Hokkaido, the northernmost region of Neon.

Despite its large population, it lacks transportation and infrastructure due to its remote location.

There are some relatively backward villages with old-fashioned habits.

Among them is a village called Ziluo Village.

The sacrificial pit at the back of the village.

In the long history, the villages that are backward in knowledge and old-fashioned often have ancient customs that have been preserved.

The custom of Qiluo Village is to bless the peace of the whole village by offering sacrifices to the gods.

And the unknown gods in Qiluo Village are the beliefs of the local villagers.

However, as an old village under many rituals to worship the gods, Qiluo Village is one of the more notorious.

This is because the ritual of sacrificing the gods in the village includes human sacrifices that are intolerable to the world.

It is only in this custom, and after hundreds of years, that human sacrifice has long since become a thing of the past.

Every annual festival, the people in the village worship chickens, ducks, geese and other domestic animals as tribute.

But with the advent of the cursed prosperous era now, coupled with the deliberate attention of those who have a heart.

The ritual of human sacrifice, which should have been silent in the historical past, is beginning to awaken.

"The curse has begun to spread, and your former mighty and masculine gods have long since been transformed into nondescript gods by the blood of fowl. "

"It won't be long before it degenerates into a curse and begins to bring disaster to this village. "

"If you want to bless the village, it needs to be baptized by human sacrifice again. "

A man with a scar on his head reads aloud by the side of the sacrificial pit.

After the curse of the heyday, Qi Suo had been planning this layout for a week.

And today is the day to reap the fruits.

Even such a backward and conservative village is under the comprehensive popularization of the government.

The villagers know a lot about curses and sorcerers.

Naturally, when Qi Suo showed his identity as a sorcerer, he was easily respected by the people in the village.

Even if there are heroes specially promoted by the government, those characters that can be seen but cannot be touched are naturally no better than the sorcerers who took the initiative to appear in the village in front of them.

As a result, the villagers began to believe that the village really had a patron saint, but they had tarnished their image with the wrong tribute.

Human sacrifice, as the level of knowledge slowly increases.

It has become an inhumane and evil practice.

But in today's era of panic and curse, the selfishness of only seeking self-preservation and desperate will be infinitely magnified.

"It is also recorded in the ancestral training that when people were sacrificed in the past, the village was developed for a long time!"

"There's no way around it, it's better to pay for one person than for the whole village to suffer later. "

"Anyway, that son of your family is also a cripple, and it is a great achievement to reawaken the gods~'. "

The human sacrifice launched by the crowd.

It is a family in the village who was born with the foot of the slope.

And it's not just because of the foot of the slope, plus this person usually steals chickens and dogs, which often causes dissatisfaction and dislike from other people in the village.

Naturally, it was pushed out as a sacrifice at this moment.

The words of a man against a crowd are sometimes more effective than any butcher's knife.

Under the voice of the villagers, even his parents chose silent support.

The only people who protested were the men who were forced to be sacrificed.

Knowing the preciousness of life, no one wants to die.

The man struggled desperately with the ropes on his body and scolded, "Why am I?!Why not you selfish guys!"

At this moment, he scolded his biological parents.

Perhaps as early as after his parents disliked and chose to give birth to a new son, he was already a marginal figure in the family.

"You're embarrassed to say that you're a scourge in the first place! My family's field is like your vegetable market, how many things have been stolen back and forth!"

"My dog was poisoned by you for no reason. "

"Lameness is not a reason, but you are a naturally evil villain, and it is better to leave you to continue to plague the people of the village, so it is better to wash the patron saint of the village. "

"Don't worry about it so much, let's go straight to the ceremony!"

So some villagers began to carry it to the altar one after another.

Qi Suo watched silently, constantly feeling the negative mana that was becoming more and more abundant.

The cold temperature of winter began to melt in the heat wave of flames, and malice continued to brew in it.

With all kinds of negative emotions, it is guided by the magic power of Qi Suo until the curse is born.

Although at first it was a decision.

But after the ceremony, the villagers were more or less condemned by their conscience for this cruel practice.

So they looked at Tsso.

"Spellcaster, this will allow the village guardian spirit to return to its original form. "

Qi Suo looked at the villagers with a smile on his face:

"Of course. "

"After the ceremony, you can have the whole village pray. "

As soon as he said this, the villagers felt a little more at ease.

