Listening to Natsukawa's mocking words, Gojo Satoru showed an excited expression.

This was not only a smile without any refutation of Xia Chuan's words, but also the sincere joy in Xia Chuan's heart after a long absence.

Gojo Satoru is a very complicated person.

On the one hand, after experiencing the Yuzhe incident, he began to have a strong sense of responsibility. He chose to train students as a high school teacher, and through this method of grabbing children, he changed and rewashed the current corrupt spell world.

On the other hand, because of his naturally strong and arrogant personality, he is essentially judged by others as"a pervert who only uses spells to satisfy himself."

This was the case when I was a student.

Only after experiencing Xia Youjie's darkening, Gojo Satoru suppressed this aspect with a sense of responsibility. but.

Ever since all his confidence and pride were easily broken by Xia Chuan.

Only when facing Xia Chuan, the desire to unleash the power of the curse will continue to flow out.

Gojo Satoru looked at Natsukawa and responded to his ridicule:

"It doesn't matter even if I get beaten. In order to fight you again, I have been looking forward to it since Christmas Eve."

The surrounding magicians did not show too much surprise at this, because after the discussion at the meeting that night, they knew that Gojo Satoru was more or less subdued by Natsukawa. Therefore, only Zenyuan Maki, Panda and Inu Makijisan People looked at Gojo Satoru next to them in disbelief.

As his students, how could they not know how arrogant this white-haired teacher is usually.

In the end, it was just that one battle, and in the face of the opponent's ridicule, Teacher Gojo Satoru actually Admitting it with such a low head?!

This is a scene that, as a student of Gojo Satoru, has never been imagined, like a fantasy.

"shut up! Enlightenment!"

Looking at the two people who seemed to be facing each other, Noctua yelled quickly.

That battle almost wiped out everything within a few miles of Shinjuku.

If these two people are allowed to fight here, Tokyo Curse The high school is really going to completely disappear from the map.

"What's the point? Just move to another place to fight."

Gojo Satoru raised his thumbs and gestured to other directions of Magic High School 04.

Obviously he also knew that during the battle, the map would be rewritten.

But even so, it was still difficult to conceal his desire to be beaten at this moment..

And since Gojo Satoru wants to be beaten, it doesn’t matter if Natsukawa helps him.

After all, he will also feel rare fun under this.

But before that, Natsukawa looked at Noctua’s true path

"Before I came, Ming Ming should have conveyed my intention."

Noctua Zhengdao was silent for a while after hearing this, and then handed over a crow-shaped curse.

This is the new curse he recently researched with the help of the underworld technique.

It is like using the black bird technique. Like the sharing of vision, it can convert and record the images of the curse observed by the curse, so that it can also be displayed on ordinary TVs.

Xia Chuan wants this created curse, and this is what Xia Chuan conveyed under the guidance of the ghost. News for the magician.

As for Xia Chuan’s real motives, she wisely did not tell them.

Noctua Zhengdao also knew that the new type of curse in his hand was a hot potato.

Once Xia Chuan obtained this curse, it would be equivalent to having a comprehensive sexual orientation. The means shown by the people, especially Xia Chuan, have not joined the side of the magicians now.

But it is a very real problem.

Xia Chuan is too strong, as the strongest in the world.

While there is no way to check and balance him, for the magic world, Yan only has the means to make good friends.

So if Xia Chuan wants it, does Noctua dare not give it to him?

"If you want to communicate your existence to society, we in the magic community will actually be happy to help you."

After handing the crow-shaped cursed skeleton to Xia Chuan, Noctua said. Generally speaking, it can be guessed that Xia Chuan may want to announce himself to the society in this way.

But this is still far from what Xia Chuan really wants. A lot of meaning.

Xia Chuan looked at the cursed bones in his hands and said simply:"I don't need it."

After taking the cursed corpse into the divine space, he looked at Gojo Satoru

"So now let me play with you for a while."

Located in a basin a few miles away from the Magic College.

Natsukawa and Gojo Satoru confronted each other.

"The technique turns around"

"The technique is reversed."

Gojo Satoru thought silently in his heart.

The red basket wrapped around his fingertips gradually merged with the spheres compressed and condensed by the endless spell power. The purple light flashed, and the ultimate power contained in it was faintly tearing the space apart.

