The first live broadcast of purification to the public ended, and Gojo Satoru soon returned to the Curse High School.

Everything was as expected by the officials and the top brass in the magic world, and the response from the audience was very good.

Even though the live broadcast has ended at this moment, the intensity of discussions on major broadcast platforms has not diminished at all, and has even increased.

Both Cang and He, as well as Gojo Satoru's skillful behavior, have refreshed their current understanding of curses and spells.

A first-level magic spirit with spells is like a toy in the eyes of the magician, which obviously makes the audience's respect for the magician reach a new high.

All the conjurers were very satisfied with the result, but Gojo Satoru's final words still attracted the attention of others.

"So why do you say this in the end."

Noctua walked straight to Gojou Satoru.

Gojou Satoru also knew what he meant.

He could have chosen to turn a blind eye like other barrages, but in the end he admitted that there was still the concept of the strongest.

The so-called strongest statement, It is easy for the people to have intense discussions about this, and even to be full of expectations for this unknown.

But they all know that Xia Chuan, the strongest, is not a hero who will make selfless sacrifices.

When the facts come out, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

"Didn't I discuss this with you, principal?"

Gojo Satoru raised his finger and moved the blindfold upwards, revealing his six blue eyes looking towards Noctua.

"Although Xia Chuan and I have only met twice, I can judge very well what his nature is through fighting."

"Maybe he's just like me before, a guy who only wants to satisfy his inner interests, but he can do whatever he wants and not take sides."

"So as I said before, the other party will most likely use me as a stepping stone.......Then the battle between us will most likely be exposed, in which case I will have to vaccinate the public in advance."

Node Moth Zhengdao was a little silent.

Neither he nor the senior executives of the spell actually knew much about Xia Chuan. Apart from knowing that the other party had strong strength, they only knew a little about other information.

Even Ming Ming did not reveal anything about the other party. The news only said that they had a pleasant contact with each other.

Therefore, he seemed to believe Gojo Satoru's words. So if he could predict such a situation, how highly respected Gojo Satoru is now, it will definitely make Natsu Chuan how big he will be by then. Fame and power.

But in fact, this has already been in the budget of the top management of the curse, and the plan to promote Gojo Satoru cannot be stopped.

Everything continues under the acquiescence.

With Gojo Satoru making his grand debut, take advantage of this opportunity to seize this A situation that captured the hearts of the people.

Divided by strength, powerful quasi-special-level and first-level magicians also made their debuts.

Under this, the audience did not have time to regret that other magicians were released.......Immediately after launching the live broadcast room for exorcising the cursed spirits, it was another powerful spellcaster!

It's just that it's the same fancy way to remove curses, but it's Gojo Satoru who still attracts the most attention.

On the one hand, Gojo Satoru has a friendly personality and funny words. He is very relaxed in the live broadcast camera. As a magician, he can get along with the public better.

On the other hand, he is a special level higher than other first-level magicians!

And every time the curse spirit is exorcised during the live broadcast, it is easy and shocking.

This efficiency is compared with other first-level conjurers, which further highlights his power.

In this way, the public's true understanding of spellcasters and curses is unfolded in a unique yet adaptable way to the traffic era.

As a person with super powers, he is also a magician who protects society. There is no doubt that he is highly respected and supported by the common people.

After all, hope is particularly important in today's cursed era.

Almost everyone who is on strike at home is more enthusiastic than ever about this discussion.

All previous comments about celebrities, anime, handsome guys and beauties have been put aside.

Nothing is as hot as the current discussion about spellcasters and spell spirits.

Since superpowers were revealed, the magic world itself has naturally aroused the public's imagination.

Especially the strength of the spellcasters.

Under the deliberate guidance of public opinion by specially arranged officials.

For curses and curses.

Although fear is still inevitable.

But under the current public opinion topic, no curse spirit can escape from the hands of the spell masters.

Especially in the case of Gojo Satoru, it has caused the topic that if Gojo Satoru is serious, no matter what the curse is, it can be easily solved.

So some good people began to hold on to the news revealed by Gojo Satoru during his first live broadcast and conduct extensive discussions.

"All magic spirits are like toys in his hands. This is the super magician Gojo Satoru!"

"Terrifying strength, it’s hard to imagine that there really are such powerful superpowers in reality"

"The problem is that Gojo Satoru himself admitted that.......He's not even the strongest! (Live slice here)"

"With such great strength, he is still only the strongest before...Then what a terrifying existence the strongest one is today must be."

"Just imagining the strength of Lord Gojo Satoru, I already feel a little wet about the strength of this Lord."

"So why don’t the officials let the strongest one debut? I really want to see what the peak of the magician is like."

"Of course the official has official reasons. Anyway, I now know that no matter what the official does, it is for our own good."

