"What?!.......The mountain was split?!"

Under the sight shared by the dark crows, countless spellcasters were shocked by this.

Everyone present, even the most potential Yigu Youta, did not have the ability to destroy a mountain range of hundreds of meters in an instant.

Not to mention this The knife that broke the mountain seemed to be just the impact of Xia Chuan's casual blow.

"This is the strongest in the world......"

The high school students witnessed all this, and Zenyuan Maki couldn't help but tighten the spell tool in her hand.

If she had this kind of strength, no!

Even if it’s just one percent!

The Zenyuan family's bullshit rules of fate will never fall on her!

With the help of vision sharing, Ming Ming, who was the first to capture the news, suddenly said:

"It was Gojo Satoru who lost."

No one exclaimed.

Faced with the strength gap shown by Natsu Chuan, everyone was not surprised that the strongest Gojo Satoru lost in the past.

In the picture, under the huge smoke and dust that shattered the mountains and rivers,

Natsu Chuan and Gojo Satoru were fighting. The venue had all been wiped clean.

Natsu Chuan slowly walked to Gojo Satoru's crippled body. Although affected by the explosion of the Hollow Style, Gojo Satoru was almost covered in blood at this moment. But under the six eyes, he was almost covered in blood.

Under the power of the infinite mana recovery spell, Gojo Satoru was still able to use the reversal technique to heal his body.

Looking at Xia Chuan, he continued to use the reversal technique while healing:

"Sure enough, you guy is ridiculously strong."

"Did you enjoy yourself this time?"

Xia Chuan looked at Gojo Satoru lying on the ground.

Inexplicably, he felt that this scene looked familiar.

If he cut Gojo Satoru in half at this time, it would almost completely match that scene.

But for now, it is not necessary. He He also wanted the other person to continue to bring him pleasure as a hero.

Natsukawa stretched and looked down at Gojo Satoru

"Although it is still a relatively overwhelming battle"

"But compared to the last time, there was still a battle that made me feel happy."

Natsu Chuan turned around and left, leaving Gojo Satoru with a lonely figure before disappearing into Kamui.

At the same time, across the Curse High School thousands of meters away.

Under the vortex of space twisted by Kamui, Natsukawa returned here.

In the crushing style After defeating Gojo Satoru, everyone became more restrained towards Natsukawa and did not dare to act rashly.

At the same time, it is not known whether he was entering meditation under the defeat or was still using inversion techniques to repair his body, but Gojo Satoru did not come back together.

So, Noctua could only bite the bullet and ask Xia Chuan:

"So does Mr. Xia Chuan have any other plans?"

Xia Chuan glanced at everyone present

"I don’t have any plans, I’m just a little interested in the plan you are about to launch, so I just came to take a look."

After he first learned that there was a world view of the spell-returning war, he was indeed somewhat interested in the supporting characters of the high school in the original work.

However, as he became more powerful, he gradually lost some interest.

This time The reason why I came here specially is that obtaining the cursed bones is only one aspect. The real purpose is to intimidate the person behind the Cursed Expert through a display of strength.

When he is enjoying himself, if you are wise, don't interfere.

Of course, there is another point, that is, Natsukawa really did not expect that Gojo Satoru would suddenly appear and want to be beaten.

"Well, I'm really looking forward to the day when you will introduce conjurers into society."

After Xia Chuan finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

Originally, he wanted to stay and see what Nocturnal Moth Zhengdao and the others would do next, but suddenly he thought that his car was still with Xia Chuan, and he left the Curse High School with him.

"So the other party just left?"

Watching each other and Ming Ming slowly disappear, until he could no longer feel the spell power of either of them, Kusakabe Atsushi couldn't help but said.

"Isn't this good?! After glaring at the other person, Zenyuan Maki Chang breathed a sigh of relief:"Just looking at that monster, I can't even breathe." The panda fell directly to the ground:"This is really not the guy that the panda should face. It's really terrifying.""

Node Moth Zhengdao rubbed his forehead with a headache. He is the protagonist who is paying attention to this incident.

"So is that guy Gojo pretending to be dead? Or should someone pick him up?"

Qianhai Jianren looked into the sky:"He has come back."

He rushed back quickly through Cang's gravity. After landing, Gojo Satoru looked around in surprise:"Ah? Did Xia Chuan just leave?!"

"Left, with Miss Ming."

Ieiri Shoko looked at Gojo Satoru and said:"I didn't expect that after you were defeated once, you suddenly developed a habit of being beaten."

"This is not a fetish."

Gojo Satoru looked at Ieiri Glass, and if he wanted to say something, he simply shook his head:"...Forget it, you just don’t understand."

As the strongest person in the past, it can be said that without any exciting challenges, his strength has stagnated for a long time. The long-lost strong man not only allows him to fight freely, but also stimulates the energy in his body. Maybe there is still hidden potential.

It's just a little pity.

Even if he gets a more advanced fighting method after thinking about it, he still can't make the opponent hurt when facing Natsukawa.

With such a big gap,

Gojo Satoru can't help feeling a little bit. Feeling that his self-confidence was damaged.

Perhaps seeing this, Noctua Masami did not investigate whether it was Gojo Satoru who took the initiative to cause trouble this time, and just looked at the other party:

"`~Do you have a deeper understanding of Xia Chuan this time?"

"It almost made me understand one thing."

Gojo Satoru thought back to the scene that he remembered deeply just now.

The destructive energy of the digital explosion should be able to blow up even that space.

But it was actually directly absorbed by the opponent's space spell!

At this moment Gojo Wu had to agree with the views of those directly adjacent to the Zen monastery at that time.

"His level of space magic is more than twice as high as I thought. Maybe he really only has Megumi's magic.....Ability to exercise restraint."

It's just a (Wangwanghao) space spell, which makes him feel like a floating cloud whether it is the expansion of the field or the virtual form. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Gojo

Satoru is indeed a little helpless.

This kind of helplessness The space spells that can be solved can only be dealt with by the laws of Moxura that can adapt to all spells.

Even Gojo Satoru said so, and Fushiguro Megumi, who has not yet entered school, has completely become an upcoming high school student in magic. Training is the top priority.

At the same time, the battles between Gojo Satoru and Natsukawa were all watched by Tian Yuan in the Hoshi Palace.

By being placed in the barrier of the Magic College, Tian Yuan was able to collect all the information.

And for Xia Chuan broke in this time.

Tianyuan thought about it and couldn't help but analyze her judgment for the top conjurers. Her strength was comparable to that of the strongest conjurer a thousand years ago.

Tianyuan, who had lived in recent years, this is what she could give The highest praise I can give.

Of course, if Xia Chuan knew about it, he might smile with disdain.

He was just an ordinary person in an era before I appeared.

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