It was like a movie with special effects.

Even the marble floor was smashed to pieces with one punch.

The interview team suddenly put on glasses and screamed in horror.

There are no special effects added to the entire screen.

But being directly occupied by those faces full of fear and despair, many people were infected by this expression and felt strangely nervous inexplicably.

Then people who watched the report screamed in surprise on the street or at home.

The reporters in the picture suddenly floated out of thin air, and suddenly began to bleed amidst all kinds of begging for mercy.

It's like being eaten by some kind of monster.

The body was directly forcibly twisted.

Blood flowed down like water, followed by the sound of bones breaking and the sight of flesh and blood disappearing.

Witnessing this with my own eyes, reporters slowly disappeared into the air in fear, despair, and death.

This is a picture that is so clear that it has not been coded, and everyone who watched it suffered a strong impact.

"Folks, this is the real world!"

"Curse is everywhere"

"...Under the law of the jungle, you are just a bunch of useless and mediocre monkeys."

"I will relieve you of your pain as pathetic monkeys, Shinjuku is just the beginning."

The scene ended with Xia Youjie's impassioned announcement, and at the same time it returned to the scene of the female host.

It was as if she was holding on to the discomfort but with a noble professional spirit.

The female host completely ignored the resistance from all parties and started Announcement coming

"At that time, we also directly observed the existence of 01 of these curse spirits through the special glasses called [Curse Glasses]"

"This is a genuine interview room from the Asahi Shimbun, and this picture has not been processed through any editing methods."

"Supernatural events exist, and fantasy supernatural forces are real. They are called curses and those who exploit this power.....Conjurer!"

It seemed like the news ended here.

But soon, it was obvious that this was distributed live through a recorded video.

Once again, the screen returned to the initial introduction.

This sudden report, until After more than ten minutes, it seemed that the government had forced them to stop the underground disconnection.

Although the number of people watching may be limited, even if it was only ten minutes, it had already set off a tsunami-like shock.

Not to mention the developed countries in these times. In the data age, both the dissemination and preservation of information are extremely easy.

After watching it for the first time, Xia Chuan was already sitting on the sofa.

Even with a mask, how could he not recognize it? The five cassocks that have remained unchanged for thousands of years, the crazy declaration and the tone of dealing with monkeys came out.

Xia Youjie, you really are yours.

With his intervention, Xia Youjie did not die in the Conjuring High School. This is one of the influences he had that was different from the original work.

He also had many associations with it.

Xia Youjie continued to secretly plan his strength in order to continue to snatch Yigu Youtai in the future.

Kensuo found Xia Youjie and remained as in the original world Xia Youjie and Kensuo even reached a cooperation to jointly start the death migration plan.

But today's scene was beyond his expectation.

This guy actually directly exposed the entire world of magic. ?

As the strongest, he can naturally think of the consequences of this move.

Society will begin to accept the existence of the magic world, and negative emotions will rise, and the power of magic will reach an unprecedented peak.

This is for today's society, It was definitely bad news for ordinary people.

However, Xia Chuan laughed at this.

It was not helplessness due to sympathy, nor was it a bitter smile in response to the upcoming changes in society.

It was simply from the sincerity of such a situation. The result was an amusing smile.

The calm daily life was indeed enjoyable, but he also liked the reality that this change could bring more fun.

Originally, he just wanted to wait for all the previous generation of magicians to die and migrate. , and the result of the optimization of curse power.

But before that, there seems to be other fun to play.

For this result, perhaps only the Curse Master, Xia Youjie with righteous purposes, Kang Suo and the hedonistic Xia Chuan will feel happy.

Others are naturally a little hard to accept.

The girls in the villa belong to them.

They could talk and laugh while eating before, but now they know such a situation and can think of what will happen in the future. As a result, everyone became sad

"How could such a lunatic exist?"

"If the power of this curse is made public and ordinary people are afraid of the curse, won't it breed more curse spirits?....."

Even if you understand and accept this concept, in the end you are still living in ordinary reality.

Regarding this, Xia Chuan smiled and said lightly:

"Why are you worried again?"