There is no magic. The power of chanting the steps of the technique is naturally weakened a lot, but what is accelerated is the speed of the operation of the technique.

The moment it is condensed and the virtual technique is released, the period does not even last five seconds. The brilliance that burst out from Gojo Satoru's hand exuded a brilliance that was like thunder.

The terrifying energy flowed down, and it was an energy wave that could directly eliminate everything. It hit Natsukawa directly from the surface at high speed.

Compared with the direct blow at that time, Zuo Nenghu resisted, and Xia Chuan just looked down at Chi flying straight in front of him.

Under the eyes of the kaleidoscope, a vortex appeared that distorted the space. He actually completely resisted Chi and forced it from the outside. Once inside, it was immediately twisted and torn apart.

The exploding spell power quickly turned into a vibrating air wave that swept away.

"Miss Mingming, are you sure this is the real picture?"

In the square of the Magic College, there was a crow broadcasting the broadcast at this moment.

Just looking at the scene in the picture, Panda and Maki couldn't help but exclaimed.

That is what Gojo Satoru is good at. Can a killing move be resolved so easily?!

Ming Ming, who was leaning on a pillar and slightly closing one eye, responded calmly.

"No, the scenery you see at this moment is all real."

"This is the most powerful magician today. Noctua Masami also said:"

On Christmas Eve last time, that guy Gojo Satoru was also crushed unilaterally."

"There should be no exception this time. As he said, Gojo came to the door on his own initiative and was beaten passively."

"That's it!"

Gojo Satoru smiled instead of being surprised when he saw this, and chanted a curse at the same time.

"Phase, Dusk, Eye of Wisdom!"

As he remembered the chant, the endless gravity suddenly pulled up under the exerted force. The ground full of trees and vegetation was forcibly pulled up.

Gojo Satoru suddenly threw it towards Natsukawa's position.

But there was only one In the blink of an eye, Natsukawa disappeared in front of him.

Then he appeared in the space next to Gojo Satoru.

With the more skillful use of Kamui, he could not only move the distance in an instant, but also turn the Kamui into magical power. It was enhanced into a special attack method.

A punch with divine power easily broke through the protection of the unlimited spell.

The mark of Satoru's parry when the fist hit Gojou was the black lightning that surged instantly as the power of the curse surged.


Gojo Satoru was blown hundreds of meters away like a human-shaped missile.

It wasn't until the mountain was dug into a huge deep pit by the collision that it was able to stop.

Viewed from a distance, the place where Gojo Satoru is now seems to have been hit by a small meteorite!

The ground depression with a radius of about fifty meters spreads outward in the form of a shock wave!

Smoked and injured, Gojo Satoru slowly crawled out of the hole.

Both hands and arms were now broken into twisted shapes. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fortunately, the six eyes caught him in time, so he was able to resist with the power of the curse.

Otherwise, his abdomen might have been directly pierced by this blow at this moment.

He especially remembered the blow that Xia Chuan used to tear his arm open for the first time, so naturally he had been wary of that move.

But I didn't expect that the method of breaking through the space has been mastered by the opponent very smoothly.

This also means that all Xia Chuan's possible attacks will directly ignore his unlimited technique.

Therefore, Xia Chuan's growth rate is far beyond his expectation!

Although Gojo Satoru would be very happy to meet an existence that can continuously allow him to use his full strength.

But if the opponent becomes stronger and stronger and crushes him more and more, Gojo Satoru will even be unable to laugh in that situation.

Gojo Satoru pressed his sore neck with one hand. He closed his eyes slightly and began to look serious.

Using the reversal technique to restore his arm, he raised his palm

"Sequential rotation of the technique, maximum output——"


Gojo Satoru flicked his right hand, and a sphere containing a high concentration of mantra flew into the sky.

Under the terrifying gravity, except for Natsukawa, who was still standing on the ground, other vegetation and soil moved uncontrollably towards Ao's position.


Gojo Satoru swung again, and sixteen black spheres flew out quickly and were distributed in different locations on the battlefield.

Spheres float toward the sky or stay on the ground.

In an instant, the surrounding land was under a chaotic gravitational flow.

"Aren't you going to stop it?"

Obviously he was preparing for such a release, Gojo Satoru looked at Natsukawa who was so indifferent.

Natsukawa looked at the gravity balls distributed around him, and he raised his hand indifferently, as if you were continuing to perform.

