For Knotweed Yuhito.

Rime is no stranger.

Although the time of receiving the flesh was relatively late, he knew that Qi Suo was particularly concerned about this human.

So much so that he had some impressions of Knotweed Yuhito, and even Rimei himself.

But that's not all.

Knotweed Yuhito's mother, Knotweed Kaori, is one of the flesh that Knoso has ever used.

Therefore, as a human knotweed Yuhito, in a certain sense, it is a product made by Qisuo.

In the past thousand years, Qi Suo has created a lot of things out of interest, whether it is the Nine Phase Diagram or other spells.

Only products with special significance will deserve his attention.

Obviously, Knotweed Yuren is one of the more special.

Regarding Rimei's direct name of Knotweed Yuhito, Qi Suo nodded: "That's right, it's him." "

Hearing this, Rimei looked deeply at Qi Suo and said in a suspicious tone:

"Is there anything special about this guy?"

Qi Suo is not only powerful, as an old thing that has been parasitic for thousands of years, Rime knows his old calculations.

In fact, you can choose any one of them, but the special knotweed Youren must have its own special place.

Just glanced at Limei, but Qi Suo didn't hide it, and slowly spoke:

"Knotweed Yuhito...... It has a repressive effect on the soul of the Sufu. "

As soon as the words fell.

It was Rime, who suddenly burst out, and slammed into a posture towards the Suo.

From its outstretched palm, the terrifying ice condensation spell turned into a biting cold temperature with the mana.

It's just a moment.

The surrounding area, as well as the area himself, was frozen into an ice sculpture.

- Knock!

It was only with a heavy banging sound that sounded from Qi Suo's body.

510The ice that enveloped Qi Suo was immediately shattered.

Seemingly unscathed, he covered his body with his hands in the cold.

In response to Rime's sudden attack, Qi Suo was not very angry, but still said soothingly like an old friend:

"Don't be so angry, Rime. "

"I knew you old fox was absolutely uneasy and kind. "

Rimei glared at Xiang Suo with an angry face: "If the soul is suppressed, it is not really resurrected by the flesh. "

Powerful sorcerers can often incorporate their soul and mana into parts of their structure.

Then, through the principle of receiving flesh, the soul and spell imprint are forcibly blessed on the weak who have no ability to resist, and the concept of rebirth is realized.

But if the soul is suppressed, it is only the concept of sharing the body, unlike the resurrected Rime who can do whatever he wants.

To put it more clearly, it is a prison that can hold souls.

At Rime's words, Qi Suo smiled.

In fact, that's what he intended from the beginning.

After all, he knew what an exaggerated strength Su Nu had, and this person was a self-respecting character.

In order not to let him affect his plan, naturally when all conditions are met, he needs a cage that can suppress him.

Therefore, Qi Suo, whose enchantment ability is second only to Tian Yuan, is engraved with the enchantment in the body of Knotweed Yuhito.

In this way, a physical cage can be formed that can hold Su Fu, which is the special meaning of Knotweed Yuhito to him.

But now that Bdad is telling Rime about the role of Knotweed Yuhito, it's natural that Knotweed has changed the plan.

Qi Suo started the spell.

The powerful force of gravity surrounded him, instantly causing Reme's ice condensation spell to collapse as he approached.

"Being able to suppress the body of the soul of the lodging lady is not necessarily a good thing now. "

The mana power on Rimei's body began to skyrocket, but she didn't continue to use the technique and domain, but just asked coldly:

"It's still a good thing to let the strongest be forced to be locked up in prison?!"

"Well, things change according to the situation. "

Qi Suo narrated it eloquently.

"First of all, we don't have all the fingers on our side, so whoever accepts Su Fu's rebirth will be tracked down by the spelling world. "

"And in terms of Su Fu's temperament, he will most likely choose to attack the spell master directly, but you have also seen the strength that the spell world has now, which is probably a high-risk thing. "

Seeing Su Wu's well-founded appearance, Rimei also put down her raised arm.

"Isn't Knotweed Yuhito going to let the spell world track it down?!"

"No, I can even give two reasons. "

Gasso confidently gestured between two fingers.

