Just like when I came here, I took Mingming's special car, and naturally returned to the Chiba area in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and I was also driven back by Mingming.

Because of the cursed era, Xia Chuan was quickly returned home with a smooth and smooth journey unlike in the past.

This is the address that Ming Ming has already memorized in his heart.

When Xia Chuan got off the car, he naturally couldn't help but look at this single-family house.

"Want to come in and sit down?"

After Xia Chuan got off the car, he looked at Ming Ming through the car door.

"Maybe next time.

Ming Ming smiled and said,"I don't have any plans to meet your little girlfriends yet.""

After that, she waved a goodbye gesture and drove away decisively.

When she returned home, it was exactly as Mingming said.

Xia Chuan saw Mai Sakurajima busy in the kitchen at the entrance.

"Mai, why are you here?"

He couldn't help but become curious.

Although it is holiday time now, it is naturally different from school days. Girls will take the initiative to come to his house if they have the opportunity.

But after all, they just returned from the hot spring tour the day before yesterday.Come on, because of the beginning of the new year and the sudden arrival of the curse, even Kasumigaoka Shiu, who is the most proactive, plans to stay at home for a few days.

"Do you need any reason to go to your boyfriend's house?"

Mai Sakurajima's dissatisfied words came from the kitchen.

"Of course it’s not necessary, but I’m still very happy. Xia

Chuan responded with a smile and came to the kitchen at the same time.

She was wearing an apron and was busy having dinner, looking exactly like a good wife waiting for her husband to return.

At the same time, under the apron, there were black silk wrapping her long and slender legs.

627 This inexplicably brought a different meaning to this virtuous scene.

Natsukawa walked slowly behind Sakurajima Mai, stretched out his hands to hug her waist, and suddenly said with meaning:

"Do you need any help from me?"

"It would be the greatest help if you don't suddenly make trouble on me."

Mai Sakurajima turned her head, then stood up on tiptoes and pecked Natsukawa's lips and said:

"You go out and wait for a while, I'll do it soon."

With the interest earned, Natsukawa did not stop Mai Sakurajima from displaying her better cooking skills.

He turned to lie on his side on the sofa, turned on the TV, and looked at the recent news.

It was either the so-called science popularization of the curse, or it was a daily routine. It’s a reassuring pill that you’ll be fine if you can’t see it.

Nowadays, there isn’t even an accidental news breakout from time to time in the past.

But we can roughly guess the reason, after all, the curse is spreading now.

Regardless of whether it is the impact of the accident, now any gas leak, Fires and other incidents, most people will directly rise to the incident of curse.

Naturally, in order to reduce the fear of curse, almost all TV station news will not broadcast social accidents.

But this is only limited to TV. In the Internet era with developed network Next, even if many people did not travel, they could still learn about the accidents that were deliberately concealed by the authorities through various methods.

As expected, after Xia Chuan turned on his mobile phone and browsed online information.

It didn't take long for him to see information about another accident today. Post

【Today, an unexplained fire broke out in a fashion store in Shibuya, killing ten people. Relevant departments have intervened in the investigation..】

Xia Chuan squinted his eyes and looked at the pictures of the accident that these people had intercepted through unknown means.

It was said to be a fire, but in fact the damage to the store was less than half.

But in this case, it was a tragic situation with no survivors among them.

The ten people who died were all burned beyond recognition and fell to the ground like black coals.

Just these pictures alone, without any expert comment on the scope of the fire, can basically be concluded to be a curse event.

It is indeed more frequent than expected.

Xia Chuan browsed the pictures, especially the tragic conditions of the dead.

Rather than being affected by a fire, it was more like a spontaneous combustion of the body.

The curse of the fire element, could it be that Leohu, who only plays high-end games, was born?!

Xia Chuan couldn't help but have this idea. Although there is still some time before the plot, nothing is impossible in the prosperous age of the curse.

While thinking about it, he continued to read the comments on the post below.

"Definitely a curse event"

"Damn it, nowhere is safe now! Even if I stay at home, I feel like there are curses all around me"

"After all, the officials should hurry up and issue policies. Who would be willing to work in such a dangerous society?"

"Support upstairs, this society will be over after the curse comes out, it is better to just lie down at home, it is more comfortable to die at home than to die outside."

