"The government has tried its best to block the situation, but the impact of the situation is too bad, and the news that the curse has been made public has spread wildly and uncontrollably."

"The reason for Asahisha's move was also because Xia Youjie carried out forceful persecution behind his back. According to the subsequent investigation, the Panxing Sect in the area where he was located has been emptied of people.......Suspected to have been disbanded"

"The official control over the media and the Internet only calmed the tide on the surface, but in fact there were already rough waves under the water, and there were even people who continued to loudly proclaim in public places that the curse was real."

The Curse High School, Assistant Superintendent Ichichi is reporting the compiled information to the people gathered in the room.

Half a day has passed since the curse was made public.

But it was only half a day, and basically the entire society was immersed in the curse. In public opinion.

Although there are still a large number of people who do not fully believe in the slogan of scientific reality.

However, another group of people, led by Shinjuku, have long believed that this is a fact, and are frantically assimilating these fools who still believe in science.

It is also true that Because of the shadow of the curseForced, the official was once again asked to clarify the truth by the blood-letting of tens of thousands of people.

This time, both the impact and the degree are far greater than what happened in Shinjuku. Naturally, it is impossible to pretend to be dead to quell public dissatisfaction.

"The top management and officials now have two methods."

After Ichichi finished explaining the general situation, Noctua returned to the center of the meeting.

"The first method is that the senior management believes that the subsequent situation can no longer conceal the existence of the curse, and plans to announce the truth."

"The second is still the old method, which is to unite experts from society to conduct large-scale psychological counseling to maintain social order and never allow the magic world to integrate into reality. Gojo Satoru , who was sitting aside, held his head and said unceremoniously:"The second one is no longer a method, it's just a whimsical daydream.""

A few people can still solve the problem using old methods. After all, the words of a few people can't shake the overall stability, just like the time in Shinjuku.

But now it can be said that we are only a hair away from the collapse of science. Once those who believe in the curse change, When there are more, everything you believe in will gradually be shaken.

It is the so-called three people become tigers.

Moreover, the more vigorously the authorities suppress, the easier it is for the situation to tighten like a spring and then explode.

Kusakabe Atsushi also nodded.

"This incident cannot be suppressed by force. Not only is it difficult, but don't forget that Xia Youjie is still there."

"If he uses the curse spirit to take the opportunity to trigger a real-life incident, the public's anger will definitely not be quelled by then."

In this regard, Noctua Zhengdao looked like he had a headache.

"The only reliable method is the first one."

After the curse was made public, most conjurers really thought that they could no longer hide it.

This kind of emotion that will continue to ferment over time will eventually brew a more terrifying curse, and will also lead to people's distrust. , then it will be even more difficult for the official to continue to guide.

Therefore, now there is only one step to confess part of the truth to the people, and we cannot let fear and suspicion spread, at least to ensure that there is room for control.

As time goes by, only The situation will get worse. In the end, under the proposal of the magician who basically agreed with the first method, the magic world and the official government finally began to announce the so-called truth. It was more orthodox and comprehensive than the Asahisha.

It was just After half a day, in a speech written in blood to the whole country, the government officially admitted the fact of the curse, and analyzed the reasons that had been concealed and the truth about the birth of the curse. The curse was born from the negative emotions of human beings.

Most curses are They are harmless existences that cannot be seen with the naked eye. In fact, as long as they are invisible, nothing will happen.

As for dangerous curses, specialized spellcasters will be able to remove them.

As the official begins to announce the truth.

At this moment, the"curse" officially began to integrate into real society

"it is as expected! The curse is real! Can the idiots who are still talking about scientific slogans even refute the official words?!"

"......What are you complacent about upstairs? If the curse really exists, doesn't it mean that reality is more dangerous?!"

"In the future, I can indeed wish that people will be accompanied by ghosts and ghosts who will sleep with them every night."

"Anyway, I can’t see it, but I can accept it if it’s a pretty female ghost."

"According to official facts, this curse was born from people's negative emotions. So if we know its existence, won't it create more dangers for society?!"

"Indeed, now that you know it, it’s impossible not to think about it and not to be afraid.......That mask is the villain in the anime, and he wants to destroy our society!"

When everyone saw the official notice, it naturally set off an unprecedented nationwide discussion.

After learning the"truth", the people who had originally been a crusade against the official began to apologize dramatically..

Curses are born from negative emotions, which can well explain why the official has been concealing the existence of the magic world.

Naturally, the spearhead of the crusade has also begun to turn towards the culprit who exposed everything, Xia Youjie. (Read Baoshang novels , go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Whether it is his strong public curses or wanton killings, they are definitely evil forces that need to be resisted in today's society. At this moment, Xia Youjie, who is almost being punished by the entire society, is very happy get together with family

"`The curse has been completely revealed. Lord Xia You’s plan seems to be going well."

"It’s just that I didn’t expect the authorities to take action so quickly and regain control of public opinion faster than expected."

"Moreover, Master Xia You was verbally criticized by those monkeys, how disgusting!"

Facing the indignation of Nanako and others, Xia Youjie smiled calmly and said:"These have been expected. After all, no matter what, the official body is the one that can best grasp the public opinion."

"The next step may be to push the conjurer onto the stage to curb the rise in negative emotions. Mimiko , who still couldn't think of too many connections, couldn't help but question:"Wouldn't this have an impact on Master Xiayou's (Wang Nuo's) plan?""

Spreading fear and growing the curse is not the purpose of this disclosure.

"Indeed it is."

As he said this, Xia Youjie showed a nonchalant look on his face:"This is all within the acceptable range."

"They need to spend a lot of thought and effort to curb their fear, but we can increase negative emotions in a very easy way. The difference in effort and effort will appear on the side of the magician."

"And even if the curser is pushed onto the stage, there is no doubt that today's society will be an age of curses that has never been seen before."

These are the scenes that he and Kensuo expected, and every step was taken as expected.

The only unexpected factor that was not included and could not be taken into account was Xia Chuan's[]

Xia Youjie was stroking the mobile phone in his pocket.

He still had Xia Chuan's number in the communication, but he didn't know what Xia Chuan thought. He didn't take the initiative to contact him, but he didn't delete it either..

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