"First, when the upper echelons of the spell find out that Yuhito's body will not be robbed of consciousness by the Sufu after receiving the flesh, then they will most likely take the means of raising the pig and then killing it. "

"And the second is that the high-level spell will take the initiative to cultivate Knotweed Yuhito, and will take the initiative to supply their fingers before achieving their goal. "

Rimei subconsciously asked, "Why did you cultivate Knotweed Yuhito?"

The first way, Rime can still think of.

Because of the particularity of Lord Su's fingers, it still can't be cleansed after thousands of years of baptism.

Naturally, when it is found that someone has been fleshed and does not lose control, the upper level of the spell will have the idea of collecting all the fingers and then killing them directly.

As for the second one, it is something that Rime could not imagine. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lord Su is the current king of curses, how can the high-level of the spell that guards the human race be cultivated without saying that it is purified?!

"Because something happened that even I didn't expect. "

Qi Suo said slowly: "Today's strongest spell master, Xia Chuan. "

Just mentioning this name, both of them couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

The situation reflected by the body's subconscious intention already shows how jealous Qi Suo and Rimei are of Xia Chuan.

"Not only can't Gojo Satoru suppress the other party, but that guy is an existence that is not subject to the rules of the spell world. "

"Uncontrollable risk, but those old bones who have been sitting in high positions for a long time do not want to see, they will inevitably try to reduce this risk as much as possible. "

"So you said that if a body that can suppress the su fu appears, will the old bones be moved by it?"

Qi Suo asked Xiang Rime rhetorically.

He thought the old bones were going to be like that anyway.

It is said that it is a high-level spell, but those people are not good people who sincerely serve the people.

They value their lives and interests more than anyone else.

The physical body is blessed with the magic mark and soul left behind by the spell.

If the soul can be suppressed, it means that the magic mark can also be slowly recorded with the assimilation of time.

Then Knotweed Yuren naturally has the conditions to become the strongest sorcerer a thousand years ago. []

Of course, the premise of everything is that Knotweed Yuhito can lock the accommodation all the time.

Rime silently pondered Cinso's words.

I have to say that what Qi Suo said is indeed very reasonable.

It's high-risk, but it's also high-reward, and it's hard to guarantee that the high-level spell won't be tempted by it.

And in this way, you can not only ensure the safety of Lord Su, but also easily get your hands on the sorcerer's fingers.

With that in mind, Rime's mana faded.

"It's going to be wronged by Lord Su for a while. "

This statement also means that Rimei does not think that Knotweed Yuhito can suppress the Sufu in his heart for a long time.

In the end, it's just a mortal fetus, and even if there is a ghost, it can't compare to the adult who gets all the fingers at that time.

When Qi Suo heard this, he chuckled:

"It's a guaranteed approach, and maybe Su Nu himself will be happy with the idea. "


Rimei said unceremoniously: "Lord Su is a person who can't stand restraint by nature, if you let him know that it is you who is the troublemaker, you have only the choice to be cut into a few pieces." "

And who likes to go to jail for a serious person?

There are only those who are afraid of certain things and deliberately hide from them.

What would Lord Sufu be afraid of and choose to go to jail?

Qi Suo didn't care about Li Mei's warning, and said eloquently: Knowing and acquiescing, you have also become an accomplice. "

"I'll ask you to keep it a secret when the time comes. "

So Rime fell silent for a moment.

Just as the two were talking, a scene of a curse devouring person also occurred in the sacrificial place in the village.

Under the double combination of monstrous resentment and prayerful anticipation, although it is still only a curse fetus, in terms of mana harm, it has reached the special level.

Just a simple third-level spell spirit can slaughter this group of villagers who are powerless.

Naturally, as time came to an end, all the villagers who came to pray were eaten by this curse and turned into incubated nutrients.

"It's a super-grade seedling. "

Gazing at the flickering mana above the village.

He didn't do this kind of thing in the past, but in the current world, he only gave birth to the level of a first-level spell spirit.

Now that he is able to break through the first level and reach an even rarer special level, the convenience brought by the curse of the prosperous age is really not small.

Rime glanced at the village for a moment, her expression looking a little regretful.

"Even if it's a special grade, it can't compare to those disaster-level spell spirits, what's the point of making this?"

As he walked towards the village, he began to accept the results, and the voice was heard.

"It's really not useful to me, but for my new chess piece, it can increase his value. "。

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