
Three simple syllables, but it encompasses all the beauty of the so-called sister control.

There is a saying that"If you don't have a sister, you will hate Qiong, but you are not a sister; if you have a sister, you will hate a sister who is not Qiong."

Although Xia Chuan is not the so-called sister control.

But hearing such a title from Sakurajima Mai's mouth felt like some unknown desire suddenly arose in her heart.

A kind of Pandora's box has been opened, and countless novel and dreamy things swarmed out.

Especially Mai, as a powerful actress, interprets the image of a soft and lovely sister vividly and exquisitely.

This is in great contrast with her usual image of a slightly elegant and cool imperial sister, which makes people want to hold her in their arms and love her wantonly.


Xia Chuan listened to Mai's words and stood up from the bed.

Seeing this, Sakurajima Mai's previously shy and annoyed expression slowly faded away, and instead revealed a sly smile:

"So Xia Chuan, you can’t be a girl control, right?"

In order to catch Natsukawa's hidden preference, Sakurajima Mai felt happy.

If this was the case, it would be easy for her to prescribe the right medicine and use it in the future.

While putting on her clothes,"Natsukawa", Natsukawa's voice came

"I can’t say that I’m a girl fan, but rather I like your cosplay skills, Mai."

Natsukawa put on his coat and looked at Sakurajima Mai with a teasing smile:

"So next time, can you satisfy my daughter-loving preferences?"

Of course I know what she would call Natsukawa if she plays the daughter.

Just thinking about this kind of thing makes even Sakurajima Mai, who thinks she is very accepting, blushing at this time.

"Don’t even think about such a thing!"

After saying that, Enclave hurriedly fled out of Xia Chuan's room.

Xia Chuan smiled and didn't say much.

But when it came to role-playing, he remembered that Shi Yu had left several sets of spare clothes at home.

Although there were no It's not my first experience, but it might be more immersive if Mai plays the role.

This is a very important point for the game.

After Natsukawa washed up and styled his hair, maintaining his clean and tidy appearance, this Just went downstairs.

Immediately afterwards,

Natsukawa saw Sakurajima Mai meditating with her eyes closed.

Surrounding her were looming cognitive concepts under the influence of the spell.

Although she had mastered the power of the spell, perhaps due to habit The reason is that every time she feels the spell power in her body, Sakurajima Mai will calm down and meditate.

Her technique is very special, and it is also very powerful in a certain way.

Therefore, there is no need to specifically learn physical skills such as fighting. Skills, just by slowly improving the spell power of the spell, it can gradually become stronger.

Natsukawa was a little surprised by this.

Mai's concept of her own spell is the same as Miko's, just to satisfy her daily life is enough in the case of

"Why are you practicing again now?"

After hearing Natsukawa's inquiry, Sakurajima Mai also stopped using the technique.

"After all, this is the era of curses, so naturally we cannot have the same mentality as before."

She walked to the dining table and began to have breakfast with Xia Chuan

"It's irrelevant, like I said, my presence won't affect your lives."

Natsukawa feels like he has said this many times.

Even if he steps on Gojo Satoru and steps on the stage next, Mai's technique will not affect the girls around him.

"Of course I know that."

Mai Sakurajima took a sip of milk gracefully:"But if possible, I will naturally want to contribute to you in times like this."

I first joined the Natsukawa family.

It was because Mai Sakurajima wanted to master the out-of-control technique and at the same time return to an ordinary life under the protection of Natsukawa.

Now that she is saying this, there is no doubt that Natsukawa is the one behind her. occupies the most important position in my heart

"It seems like you have grown up suddenly, Mai."Natsukawa said with a smile.

Sakurajima Mai said very calmly:"I have been turned into an adult by you, doesn't it count as growth?"

"So are you satisfied with this growth?"

Hearing this, Mai Sakurajima felt that she was simply being held by Natsukawa again, and whispered:


"Later, continue to practice the technique with me as before, so that I can stay for a few more days."

So after knowing the reason why she was ranked fifth, Mai wanted to work hard to catch up?

Xia Chuan didn't know, but based on his thoughts, he naturally said cheerfully:"Of course there is no problem."

