Twilight Thirteen’s expression suddenly stiffened, looking at Mu Bai in front of him and asking cautiously: “Chief Mu Bai, are you joking, walking death or something…” ”

“Do you think I’m joking with you? Whether you believe this sentence or not, I can tell you clearly that this walking god of death will not kill himself, but will defeat the people around him. ”

Mu Bai looked at Twilight Thirteen’s appearance, probably already guessed who this walking Shinigami was, Kudo Shinichi, will there be anyone other than this guy who has this ability?

Wherever you go, where to die!

Hearing Mu Bai’s words, Twilight Thirteen’s expression suddenly turned aside, and then looked at Kudo Shinichi’s eyes with a strong sense of jealousy.

Mu Bai is not continuing to stay, directly far away from this walking “four eight seven” god of death, anyway, the other party wants to overcome himself, and he and Kudo Shinichi have no intersection.

Concubine Yingli on the side saw Mu Bai leaving, and suddenly wanted to say something to Mu Bai, but looking at Mu Bai’s departure, Concubine Yingli didn’t know how to speak for a while.

Mu Bai XIII looked at Concubine Yingli on the side and said: “In the future, I will ask Chief Mu Bai about you about lawyer Concubine, and Chief Mu Bai who wants to come should not be angry with lawyer Concubine.” ”

After speaking, Twilight Thirteen looked at Concubine Yingli and said: “Speaking of which, the girl next to Kudo is your daughter of Concubine Lawyer, Chief Mu Bai will not be untargeted, plus there are indeed some…” So lawyer concubine, you better pay attention. ”

Twilight Thirteen almost didn’t directly say to Concubine Yingli to quickly tell your daughter to run, otherwise if something really happened at that time, it would be a white-haired person sending a black-haired person.

Concubine Eiri heard the subtext of this sentence, glanced at her daughter, and then glanced at Kudo Shinichi, Concubine Eiri suddenly let out a breath and said: “Thank you Officer Twilight for your concern, I will pay attention.” ”

Not long after leaving the police station, Mu Bai received a call from Yang Nai under the snow, saying that he had been released, Mu Bai did not care about anything, after all, it was normal for Yang Nai under the snow to be released, behind Mu Bai stood behind, not to mention that Yang Nai under the snow did not really kill people, even if there was really Mu Bai behind it, it is estimated that the final one would be acquitted.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Bai has nothing to do now.

“Let’s go and find out if there are any treasures, find more treasures, the more treasures I have, the stronger the strength.”

However, Mu Bai now also knows that he wants to grow up in a short time, unless he can get other EX treasures, otherwise even if he strengthens, he can’t strengthen too much.

But on the other hand, as if it was fate, Mu Bai was originally just looking for it at random, but who knew that he actually found a treasure tool.

Mu Bai’s gaze was fixed on a man not far away.

“I don’t know what treasure the other party has this time, I hope it is a powerful treasure.”

Mu Bai quietly came to the other party’s side, and then when he was about to touch the other party, the other party quickly avoided Mu Bai.

Mu Bai was a little surprised, but then said to the other party: “Hello.” ”

The man looked at Mu Bai and frowned slightly, but still nodded slightly.

“Hello, what’s going on?”

The other party looked at Mu Bai with a wary look in his eyes, but Mu Bai looked at the other party and raised his eyebrows secretly, and the other party’s alertness made Mu Bai can’t help but be a little suspicious.

“I feel that you have something unusual, so I want to come up and ask, please ask what your name is…”

The other party looked at Mu Bai, and then said to Mu Bai: “My name?” My name is Night Fight! ”

Night fight?

Mu Bai, who heard this name, instantly narrowed his eyes, and then looked at the dress of the person in front of him, gradually overlapping with a figure in his mind.

“Night fight?”

Purple hair and blue eyes, a tracksuit jacket with a white scarf around his neck.

“With all due respect, you’re not human.”

The other party looked at Mu Bai, and his eyes became more and more vigilant. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Please don’t worry, I have no ill will towards you, and can you talk about it if you can?” I treat you to dinner? ”

Mu Bai only finished saying this sentence, and the other party directly agreed 0.

“Okay, what you said, invite me to dinner, and leave now.”

Mu Bai looked at the other party and shook his head with a smile.

“Since that’s the case, let’s go.”

Mu Bai found a restaurant, then asked for a private room, and then ordered.

“You’re not a human or a monster, but a god, am I guessing right?”

Yedou looked at Mu Bai with a hint of surprise in his eyes, but then said: “You guessed right, I am indeed a god.” ”

“But I’ve never heard of the name Yoto, and it’s impossible for you to tell me a false name, so I guess you should be a nameless god and a wild god, right?”

The corner of Yedou’s mouth twitched, unable to argue.

“You have no faith.”

Night Fight wanted to hit someone.

“You don’t have a shrine.”

Night Fight wants to kill.

“I can give you all this.”

Suddenly, Yedou’s eyes shone, and then his hands held one of Mu Bai’s hands.

“Really? Are you sure? ”

Yedou looked at Mu Bai, the look in his eyes was shining, having his own beliefs and owning his own shrine, which was the goal that Yedou had been striving for.

“Naturally, it is possible, but all this is premised, you should understand that there is no free lunch in this world, and 3.6 in the sky will not drop the pie.”

“If there is, it may also poison people.”

Without a trace, he withdrew his hand, and at the same time, Mu Bai also brought the treasure back from the other party’s body, but this treasure tool made Mu Bai a little surprised, because this time Mu Bai got the treasure tool was actually the sixth day demon king Boshun, the treasure of Oda Nobunaga, although it was an E-EX rank, but the strength improvement of Mu Bai was calculated according to EX!

Mu Bai felt that his luck had been a little too good recently?

Anyway, this time Mu Bai got the sixth day demon king Bo Xun, Mu Bai’s strength soared again, and directly forcibly raised Mu Bai’s B- strength to one of a sudden

Looking at the night fight in front of him, Mu Bai’s gaze became more and more satisfied.

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