The village chief quickly asked people to go door-to-door to inform.

Under the villagers, who are all ordinary people, no one knows the stench and evil smell, and it is getting stronger and stronger at this moment.

"Then pray well. "

After saying it with deep meaning, Qi Suo left the village sacrifice ground as if he had done a good deed without leaving a name.

He didn't go far, he leaned against a huge tree outside the village, and waited in peace.

"I just don't know what kind of level I can breed this time. "

The villagers don't know what is happening in front of them, but they are now the co-partners of the most evil spell master in history, "Xia Youjie".

Even he himself was the existence of the last most evil sorcerer.

In the end, it is a prayer, but it is a closer absorption of the mantra.

"If it's not a special grade, I'll leave it for me to make a "bath" for Lord Subu. "

Qi Suo turned his head calmly.

Look at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of you.

Dressed in a monk-like robe like Xia Youjie before, with a white kappa head, and a somewhat delicate girl.

It's just that whether it's a girl or not, Qi Suo doesn't have a clear judgment.

But that didn't stop him from smiling at the visitor.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to sit still when you saw the image of that fight, Remay. "


He was a thousand-year-old sorcerer like Kinso. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Its original identity was the servant next to the Su Nu thousands of years ago, and because of its superb cooking skills for women and children, it was very recognized by the Su Nu.

Through the situation of receiving flesh, he occupies the body of a girl originally named "Himami Shiori" and lives again in the present world.

Rime snorted.

"They are indeed strong, but the Sufu talent is undoubtedly the strongest. "

An invincible scene of killing all the sorcerers a thousand years ago.

Rimeko witnessed it with his own eyes beside Su Nu.

"It's hard to say. "

It's not just Rime who has had the same experience.

Rather than being reborn from the flesh, he has come into contact with all the sorcerers of the millennia.

Su Wu is undoubtedly the most powerful sorcerer of thousands of years.

But this is only if he doesn't know Xia Chuan yet.

The picture of the battle a few days ago made him remember it very deeply.

Not only is it an exaggerated technique that has never been seen before, but it is also easy to beat the strongest spell master with six eyes and no lower limit like a toy.

He has defeated the six-eyed man twice, but he knows Gojo Satoru's strength better than everyone else.

Looking at Qi Suo's statement that others were majestic and ruining his ambition, Rimei was very unhappy. []

"On the basis of my cooperation with you, it is to resurrect Lord Sufu, so your plan has not been carried out yet?!"

Rimei's resurrection by the flesh is about two years after the destruction of the star slurry and the failure of Tianyuan's assimilation.

At that time, Qi Suo had already said that he had a clear plan.

So from that time on, Rimei has been silently preparing for all the baptism of the resurrection of Su Fu.

At first, he could wait, but after the battle scene between Satoru Gojo and Natsukawa came out a few days ago, it was difficult for Rimeko to wait.

"So what about the fingers of the squire, how many have you collected?"

"2 roots. "

Seemingly ashamed of the number, Rime's voice was much quieter.

"But I've been preparing for the bath most of my time, haven't you collected it all after all these years of living?"

"Nope. "

Qi Suo showed (Zhao) a helpless look.

Of course, whether it is true or not, only he knows.

After all, resurrecting Su Nu was not his goal, and optimizing mana power was his long-term plan.

"I've only collected 11 of them now, and the rest are probably in the hands of those spell masters. "

Hearing the figures given by Confession, Rime looked unhappy.

2 plus 11 is only 13.

Doesn't that mean that there are still 7 more that may be on the side of modern conjurers?!

If the finger is resurrected through the flesh, the corresponding finger will produce information fluctuations.

Then when the time comes, the people of the high school will inevitably find out and then start a crusade against Su Fu.

Although the strength of Su Fu has always been admired.


With 13 fingers, even if it is the resurrection of Lord Su, it is only half as tall as the strength.

The risk is still too great.

So Rime frowned and said, "Then what should I do?!"

It's not that he impulsively went directly to the spell master, after all, just one Gojo Satoru is already an existence that the two of them can't solve together.

"I already have an idea. "

Qi Suo looked at Rimei, and then slowly spoke: "Let Yuhito become the body of the sufu." "

After hearing the word.

Rimei immediately understood who it was, and subconsciously said, "Knotweed Yuhito?!".

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