So, grasping the reason why no one came to Natsukawa's house during this period.

Mai Sakurajima, who already had absolute personal time, directly occupied all of Natsukawa's schedule these days.

On the one hand, she has really improved her strength as a magician. On the one hand, they are also secretly striving to grasp Xia Chuan's preferences.

At the same time, in the past few days. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The magic world has gone from waiting for a certain situation with peace of mind to There are some unspeakable worries now.

In the relatively dark room, there are several barriers emitting a faint light. Behind the barriers, without exception, are the beings who stand at the top of the power center of the magic world at this time.

"Four days have passed, and Xia Chuan has not announced his existence yet.......Basically, it is certain that the other party is trying to take advantage of the situation."

All the high-level magicians present knew that the other party had taken away the cursed remains and did not deny his intention to announce his existence.

So nothing happened in the past four days, which means that Xia Chuan was waiting for the magic world first. People are pushed out here.

The first"hero" to be pushed out is naturally the strongest Gojo Satoru as his predecessor.

But under this, Natsukawa became the strongest today by defeating Gojo Satoru.

So can we imagine from this that Natsukawa was waiting for Gojo Satoru to be launched, and he directly used this momentum to become the strongest

"The number of spell spirits has been increasing rapidly in recent days, and the manpower of spell casters has begun to be seriously insufficient. The government has begun to use funds to force them. 0......"

"......Then we need to introduce other conjurers first? If it's a performance to remove cursed spirits, there are still many people who can do it."

"The problem is that the first thing the government specifies is the five-point enlightenment......The first conjurer exposed to the public must also be extraordinary. Currently, only Gojo Satoru is qualified."

"actually...It doesn't matter even if you let the other party take advantage of it, right?"

"His strength has even been highly praised by Master Tianyuan. Even if he does not belong to the world of magic, it may not be a bad thing for ordinary people to be more aware of his existence."

After this person opened his mouth, there was a period of silence.

Finally, there was an evaluation of Xia Chuan's strength, and all the top conjurers reluctantly agreed.

"Please pass this result on to Noctua Masami, and at the same time, let Tokyo Magic High School step up the training of Fushiguro Megumi."

After the meeting, the top management of Curse issued a unified order.

On the surface, it is the top level of the organization that secretly maintains social peace for the society and the people, but in fact, as the highest power holders, there have always been many power struggles among them..

So they never like people they can’t control.

Whether it’s the previous Gojo Satoru or the current Natsukawa.

But if they want to compare the two, it’s just that at this moment, the top management of the curse especially misses the time when Gojo Satoru was the strongest.

Even if it’s the former Gojo Satoru. Uncontrollable, as one of the three great families, Gojo Satoru, at least their safety can still be guaranteed.

As for Xia Chuan in front of him, he acted as wantonly as a tyrant. To be honest, since the other party became the strongest in the world, this gang of high-level conjurers It's been a long time since I've had a good night's sleep.

The instructions from the top management of the magic were quickly conveyed to the top of the Tokyo magic.

Just like the original plan, I started to inform the society about the existence of Gojo Satoru. 0.5 naturally learned this Under the circumstances, Gojo Satoru showed his disgust.

"So why is it in the form of live broadcast? It feels like I have become a monkey in the zoo."[]

Ieiri Shoko glanced at Gojo Satoru:"You don't mean what you say."...Don't you look happy? Gojo

Satoru straightened his temples:"I just suddenly didn't expect to become a hero that attracts everyone's attention, but I have always felt that I am very suitable to become a star.""

Not wanting to pay attention to Gojo Satoru's stinky appearance, Noctua Masami said without changing his expression:

"Before you become a star, you should be mentally prepared to know that there is still an unknown surprise. Gojo

Satoru naturally knew what Noctua Masami was talking about.

He leaned back in his chair and said,"Do you think that guy will use my embarrassed look as a way to announce his appearance?""

"......impossible. Noctua

Masami couldn't help but say, and then he became unconfident again:"No one can save the battle in Shinjuku, but you may be asking for trouble in the past few days.""

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