After the top management of the spell was finally ready, it was naturally used as a way to warm up.

Almost everyone's mobile phones, TV screens at home and on the roadside have received official notifications.

Through technological breakthroughs, there are now means to broadcast live broadcasts of how magicians exorcise cursed spirits.

As soon as this news came out, it was tantamount to another turbulent news in these days.

If we say that the constant occurrence of accidents in the prosperous age of the curse has made many people despair of this society.

So the magician who represents the ability to remove curses is the hope that can rekindle people in today's desperate situation.

Under the message of the official announcement, the responses of civilians flashed quickly.


"Let the curse masters make their debut now. I just want to see the scene of the heroes exorcising the curse."

"Please give me someone I can trust. I don’t want fear to cause trouble, but I just can’t control it."

"But hadn’t we already known about the existence of magicians before, and it also caused social accidents to continue?...After all, can these people with superpowers really be trusted?"

As soon as this remark with strong negative emotions was posted online, it was deleted by official staff before it even received a few likes or objections.

Regardless of the accident, in today's situation, heroes must be used to curb fear. Next, the most important thing is to build confidence and then let the powerful facts make the final decision. With the expectations of the people, Gojo Satoru is actually ready.

He holds another one created by Noctua Masami. A crow-shaped cursed skeleton.

Just pour the cursed power into it, and it will shift the perspective of the surrounding cursed power as if it were controlling a crow. You don't even need anyone to help take pictures, just control it with the magical power of Gojo Satoroku's eyes. It is easy to live broadcast while fighting.

However, in view of Gojo Satoru's nature, Noctua Masami is also informing the opponent one by one at this time.

He must guide the people to turn their fear into support for the magician.

As much as possible Exorcise the cursed spirit in the most conspicuous and easy way.

Let the public have other opinions about the curse first and calm down the current wave of fear. The subsequent treatment will be another matter.

Although he usually does it casually, Gojo Satoru also knows the importance of this mission..

After this news was officially announced, the magic world quickly selected tasks for Gojo Satoru.

That is now synonymous with curses.

The urban legend zone.

After Gojo Satoru started to take action, the rear area The staff responsible for this plan have already started taking action.

Once again!

Almost everyone in the society has received notifications from the official on their mobile phones, TV screens at home and on the roadside.

And that is an official live broadcast specially set up by the government. Room.

Number 1 is marked below, which is the room that is still waiting for Gojo Satoru to start the live broadcast.

In less than a minute after the broadcast was released, millions of real people were immediately crowded into it, and as time went by The passage of time continues to increase.

It is already due to the situation of social shutdown, and except for those who are sleeping, almost everyone is paying close attention to the information about the spell caster that everyone is most looking forward to.

Or as ordinary people, they are interested in"supernatural ability people"."The curiosity aroused, or the desire to get relief from the fear that is now completely uncontrollable.

There are all kinds of reasons, but without exception, they are all eagerly waiting for the official announcement after a few days. The essence of the"Spell Master" has been revealed.

At the same time, under the official push, various platforms, including all TV channels, are currently rebroadcasting this live broadcast.

It can be said that the next live broadcast will surely create an unprecedented peak.

Major video platforms On the Internet, especially the official live broadcast.

Countless pop-up barrages flashed across the screen like a swipe.

I was urging, praying, and waiting.

After a few minutes, the live broadcast finally opened.

On the edge On the screen, he was introduced very considerately by the staff behind him.

The super-level magician——Gojo Satoru.

What caught the eyes of everyone in the live broadcast room was a white-haired man with an eyepatch.

Gojo Satoru looked at the man who opened the curse. , the user will see a screen that looks like the background of a mobile phone.

It shows the number of people watching on each platform, and you can even see the unique barrage messages in the official live broadcast room.

It is indeed a noctua that specializes in curses. Principal.

Gojo Satoru sighed in his heart, and then began to say hello:

"I didn't expect so many people to watch."

It was because of the barrage that was already surging wildly under the screen. At this time, as Gojo Satoru opened his mouth, the screen instantly refreshed and the entire information screen was filled. For this reason, some people who like to watch barrage Everyone has to turn off the settings

"There are too many barrages, I can’t watch them."

With that said, Gojo Satoru began to use the magic power to start debugging on the interface. He did not answer the barrage until he paused the background information at any time as he wanted.

"That's right, my name is Gojo Satoru, and I'm the magician you call me."

"Special grade...Special levels are the strongest special levels among spellcasters, generally ranging from level four to level one, and those above level one are special levels."

