Mu Bai after listening to Yukishita Yono’s story, guessed that Yukinoshita Yono met the rift woman, a kind of yokai in modern Japanese urban legends, its appearance is a woman with a shawl and a mask covering her burst mouth, it is said that the rift woman was a big beauty before she died, one day when she went for plastic surgery, she smelled the doctor’s head and twisted constantly, and as a result, the doctor accidentally cut her mouths on both sides, and the woman killed the doctor in anger after seeing her disfigured appearance and walked away, Later, because the citizens thought she was a monster, she died in a random gun.

In addition, there is also a legend of the rift woman catching human children. She often wandered around the school gates, and at first, she would ask the child, “Am I beautiful?” If the child says “beautiful,” she will remove the mask or scarf and ask, “Is that how I am beautiful?” “Then forcibly take them away, kill them and eat them.” If the child says “not beautiful”, she will be angry and eat the child immediately.

It is estimated that at that time, Yukinoshita Yono encountered a rift woman.

“You should be glad that you were only treated as a suspect and not killed by the rift woman.”

Yang Nai under the snow frowned slightly and said, “But if the other party is a supernatural, then how can the suspicions on my body be cleared?” There was no monitoring or anything installed in that area, so I had no way to prove my innocence. ”

“I’ll go talk to Twilight Thirteen first, and you’ll wait here now.”

Mu Bai stood up, and then walked out.

Found Twilight XIII.

“Twilight Police Department, I probably have a count in my heart about the real murderer of this matter, but all this needs you to investigate.”

Mu Bai told his speculation about the rift woman to Mu Twilight XIII, and after listening to it, Mu Bai XIII asked Mu Bai: “Chief Mu Bai, what do you mean?” ”

“Go and investigate if there is a similar situation, I don’t believe that a rift woman only happened to kill when she met Yono under the snow.”

Hearing Mu Bai’s words, Twilight Thirteen suddenly stunned, as long as there are similar things happening, and then determining the whereabouts of Yang Nai under the snow can wash away the suspicion on his body for Yang Nai under the snow.

Mu Bai smiled and did not speak.

“Then please ask the police department of Twilight for this matter, when the time comes, there will be results, just let the snow go Yonai, now I will go first.”

Mu Bai had no intention of fishing out Yang Nai under the snow, and this matter could be found out with a little investigation, so there was no need for Mu Bai to care about this matter at all.

But just when Mu Bai was about to leave the police station, Mu Bai was suddenly attracted by a person on the side, brown hair, blue pupils, slightly curly hair and framed eyes made Mu Bai realize who this person was.

Maori Yingli, of course, can also be called Concubine Yingli!

The undefeated queen of law, a lawyer with a 100% winning rate.

Of course, Xi Yin Mu Bai is not the other party’s appearance.

Mu Bai walked towards Concubine Yingli, and then came to Concubine Yingli.

“Hello, Lady Concubine Yingli, get to know me, my name is Mu Bai.”

Concubine Yingli froze for a moment, and then looked at Mu Bai in front of her and asked, “Hello, is there anything wrong?” ”

“I just saw some unclean things on your body Ms. Fei Yingli, may I ask Ms. Fei Yingli what is interesting about you recently?”

Something not clean?

Concubine Yingli looked at Mu Bai, and then asked, “Are you a Yin-Yang Master?” ”

“No, I’m not an Onmyoji, just someone who can do magic.”

Hearing Mu Bai say that he was just a magician, Concubine Yingli frowned slightly, and then said: “I didn’t go to any strange places. ”

Looking at Concubine Yingli’s attitude, Mu Bai smiled and didn’t say anything more, and left directly.

Originally, Mu Bai wanted to inquire about the situation, but since Concubine Yingli regarded herself as a liar, then Mu Bai didn’t have to care so much.

In the type moon world, those who master the mystery can only be called magicians, so Mu Bai said that he was a magician, but Fei Yingli confused the magicians Mu Bai said with those magicians who used tricks, since this is the case, Mu Bai has nothing to say.

When Mu Bai left, Twilight Thirteen came over. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Lawyer Concubine, what were you talking about with Chief Mu Bai just now?”

0 ask for flowers

“Chief Mu Bai?”

Concubine Yingli looked at Twilight Thirteen a little stunned.

“Well, the one you just talked to is the supreme governor of the Paranormal Defense Province.”

Concubine Yingli’s face froze, and then looked at Twilight Thirteen and said, “There are some unclean things on his body just now. ”

Twilight Thirteen froze for a moment, and then said: “So it is, but with the help of Chief Mu Bai, you don’t have to worry about the concubine lawyer, the video of destroying the earth binding spirit circulating on the Internet The concubine lawyer should have also seen it, that is Chief Mu Bai.” ”

Concubine Yingli’s face was a little embarrassed, but then she said: “Sorry, there was some misunderstanding just now, so I didn’t pay attention to the other party, can Officer Twilight tell me the contact information of that one?” ”

The corners of Twilight Thirteen’s mouth twitched, looking at Concubine Yingli and not knowing what he should say, but Twilight Thirteen did not give Mu Bai’s contact information to Concubine Yingli.

“I will contact on my behalf, as for Chief Mu Bai’s contact information, I am sorry that I can’t give it to you.”

Concubine Yingli nodded to show understanding, and then expressed her gratitude to Twilight XIII.

Mu Bai only walked out of the police station here, and then Mu Bai took a step back directly, looking at the two people who walked into the police station with vigilant eyes.

Because Mu Bai found that one of the two people who walked in could simply be said to be a walking god of death.

In physiognomic terms, it is to kill the Lone Star and overcome all those close to the other party.

Therefore, Mu Bai immediately stayed away from the other party.

In Mu Bai’s eyes, the man and woman not far away exuded an aura of death all over his body, but this breath of death was of no use to himself, but if anyone walked in with him, then either death or injury!

Twilight Thirteen, who came out of the police station with Concubine Yingli, happened to see Mu Baina, who had originally left, and asked in bewilderment: “Chief Mu Bai, what is your situation.” ”

“Seeing that there is a man and a woman over there, the man is the walking god of death, wherever he goes, someone will inevitably die, and anyone who is closer to the other party will either die or be injured, so if you don’t want to be unlucky in the future, stay away from the man.”

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