"well said! My boss won't let me work from home, so I just quit my job and stay at home. I hope he takes a step ahead of me!"

"So should I clear out some study materials and leave with them clean even if there is an accident?"

"Maybe when you usually look at the teacher, the curse spirit will also appreciate it with you. Maybe in this way, he will specially spare your life."

"What teacher do you like?"

"......So wasn’t there something about a magician that was announced before? How do you feel the difference between having it and not having it?"

"Haha, I don’t really believe that he is Batman who secretly protects society."

"Let’s make our superhero debut! Or just give us food to save our lives at home.....official."

Xia Chuan squinted at these comments (afbb) and couldn't help but laugh. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) There is really no shortage of talents on the Internet, and they have even given up on death.

But mention When the hero debuted,

Natsukawa was indeed looking forward to it.

He began to play with the crow cursed skeleton he took out of Kamui.

Whether it was the scene of today's battle with Gojo Satoru, or the fight in Shinjuku on Christmas Eve, he could directly use the kaleidoscope to The memory picture was transferred to it.

Before that, all that had to wait was for Gojo Satoru to become the so-called"hero" first.

After the dinner was arranged, Mai Sakurajima greeted Natsukawa.

Is she able to show her hand? Naturally, Natsukawa tasted her cooking skills with enjoyment, not to mention that it is a pleasure to eat delicious food without having to do it yourself.

Seeing this, Mai Sakurajima also raised a bright smile.

Her cooking skills should be the best among her family members at present. The most dominant advantage.

In this way, she would first firmly grasp Natsu Chuan's stomach, and then occupy three meals a day, in order to improve her status in Natsu Chuan's heart.

However, Sakurajima Mai did not know that the so-called mountain There are mountains outside, and there are people outside.

Tasting Sakurajima Mai's cooking skills, Natsukawa couldn't help but think of the trip to Totsuki that Nakiri Erina had promised not long ago.

Unlike the conjuring senior high school student who had no interest in it, Natsu Chuan has always been interested in Totsuki Academy, a holy land of gourmet food.

He doesn’t know if the sudden arrival of the Curse Era will lead to some other changes.[]

But he shouldn't have to worry about it, after all, Nakiri Senzaemon's identity is still there.

Regarding the trip to Yuanyue, it is better to enjoy the things arranged in front of you first.


After dinner, Sakurajima Mai, who was clearing the table, suddenly said:

"By the way, I won’t go back today"


Natsukawa raised his eyebrows interestingly.

Natsukawa knew that Sakurajima Mai lived alone.

So even compared to other girls, she was the easiest to live in Natsukawa's house whenever she wanted.

It's just that since she ran away. After the spell was unlocked, this was the first time she took the initiative to propose the idea of ​​spending the night.

It seemed that the so-called family hot spring trip had indeed produced unexpected results.

Looking at Natsukawa's eyes with a meaning, Sakurajima Mai also She just pretended to ignore it and continued to pack it up.

After dinner, the two of them were just like living together at that time, lying on the sofa watching TV or playing with their mobile phones.

Sakurajima Mai's slender legs were placed on Natsukawa's legs Go on.

That memorable day seems like yesterday.

But the scenes in the family hot springs have already told her that this is already in the past.

Even now, under certain circumstances, she has been overtaken by Lily Chuanhua.

Although she is the latest family member to come in now, whether it is a passionate kiss or a bunny girl and other rewards when she lives with Natsukawa, she does not think that she should be the last one.

Naturally, the breakthrough progress that Yuri Kawahana showed openly and honestly, In a sense, the comparison in Mai Sakurajima's mind was stimulated.

Originally, her idea was similar to that of Yumeko Miura.

She chose her birthday as a day worth remembering.

But her birthday happened to be December 2, so it was still Before meeting Xia Chuan, only about two months had passed.

Of course, it was impossible for her to wait for ten months.

Especially with Xia Chuan's current status and this guy's preference for colors, it might have been impossible at that time She didn't even have a chance to secure five or three.

Therefore, Sakurajima Mai decided to set a special day by herself.

After returning to Tokyo yesterday, taking advantage of the advent of the curse era, she had already passed her magician She used special methods to completely show off her power to her mother.

Not only did she get rid of her mother's control, but she also showed her that she already had someone she liked.

Now, this is the scene where she is taking advantage of this to prepare for action.

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