"I originally wanted to play some beating skills with you."

"But since you seem to want to perform, I will satisfy your expectations."

Hearing this, Gojo Satoru raised a happy smile:

"It took me a long time to think of this move that might break your defense."

"Hope it satisfies you, the strongest!"

"Phase, Jackfruit, Pillar of Light."

Gojo Satoru chanted the curse words in his mouth, and the huge curse power in his body aroused at this moment


Natsukawa also judged the move Gojo Satoru was about to use at this moment.

It was also at this moment that he understood all Gojo Satoru's actions.

He and the sky were the ones that had just begun to unfold.

And just one shot is not the number of times that Gojo Satoru can use it with the extremely subtle power of the spell.

As Natsukawa thought, Gojo Satoru flicked his arm and threw He directly towards all the Aoi around him.

After the conditions for performing the virtual form are met.

Gojo Satoru is the hand gesture that creates a signature

"The field expands! Infinite space!"

The huge closed black sphere quickly enveloped Xia Chuan as the curse spread.

This move was also used against Xia Chuan last time, but it was obviously useless.

Because in the divine power space, there is no fear of the domain space. A sure-hit effect.

The scope of Gojo Satoru's domain expansion is neither expanded nor normal, but compressed.

This is a further way to further improve the domain.

By changing the domain area, the range and accuracy of the domain can be adjusted up or down.

And compression The domain is to enhance the accuracy of the domain range.

The expansion of the domain can be regarded as creating a different space form outside reality.

Under the arbitrary space of divine power, you can naturally wander out of this different space at will.

In the different space you are in It can indeed avoid interference from the field.

But if Natsukawa wants to move through space, he must follow the principle of breaking the space.

This is the information Gojo Satoru captured from Natsukawa's teleportation just now.

So in 203 When the domain is expanded, Gojo Satoru has one second to break open the space for Natsukawa.

It is only this second, enough for several balls condensed outside to explode.

And as long as they explode during this period, he will not It is believed that Xia Chuan's space spell can still ignore the energy pouring of so many imaginary masses.

At the same time, in this field of enhanced accuracy, as long as Xia Chuan's influence reveals any flaws, he can win the battle in an instant.

Xia Chuan said:" So after working on it for a long time, is it the so-called self-destruction method?"

Gojo Satoru didn't answer, but just mobilized all the magic power in his body, which was a reversal of the magic power.


One second passed, and several explosions outside completely expanded the space in the domain. Submerged.

The terrifying energy like a volcanic eruption dispersed all the clouds and smoke in the sky. The surrounding hundreds of meters were instantly destroyed into powder, including the expansion of Gojo Satoru's domain.

But among them, whether it was Natsukawa or Gojo Wudu was not within the scope of influence.

Instead, he appeared on the ground in the distance. Gojo relied on Aoi's gravity to escape from the range of the zodiac, but it was obvious that Infinite had been injured by his own zodiac and was covered in blood.

And with the divine power in the space After unfolding, Natsukawa returned to the earth unscathed.

Natsu's energy did not affect him.

The next moment, Susanoo emerged.

The terrifying and evil spell was still taking Natsukawa high into the sky.

"I have to say your idea is very good"

"The only regret is that you didn't really understand the difference between us."

Xia Chuan gave a comment and slightly compared the universe on his fingertips.

He praised the development without hesitation.

It's a pity that his divine power is not as simple as Gojo Satoru thought?

Gojo Satoru said silently Looking at Xia Chuan.

Everything started as he expected.

But looking at Xia Chuan's smile, he subconsciously ignited a strong sense of danger in his heart.

As expected, the destructive power exploded in unison. Then he expanded his domain and destroyed it from the outside.

Under the meltdown technique, Gojo Satoru originally wanted to destroy the brain and then immediately use it to expand the domain.

But he saw that Natsukawa was bathed in Chi's destructive energy and had nothing to do. Impact!

To be more precise, all the energy around Natsukawa under the explosion was absorbed by the surrounding twisted space.

So after destroying the brain to lift the fuse, Gojo Satoru quickly escaped from the destructive energy. Zuo Nenghu picked up the sword, and the energy from the riot of the virtual sword also poured out through the transfer of the divine power. With one slash, the two huge peaks hundreds of meters high in front of him were directly turned into two halves by the sword's edge and fell..Roaring up the wind-like air waves and smoke..

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