"There are professional guys who will be responsible for the next situation of society and those cursed spirits."

"Anyway, as long as I am here, no matter how bad the situation is, it will not affect you."

Just like Xia Youjie said. What follows is the reality of the jungle, so as the strongest, Xia Chuan is the one who has the most ability to do whatever he wants.

"Of course we are not afraid as long as you are here...And I'm not actually worried about that."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sat next to Xia Chuan.

It's not because he cares about the country and the people, but simply because society and daily life are closely related.

"I'm just thinking that if the curse is made public, not only will the curse spirit rise, but it will also cause the workforce to fall into a period of indolence."

People are very realistic creatures. As long as they know that there are dangers outside, most people will choose to stay at home in an evasive way.

And the labor force falling into a period of inertia will cause a series of problems not only in the economy."

Shiyu Kasumigaoka can't help but think of it. to her own light novel book.

Most of her income is obtained through the publication of physical books, not just royalties from online traffic.

This move will definitely affect her income, and she only relies on the second volume of physical books to make a profit It won’t take long, let alone the other volumes that will follow.

"Don't underestimate those people"

"Social changes are unavoidable, but there is still a way to curb fear, and that is to make the magicians completely public."

Mai Sakurajima called the names with a clear look:

"It's like creating a superhero in a movie, right?"

"That's pretty much it."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Chuan snapped his fingers and nodded.

In the final analysis, this is just to appease the weak civilians.

Only ordinary civilians are really kept in the dark in this society. Most of those high-level people in society knew the concept of curses.

It was just a matter of order, and they were all weaklings who were treated equally in front of the spell master and the curse spirit.

At this moment, several messages quickly appeared on Xia Chuan's phone. There was a notification tone.

Natsukawa turned on the screen and saw the LINE notification sounds from Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika.

Immediately after, a call from Shinomiya Anan came in.

After accepting this hot spring villa, Natsukawa left a message for the other party..

Well, he thought wrong.

Except for the same weak aspects.

Unlike ordinary people who can only sit back and wait for death, this kind of high-level society at least has the capital and conditions to actively contact the existence that can protect them.

"Do you think there really is such a thing as a ghost?"

"What is a ghost? Didn't you hear that person say it's called a"curse"?"[]

"It makes me laugh. You guys can’t really imagine this, right? Did you never go to school or read a book? I think it's just a prank created by editing."

"But the scenes in the video are too real. I think I will have nightmares at night."

"This is true! I think that guy is uneducated!"593" That's right! Don’t you realize that Asahisha released this news! Will they make a self-deprecating joke on you this New Year's Day?!"

"This is the truth about Shinjuku! This is the fact that the government has been hiding!"

"Damn it! What kind of creature is the curse? Isn't it even scarier to know but not see?!"

Even if the government blocked this information in time, it has already become a flash point and spread crazily in society on the Internet. Now no matter what you do, it will be of no avail. You can only watch the situation continue to ferment. With such a great reputation from Asahisha, Coupled with the public opinion that the Shinjuku incident has not completely passed, more and more people are beginning to believe the facts in front of them.

And on the streets that no one can see, the humanoid cursed spirit with the volcanic vent on its head is looking at what just happened. all that happened

"I didn't expect that someone would make the fact of the curse public."

Beside it, there is a small cursed fetus that has not been transformed.

But compared to the appearance of the cursed spirit, this cursed fetus is closer to a human-like baby.image

"Don't you think this is interesting? leaky coral."

The baby is enjoying everything around him, opening his hands and mouthing:

"I can feel the wonderful power of fear"

"Sure enough, humans are such disgusting and interesting things"

"This kind of pleasant pleasure, ah~ is so wonderful, I can't help but want to see the masked magician"

"No, that guy seems to be using a spell to control curse spirits, but he is our natural enemy."

"Eh?! The baby became dissatisfied when he heard this:"You should be able to realize that Luohu, that guy has the same disdain for human beings as we do.""

Luhu looked at the baby

"That doesn't mean that guy's purpose is the same as ours."

"To see that guy, at least you have to wait until you have the ability to protect yourself, Zhenmao"

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