Star Spirit Essence Liquid, without a substance, is like a liquid, and it can generally be converted in your favorite form by only instilling magic into it.

Defend against magic circuits, attack magic circuits, detect magic circuits, everyone can cast, the difficulty is hard you know. Are the three magic tricks powerful or average.

Walking here, Sixteen Nights turned his head to look at Luvi, as if to ask, do you understand?

Luvi was slightly stunned, digesting the knowledge from Sixteen Nights in her mind, and then nodded and said

"The general detection magic is between two meters and three hundred meters, while the stronger ones are four or five hundred meters, and the stronger ones are even seven or eight hundred meters."

Hearing Luvi's words, Sixteen Nights nodded in satisfaction, stretched out his hand and rubbed Luvi's head again, and said:

"You are quite smart, and this magic dress, the maximum detectable range is eight hundred meters, but because the detection magic you know is only within two hundred meters to three hundred meters, so whenever you cast it, you always feel that some gaps have not reached the limit of this dress."

Luvi stood beside Sixteen Nights with a red face, letting Sixteen Nights rub her head, her golden hair was rubbed messily, and she didn't speak.

Because the center of the room was blocked by the "Star Spirit Essence" turned into a wall grid, the two girls who eavesdropped outside the door did not see anything, and naturally did not see their father rubbing the heads of other girls, otherwise they would be angry on the spot.

Sixteen Nights received the Star Spirit Essence into his hand, and the magic circuit on his body lit up, and it only took a moment to strengthen the failed product in his hand again.

"Now this 'Star Spirit Essence' has been strengthened by me, the detection range is four hundred meters, and when the sword body is condensed to attack, the degree of sturdiness is six times that of ordinary steel, and the defense ignores the attack of all bullets below the sniper rifle, even the sniper rifle can't cause you any damage, let alone the shells."

Luvi, her face was blushing, and as a result, the Star Spirit Essence liquid handed over by Sixteen Nights said with a grateful face:

"Thank you, Mr. Sixteen Nights, you are so gentle, I grow up, I must find a boy like you to marry."

Hearing Luvi's words, Sixteen Nights 'hehe' laughed twice, and said with a playful face:

"A boy like me is rare in the world, and when you meet it, you must cherish it!"

Hearing Sixteen Nights' words, Luvi stared at Sixteen Nights with a golden light in her eyes and said

"Don't worry, Mr. Sixteen Nights, I will definitely cherish it, definitely!"


"Father, what have you done to Luvi?"

Turning back to Sakura, watching Sixteen Night's hand on the top of Luvi's head caressing the vinegar on his face, he directly pushed open the door vigorously and ran directly in.

The two of them looked for prestige, and Rin and Sakura ran in at great speed in the direction of the door, quickly grabbing Sixteen Night's two hands.

"Father, what did you do to the other girls while we were away, why is Luvi's face so red?"

"Yes, hurry up and recruit from the truth, have you done something unforgivable to other girls, obviously you can only do it to us!"

Sixteen Nights looked at his two daughters a little confused, and they didn't do anything, but they kept explaining the use of "Star Spirit Essence Liquid".

Ruvy, who also heard Rin and Sakura, turned even redder, she was weak-hearted, she was afraid that the two girls would see through her mind, so she did not open her mouth to defend.

Sixteen nights looked at his two daughters staring at him with dead fish eyes, if you don't make it clear, they will definitely not let you go.

"Okay, I should send Luvi home and don't make trouble, we'll talk about these things when I get back."

Hearing this, the two girls turned their heads to look out the window, the sky outside the window was already dark, and a round moon hung high in the sky.

Rin and Sakura both let go of their hands at the same time, they also knew that it was time to send the girls home so late, otherwise the family should also be anxious.

"Father, I want to sleep with you tonight, otherwise I won't stop this matter!"

As Sixteen Nights took Ruvi away, Rin and Sakura said to Sixteen Nights' backs.

"Okay, I'll let you sleep with me tonight."

With a faint smile on her face, Sixteen Nights walked to the garage to drive her Lamborghini out, and then rushed towards her house with Luvi.

Half an hour passed, and Sixteen Nights parked the Lamborghini in front of Luvi's villa.

"Mr. Sixteen Nights, would you like to come and sit at my house, let me thank you!"

Luvi, who got out of the car, had a look of anticipation in her eyes, and looked at what Sixteen Nights asked.

"Forget it, Miss Luvi, I still have some things to be busy here, so I won't bother today, and I'll visit the door another day."

Hearing Sixteen Nights' words, a bleak look flashed in Luvi's eyes, but he also knew that he could not keep any more, because retaining the other party would not stay.

"Miss, you are finally back, you are worried about us to death, we are about to call Grandpa to report the situation here."

At this moment, a woman in her thirties dressed as a maid walked out of the villa with a worried look, and after seeing Luvi, her face instantly showed joy.

"It's okay, I just went to a friend's house for a meal and came back!"

Ruvi also noticed that his servant was approaching, so he turned his head and replied.

When he thought that Sixteen Nights was still around, he turned around and found that Sixteen Nights had already driven away in a Lamborghini.

Luvi stood in place, her eyes flashing with longing, and she kept looking at the figure of Sixteen Nights Away.

In this way, the figure of Sixteen Nights planted a shadow in Luvi's young heart, and this shadow will grow larger and larger with age.

On the way home in a Lamborghini, Sixteen Nights accidentally glanced at a white-haired woman sitting on the side of the road.

At this moment, the white-haired beauty stood up as if she had lost her soul and walked towards the road, but she did not notice that Sixteen Nights was driving a Lamborghini.

Just when it was about to crash, Sixteen Nights slammed on the brakes and stopped the Lamborghini, and the sound of the car rubbing against the ground completely woke up the woman.

The woman looked at Lamborghini who was only a punch away from her body with a shocked face, and a drop of cold sweat could not help but slide down her face.


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