really doesn't fit in." Ye Fei looked at Mai Ye Shenli's back and touched his chin.

"Senior, they don't seem to want to be friends with us at all." Satian Leiko said with a little disappointment. In fact, she also understands the arrogant mentality of level 5, but she can make friends but she has to reject people thousands of miles away.

"They, they don't want you to enter their circle, let's not talk about that, let's go to Mikoto's competition venue."

"Early Spring—907—Why are you still here, you've already started work—"

Shirai Kuroko's somewhat terrifying voice made Uiharu Shiri's back cool, and hurriedly wanted to grab the ice cream she hadn't eaten yet, but she was moved away in an instant.

"Meiqin, it took my mother a long time to find you. Come and let my mother see if she eats nutritional supplements well, and if Opie has grown up~"

At this time, Mikoto encountered a happy but troublesome thing, and looked a little stiffly at the smiling and caring mother.

"Hey, what are you talking about, even the one who gave the exact address was wrong."

"Hey, Misaka-senpai!"

At this time, Ye Fei and others came to Misaka Mikoto's competition venue.

"Who is this?"

Saten Ruiko looked six points similar to Misaka Mikoto, but was more mature and older, and an adult in her twenties asked suspiciously.

Could it be Misaka-senpai's sister?

"Hello, I'm Mikoto's mother. You are Mikoto's friends. It's a pleasure to meet you." Misaka Mikoto's mother smiled politely.

"Hello, Mikoto's mother, I'm Mikoto's prospective boyfriend, nice to meet you."

Ye Fei was very polite and said shyly, Misaka Mikoto's expression froze, and it was petrified. .

Chapter three hundred and seventy-one: Misaka Mikoto succeeds

"You, you, what nonsense are you talking about, me, how could I have, you, a man like you, man, boyfriend..."

With the sound of beeping electric current and the shy and panicked stammering roar, the dazzling electric current rose to the sky, and Misaka Mikoto hurriedly pulled Ye Fei towards the corner.

oops!Saten Ruiko, Uiharu Shiri and Misaka Mizuo screamed, and the corners of their mouths twitched as they looked at the place that had disappeared.

"It looks like that boy is very important to Mikoto." Misaka Mizaka smiled a little mischievously, touched her cheek, the ancestral hair on her head was combed and kept shaking, her eyes glowing with gossip and looking at Zuo Tears.

"Who is that boy? What's his name, is it Mikoto's boyfriend?"

"Uh..." Saten Leiko looked at Misaka Mikoto's mother, who looked like a college student, ashamed. No matter how she looked, she didn't look like a mother-level person, and then said.

"Well! It's probably Misaka-senpai's boyfriend... Misaka-senpai really cares about Yefei-senpai..."

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