"How many conjurers are there? It's a secret now."

Seeing Gojo Satoru actually starting to interact with the live broadcast room, the faces of the conjurers watching the live broadcast turned dark. It was only after Noctua Masamichi reminded Gojo Satoru through a message on his mobile phone that he was allowed to get out of the fun of the live broadcast.

"I’ll answer you later. The next step is to carry out the work of exorcising the cursed spirits."(If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Gojo Satoru stopped looking at the prompts in the live broadcast room of the curse, and instead walked towards the urban legend in the abandoned factory in front of him.

"It's hard to say that curses are not terrible."

"But in fact, as the official said, most curses are relatively weak. As long as you can't see this kind of curse, nothing will happen."

"Only urban legends like this one, feared by most of you, can trigger a curse on the person who caused the harm."

I don't know if he forgot, or because it was already in the form of live broadcast, Gojo Satoru did not set up the tent, and just walked step by step towards the somewhat dark factory.

But from the perspective of the curse of the curse, everything was different. It was as clear as if a light was turned on.

With Gojo Satoru's powerful magical perception, naturally the moment he stepped into the factory, he clearly sensed the existence of the cursed spirit.

"If it's a curse, it seems to be here"

"Friendly reminder, those who are scared can turn off the screen."

Just thinking that even in the face of the existence of the curse, many civilians who had not witnessed the curse were affected, and they suddenly became nervous.


A loud roar suddenly passed through the entire factory.

This After the sound was clearly transmitted to the live broadcast room, some people turned off the screen in fear, but thinking that it was just to watch Gojo Wu dispel the cursed spirit, they boldly returned to the live broadcast room.

This is a hairy Shi Lime curse spirit.

There is only one huge eye fixed on the flesh and blood.[]

The body shape is even five or six meters tall.

It gives people a terrifying and disgusting perspective that is consistent with the weirdness.

No words spoken can compare to the horror of seeing it with your own eyes.

The live broadcast clearly relayed its appearance to all viewers, and most people who had never seen the curse were horrified and speechless.

Different from just the horror brought by the horror pictures, these pictures are the living reality today!

Naturally, he would not let the panic further ferment. Gojo Satoru slowly walked towards the cursed spirit and at the same time comforted him with words:

"Most of the curses that are born from negative emotions will bring visual impact to people."

"But there is no need to be afraid, because they are very weak to spellcasters."

It seemed that he could understand Gojo Satoru's humiliation. He cursed like this and spit out a corrosive liquid like sulfuric acid.

It was very easy.

Gojo Satoru raised one hand.

Under the unlimited spell, all the attacks of the curse spirit were eliminated. was stopped in front of him.

With a simple wave of his hand, all the corrosive liquid was directly fed back to the curse spirit, causing the other party to scream in pain.

"In terms of strength, this curse spirit is probably a first-level curse spirit. 773 is just like the level classification of spell masters."

"But even if it is level one, you are still like a toy in my hands."

As a demonstration, Gojo Satoru used Aoi to catch the curse spirit, and then kept throwing it in the air, playing with it very comfortably.

After he was almost tired of playing, he used Aoi to fix it in the air, and then In the form of"sending waves with bare hands", he blasted this cursed spirit and even directly exploded the factory.

"See, exorcising curse spirits is actually that simple."

It's a playful approach from beginning to end, and He's power really evokes an extraordinary impression.

The scene of the curse exorcism in the live broadcast room has already triggered a violent response.

Of course, Gojo Satoru exorcism Despite the curse, he did not forget the business.

He then spoke to guide everyone's emotions towards the curse.

"In fact, most curse spirits are like this and can be easily exorcised by a spell caster."

"You don’t need to worry about the curse, it will be solved by our spellcasters."

"As long as you transfer the fear in your heart to your trust in us, the current chaos caused by the curse will be resolved soon."

After finishing the key points, Gojo Satoru took advantage of the fact that there was still some time, and randomly selected a few comments from the live broadcast to answer.

"How many super magicians are there in total? There are three in total on the magician side."

"Is the curse terrible?...In fact, as long as you don't scare yourself, everything will be fine."

"Someone will investigate the curse, and then we, the conjurers, will exorcise it."

Gojo Satoru replied like this. Of course, he avoided the question that had recently caused the curse accident.

But soon, he saw an interesting barrage, thought of something, and read it out.

"Am I the strongest spellcaster? Gojo

Satoru said slowly:"I am considered the strongest before. As for the strongest now, maybe you will be able to see it soon.""

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