Sixteen nights had a dream.

In order to break through your own limits and completely break through your sixteen nights, you must break through this transparent white barrier in front of you.

Sixteen Nights used his star spirit essence to condense a long spear and shot through the white transparent barrier in front of him, and the crimson and near-bright red poisonous gas seemed to find a catharsis, and it gushed out.

Sixteen nights dodged the bright red poisonous gas gushing out at the speed of light, so as not to contaminate the body and corrode the clothes on the body.

Although the barrier in front of him was broken by Sixteen Nights, he also felt that his strength had loosened somewhat, which was a sign that he was about to break through.

However, because the hole was too small to reach the boundary of breakthrough, Sixteen Nights flew away into the distance and condensed a longer and stronger spear with Starry Spirit Night, projecting it towards the circular barrier in front of him.

It's just a barrier to the realm, how can it be able to stop the powerful power of the sixteen nights.

When the ninth time in the sixteenth night was projecting the Star Spirit Essence Liquid Spear "Five Seven Seven", the obstacle avoidance in front of him was completely opened.

Sixteen nights are greeted by a new world, which can create all realms.

Sixteen nights have rushed into the new world, the crimson poison has long dissipated, and the entire space is filled with fresh air, with flowers, grass and trees, it is simply another paradise.

After breaking the barrier, Sixteen Nights still had the most important thing to do, that is, to put the key of the Star Spirit Essence into the center of the entire world.

Sixteen nights passed at the speed of light through a place similar to the Zodiac Palace, and finally came to the center of the whole world, where there was a door shining with colorful light heralding creation.

In front of the door, there was something like a console, which had to require a special substance to open, and that substance was the Star Spirit Essence.

Sixteen Nights placed his own astral essence in the center of the console.

The next moment, the entire space trembled, as if opening a door that should not be opened.

The console in front of Sixteen Nights swallowed the Star Spirit Essence liquid like a gear turning, and the sound of the gear turning continued to spread throughout the space, the ground was sinking, and the ground after the sinking emerged was a ground made of steel.

On the huge door in front, countless runes gradually lit up, slowly opening to both sides, dazzling light shone out from inside the door, shining on the body of Sixteen Nights.

Thus the sixteenth night opened the door to Genesis, the place where all life originated.

Sixteen Nights stretched out one hand as hard as he could, and his feet slammed on the ground, stepping forward step by step, he wanted to touch the power of creation floating in the void in that world.

Sixteen Nights used a speed faster than the speed of light, but within this space it was like a turtle crawling.

The wind that blows out of the door is not an ordinary wind, it is a wind that can block everything, even God can blow into flying ash.

Sixteen Nights gritted his teeth, his golden hair was blown wildly in the air, and the clothes on his body were also hunting.

After sixteen nights of unremitting efforts, he finally reached the power of creation floating above the void in the door world.

"Is this the power of creation? It's incredible and incredibly powerful. "

When the fingers of Sixteen Nights touched the power of creation, how brilliant the whole world emitted, everything was disappearing, everything was returning, this was in the blink of an eye, the entire void returned to nothing, shrinking into a book, appearing in Sixteen Nights' hands.

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- "Snap, snap, snap!" "

Before he woke up in the morning sixteen nights, he was woken up by the sound of raindrops hitting the window.

Sixteen Nights slowly got up from bed and came to the window to look at the gloomy sky outside the house and the light rain that was falling.

Looking up, the entire Fuyuki City seemed to be shrouded in a dark cloud, giving people a depressing feeling.

Incompatible with the view outside the window, the entire ceiling of the house is surrounded by countless stars, shining with dazzling light.

Claudia, who was sleeping, shimmered around him like stars, and the colorful star brilliance swam on Claudia's body.

Under the annotation of the sixteen nights, the stars and brilliance melted into Claudia's body, and Claudia's body underwent amazing changes.

The original Baizi physique was completely transformed into a demon physique.

As the name suggests, the Magic Immunity Physique is immune to all magic attacks, and the stronger the magic attack you receive, the more mana you can absorb.

Convert the opponent's magic attack into your own power, and hit it out again to attack the opponent's unsolvable tricks. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But there was a flaw in this, and there was no physical defense, but the problem seemed to Sixteen Nights to be a minor problem.

As long as he taught the Celestial Empire martial art Bajiquan to Claudia, he could make up for the shortcomings in this regard.

The rain outside the window was getting heavier, and from time to time there was thunder, and just then Claudia, who was lying in bed, also woke up.

Entering the eye is an unfamiliar ceiling, the eyes scan the surroundings, this is an unfamiliar room, and next to the window stands a strange man 0.

But the man standing by the window gave her a familiar feeling.

The next moment, she found that the wound on her arm had healed, and she looked at the healed wound in amazement.

Immediately, she found that her physique had changed somewhat, and she was extremely relaxed, and she wore a silver bracelet next to her arm.

"Congratulations on waking up, I have helped you heal your physique!"

Hearing this, Claudia looked shocked, and a pair of black and white eyes flashed with a strange brilliance as she looked at Sixteen Nights and asked:

"What are you talking about? How I don't understand. "

Claudia looked at Sixteen Nights with a confused expression, not knowing what Sixteen Nights' words meant, how could his physique be cured...

Claudia, who thought so in her heart, suddenly felt the abnormality of her body, looked at the arm that was injured before, and now it is recovering intact, and there are traces of blood scars on it, gently scratching off with her hand, and sure enough, the skin below is white and tender, without the slightest scar.

Claudia looked at her arm with a shocked expression, she couldn't believe it was real, because she had only dreamed of such a thing.

The scars recovered overnight, as if they had not been injured.

But this is impossible, because he is a white physique, but taking a little injury is almost like asking for his own life.

"Your physique has been transformed by me with Star Spirit Essence, but it is not a complete 5.9 transformation, and it still needs to be done a few more times, but now your physique will recover in an instant even if it is a broken arm."

Claudia looked shocked at Sixteen Nights' words, she couldn't believe it was the truth, but he was just about to speak.

"This can't be... This......! "

Sixteen Nights interrupted her next words with a finger, and countless knowledge about the Demon Immunity Physique and the Star Spirit Essence Liquid was integrated into her mind.



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