After several tosses, now it is finally on the shelves and kneels to ask readers to subscribe, which is related to the author's future income and confidence in writing, 10,000 words a day, update is not a problem.

I am now a full-time author and live entirely on my writing income, so grades are very important to me, kneeling for a wave of support from all readers, and kneeling for subscriptions to like my work.

Kneel and beg you big guys to subscribe, thank you for it.

There is really no logic in reality, and there is still a little logic in the novel.

These words stung me deeply today.

Maybe some regular readers know that I had a girlfriend before writing, and I was still a chef at that time, but my girlfriend disliked me as a chef and left me.

When I got home and took off my clothes, there was still a smell of oil smoke after taking a bath, and I could still faintly smell it in a room, and the girl couldn't stand it for a long time.

Sometimes I even wash it twice, but I still can't wash away the smell of oil smoke on my body.

The clothes are not washed with me, for fear of staining the smell of oil smoke, how can we be together for a long time, or our relationship may be unstable.

Well, now that he has been married for two months, he accidentally called a friend today to learn that she was pregnant, and he was in a bad mood, and now I have a bunch of things piled together in my hometown.

This reminds me of that saying.

[No matter how absurd the article is, there is a certain logic to speak of, and there is no logic at all in reality. ] 】

When it comes to novels, the income is unstable, unlike when I was a chef, at least one hundred and fifteen a day.

Yes, I was very tired at first, my shoulders were all because of a little problem with the stir-fry, and sometimes I had to go to the hospital to see it.

Kneeling for collections, kneeling for subscriptions, it's about the author's income.

Kneeling for subscription Kneeling for collection Readers and big guys, my income will be linked to you in the future, you are all my food and clothing parents, thank you for it.

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