Ouranos understood what Mu Bai really wanted to do, Mu Bai now caused Olali to be robbed and destroyed everywhere, this is why, this is because Olali has no corresponding law, there is no law, there is no need to worry about being sanctioned, so these adventurers are relieved to rob boldly.

Mu Bai wanted to promote a rule of law society, which Ouranos had also heard, but Ouranos did not take this matter to heart, and those gods who wanted to implement a rule of law society could not agree to this matter at all, and it was useless for Mu Bai to think even well.

But now that this is happening, Ouranos sees another possibility.

With this incident, Mu Bai wants to implement a rule of law society in Olali, and those gods will not object.

With this incident, Ouranos suddenly understood Mu Bai’s true thoughts.

“Eulari should return to the rule of man, and the gods can live in Eulari, but the gods should not interfere with humanity’s own choices.”

“Do you know what Eulari would be like without the Lord God?”

“I know, so I didn’t want to drive the Lord God away, and my purpose was simple, that is, to make the gods no longer do whatever they wanted as before.”

Ouranos fell silent.

Ouranos was one of the few gods who did not dislike Mu Bai’s.

Ouranos didn’t have any disgust for what Mu Bai wanted to do, more worried that because Mu Bai’s arrangement was too slow, Ouranos was worried about what kind of situation Mu Bai would become if he failed.

In that situation in ancient times, Ouranos did not want to let that happen again, but what Mu Bai wanted to do was…

“You should also know in your own heart what kind of situation the gods are, do you have to watch those gods continue like this?”

Ouranos remained silent and did not speak.

“If you don’t have this courage, then let me come.”

“Have you considered what the consequences will be if you fail to do this?”

“Even if I fail, I will naturally bear all the consequences by myself, and I will never let the ancient situation you thought about happen again.”

After listening to what Mu Bai said, Ouranos closed his eyes and did not speak.

Just as Mu Bai turned around and was about to leave, Ouranos suddenly spoke to Mu Bai: “If you need anything, just open your mouth.” ”

Then he left without replying.

Ouranos only spoke after Mu Bai left: “Pay more attention to Fels, if you need anything, just help me.” ”

“Do you really want this Ouranos?”

“Even your own heart is extremely thinking about helping Mu Bai, isn’t it human?”

Can’t refute it!

Firth used to be a human being, so Fels was also very yearning for the situation Mu Bai said, but he was more calm and rational, and knew what the consequences would be if he failed, so she was worried about what Mu Bai was going to do.

“I think Mu Bai may be able to do it, and even if he really fails, with Loki and them, those other gods will only expel Mu Bai from Eulari at most.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Since you said it like this, then I can only choose to believe Mu Bai, and I hope Mu Bai will not disappoint you and me.”

“I will do my best to help Mu Bai and achieve human rule for Olari.”

If humans can really enter the rule of man, then maybe…

Unfortunately, this is too difficult, Firth does not think that 810 Mu Bai has the possibility of success, but since Mu Bai is willing to try and has the guarantee of Ouranos, Firth is also willing to try to believe.

Ouranos closed his eyes again and continued to pray.

Mu Bai, who left the underground altar, looked at the sun above the sky outside and chuckled.

With Ouranos’s inaction and watching, Mu Bai wants to let Eulari enter the era of human rule, and what will those fallen gods use to stop Mu Bai?

But before that, Mu Bai still needs to go to another goddess to have a good talk.

On the top floor of the Tower of Babel, Mu Bai saw Freya.

“It’s hard to imagine that you would take the initiative to come to me, but there must be something wrong with you taking the initiative to come to me!”

“I want Eulari to enter the era of human rule completely.”

Freya suddenly laughed.

“Is this day finally here?”.

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