The white-haired beauty's already pale face became even paler, and as soon as Sixteen Nights got off the car, the white-haired beauty fainted directly to the ground.

Sixteen nights a few small runs, came to the woman's side, and helped the woman to the car in the posture of a princess.

"Did the people in front hear it, why did they stop all of a sudden?"

Sixteen Nights' sudden stop startled the vehicles driving behind, and he hurriedly stepped on the brakes and almost hit Sixteen Nights' car.

Hearing the roar of the man behind him, Sixteen Nights raised his eyebrows, and lightly snapped his fingers.

The pale blue magic fluctuations spread out from Sixteen Night's fingers.

The truck driver, who was still angry, flashed a light blue fluctuation in his eyes. The anger disappeared, and with a calm face, he started the car and drove around the side of the Lamborghini on the sixteenth night.

Including the vehicles that came later, it was as if they couldn't see the half-night detour.

Sixteen Nights looked at the woman who fell in the car, this woman has a rare physique, and Sixteen Nights also recognized ~ the identity of the woman in front of him.

[Claudia Oldesia] A character who has appeared in the original book, but the number of appearances is not much, only a few words have been said.

Claudia, Albino physique, lack immune function.

Therefore, even a few minor injuries may be close to death, and the body will also be scarred.

What is inherited by Karen is that it is easy to be targeted by demons.

Just like Claudia now, there is a faint wound on her arm, and this wound is nothing on the body of an ordinary person, but it is almost close to death on her body.

Sixteen nights drove with one hand, and the other hand was outside the Lamborghini window, feeling the night breeze, blowing by.

Accompanied by the honking of the car, he arrived at his home in half an hour and sixteen nights, and carried the white-haired beauty into the house in the posture of a princess.

Before Sixteen Nights entered the house, two small figures had been waiting at the door for a long time.

The two cute little loli finally saw their father come home with a happy face, but they saw him carrying a woman into the house, their faces indescribably complicated.

"Father, where did the woman in your arms come from?"

Jealousy is breeding in Sakura's heart, and Sakura, who has lived with her father for a few years, knows that her father is not the kind of person who will bring girls home, what is the reason for this?

And Rin, who was standing next to Sakura, had the same idea.

Knowing his daughter's inquiry, Sixteen Nights showed a sunny smile on his face, touched the heads of the two daughters and said:

"I picked up this woman, she has some physical diseases, so she needs to be treated somewhat, otherwise she may die."

Being touched by their father, the two little loli showed a look of enjoyment on their faces, and they nodded with satisfaction when they heard their father's explanation, and walked towards the house behind Sixteen Nights.

Sixteen nights placed Claudia on the bed, put Claudia on his left hand, and began to test her whole body.

- "Tap-da-da! "

A sound of footsteps came from far and near, and then the door clicked open from the outside.

"My husband listened to the child, what happened to you bringing back a woman?"

Turning back to Aoi, he came to Sixteen Nights' side in his pajamas, and looked at Claudia who was lying on the bed with a pale face and asked suspiciously.

"The disease on her body is related to her constitution, normally like the small wound on her arm, normal people only need to rest for a few days, or don't care about a few days at all, but he is different, a small wound will affect the danger of life."

Before marrying Sixteen Nights, Aoi was really a girl with some magic in her body, but after marrying Sixteen Nights, she could also vaguely sense the unusual person of this girl by learning magic with Sixteen Nights.

"It's really rare, her physique is the first time I've heard of it!"

Rin talked to Sixteen Nights' side, and also looked at the woman lying on the bed with a puzzled face.

Inheriting the bloodline of the sixteen nights, the magic factor in the body is extremely powerful, and it is easy to sense the special physique of the other party, but there is no way to understand it if you go deeper.

"This system is very rare, and it will affect the next generation, and even worse in the next generation, so she must be treated."

Sixteen Nights looked at Claudia, who was lying on the bed with cold sweat on his forehead, and he decided to treat the girl, otherwise such a physique could die at any time.

In the original work, Claudia's body is already very weak, facing the threat of death at any time.

But in the original book, Claudia did not die of illness, but of suicide.

But now it was different, and Claudia's life had changed completely thanks to the intervention of Sixteen Nights.

"Husband, do you really want to do that? What should you do about this if she wakes up! "

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Turning back to Aoi, she knew what the treatment in Sixteen Nights' mouth was about, so she was a little concerned that after Sixteen Nights treated the other party, the other party not only did not accept the good intentions, but also raked back.

The treatment mentioned in the mouth of Sixteen Nights is to implant the Star Spirit Essence into the other party's body, and transform it, and the Star Spirit Essence Liquid can be used not only in equipment and weapons, but also in the human body.

It takes a long time to transform the human body, sometimes two hours or four hours or even six hours, which depends on the other party's physique.

After all, Star Spirit Essence, a magic dress unique to sixteen nights, is not something that everyone can make.

And the probability of failure is particularly high, the Star Spirit Essence Liquid produced in the previous sixteen nights has been tested many times on Ma Tong Ying's body without success, and finally gave all the failed products to the Clock Tower.

But even the star spirit essence liquid of the failed product is a super sought-after magic dress in the clock tower.

Sixteen nights' wife and two daughters both looked at the woman lying on the bed with strange eyes.

Before leaving, Aoi sighed helplessly and said:

"I hope that the final result will not develop in the bad way, just a daughter really has to sacrifice so much?"

"Father, do you really want to save her like that? After we save him, the patent that belongs to us will be given to another person. "

Looking back, although the surface was calm, a trace of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, but she also knew that she was helpless about what her father decided.

"Don't worry, I'm sure, after all, his injuries are a little serious now, and if I don't save her in time, she may really be in danger."

Sixteen Nights put a gentle smile on his face and rubbed Rin's head and said.

Immediately the three of them walked out of the room, Sakura was the last to walk out the door, and at the last moment she walked out of the room, she kept staring at her father with a pair of complicated eyes.



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