"This is said as if exposing the strongest is harmful, this guy is spreading fear! Everyone, report him quickly!"

Spreading fear has now become an explicitly prohibited behavior in this society.

It is not just a series of items related to ghosts......All movies, novels, etc. have been deleted. Even if someone shows signs of spreading fear online, they will be immediately attacked by groups.

Soon, the user was directly reported and blocked.

As the official government personnel behind this user, they were speechless.

As time goes by, the strongest discussion on Gojo Satoru and above is still going on.

The most powerful one at the moment was enjoying the hospitality at the home of the fourth house chaebol owner in the"heart of the country". (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shinomiya Yanan personally received him, and at the same time, all the surrounding personnel, including secretaries and other irrelevant personnel, were withdrawn.

Xia Chuan leaned on the high-end custom-made sofa and took a sip of tea before he said leisurely:

"Mr. Yan'an, how have you been lately?"

"Not that good to be honest."

Sigong Yan'an first poured tea for Xia Chuan again, then shook his head and said:"Due to the social shutdown, many places under Sigong's command have been affected."

With a chaebol family like the Shinomiya family, which owns countless companies and industries, it is natural that the social shutdown will be more severely affected than other individual businessmen in small companies and restaurants. A large chaebol family like the Shinomiya family may also be in the official business , outside the world of magic, there is another group of beings who most hope that society can recover.

Sigong Yan'an Now, it can be said that they hate Xia Youjie to death.

Just one day's loss today is worth what it was in the past. Half-year membership fee for Panxing Teaching

"Social shutdowns do happen.

Xia Chuan nodded as if he understood:"But the magic community is already trying its best to make changes.""

"I just hope it can be resolved quickly."

When Sigong Yan'an said this, he couldn't help but look at Xia Chuan. After thinking about it, he slowly said:

"`Many people have been discussing your affairs online recently, so you have no plans to come forward?

Xia Chuan glanced at Sigong Yan'an who was paying attention:"You are actually worried about me.""[]

Shinomiya Yanan did not hide his thoughts and said bluntly:"My Shinomiya family has always been committed to following your wishes, and at the same time, we also hope to get your protection." It was just a yearning at the banquet, but after the baptism of the cursed age, it turned into follow.

Sigong Yan'an saw clearly that as long as Xia Chuan came forward to protect him.

Even if the chaebol cannot be brought back to its previous state, it can still revitalize a large area in an instant.

Although the price below this is that the Shinomiya Zaibatsu has to change from wooing to surrendering to Natsukawa.

But Sigong Yanan saw it clearly.

Nowadays, with spellcasters and other superpowers all coming forward, society no longer competes with who has the most power, but has to speak through the most direct fists.

Xia Chuan has the biggest fist, and the sooner you follow him, the more benefits you will get.

Xia Chuan naturally knows the difference between the two.

He didn't refuse. Naturally, the family's subordinates also said that they were affiliated.

If the heart of the country can almost belong to him, why not?

"I came here specifically for this purpose."

Xia Chuan said, and at the same time he took out the crow spell that had been prepared from his divine power.

Although he knew that the spell master's spells were magical, Shinomiya Yan'an couldn't help but be surprised every time he saw them with his own eyes.

He looked at Xiang Xia Chuan put the crow-like model on the table (Li Hao) and asked doubtfully:"This is it? Xia

Chuan said calmly:"This is what the magician usually uses for live broadcast. It can clearly broadcast all the scenes related to the magic power.""

Sigong Yan'an's eyes lit up:"The Shinomiya family will fully support your live broadcast."

"I have no interest in live streaming."

Xia Chuan waved his hands, looking very uninterested in it:"The video between me and Gojo Satoru has been recorded in it. It is enough for you to use the energy of the Shinomiya family to publish it."

Shinomiya Yanan suddenly realized, and then thought of the battle scene between the other party and Gojo Satoru. Isn't it the scene that severely damaged Shinjuku?!

Shinomiya Yanan didn't care whether Natsukawa stepped on Gojo Satoru, it would be better to say He expected this even more.

But even though he couldn't see the battle, he also knew why Shinjuku was destroyed into the way it was at that time.

He couldn't help but hesitate:"If those scenes are exposed, will it be harmful to you?" Fame has an impact"

"Do you think I care about this? Xia Chuan asked with a smile.

Sigong Yan'an then shook his head, solemnly picked up the cursed skeleton and couldn't help but look at it.

Xia Chuan stepped forward and injected his cursed power into it.

Then the cursed skeleton was removed. When activated, the battle scene between Natsukawa and Gojo Satoru is immediately shown.

Not only the scene at the Magic High School, but also the scene in Shinjuku on Christmas Eve.

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