Originally, for the layout of Knotweed Yuren, Qi Suo was prepared to start around the second half of this year.

But because of Xia Chuan's birth.

He had to advance the plan to liberate Su Fu in order to increase the chips on his side.

So in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, the fate of a precipitated sports student will soon be put on the chessboard.

Under the curse of the world, as the spell master poured into reality in the form of live broadcast.

The society, which was in a state of shutdown, was slowly being guided by the government to function again.

Under the disclosure of information.

Hospitals, a place where a lot of negativity can accumulate and curse is born.

It has become the primary focus of the government's official attention~.

Through the re-operation of the hospital institution, and then through the combination of the Spellcaster and the live broadcast 1-+1 greater than 2.

After several days of peace and security, the society that had been suspended for nearly a month was announced in a public manner.

This result means that the government can control public opinion with the statement that the "curse" is under control.

It also began to weaken the fear that there was hell outside.

Along with this, the government followed with a compensation policy.

Enterprises and workers who are in line with the re-functioning of society will receive economic support and incentives under the new policy.

At the same time, the support for the distribution of supplies to the population will also be stopped this month.

This move naturally attracted many people's abuse and dissatisfaction.

However, the government officially believes that it has done its best to be benevolent, and has left the people speechless because of the loss of labor due to the social shutdown for too long.

Even though there are still many people who do not want to face a future society that lives in symbiosis with the curse.

With the introduction of two new policies that the government must put back in operation, the vast majority of people will eventually be forced to go out again.

Unless they really lie down, most people will choose to work again in order to survive.

After all, neon is a country that is not a social animal.

There has been data that shows that 70% of office workers consider themselves social animals.

One can imagine how many people make a living by working in this society.

In line with the new policy given by the government, the Sinomiya chaebol followed with a direct public announcement to the public to restart the normal operation of the company under its command.

At that time, the effect of allegiance to Natsukawa through full disclosure was also fully reflected at this moment.

For Natsukawa, the strongest, unlike Gojo Satoru, it is more sought after as a hero.

The people revered him not only for the strongest sorcerer, but also for his unscrupulous behavior.

No matter what kind of emotion it is, it comes from Xia Chuan's absolute strength to crush Gojo Satoru.

At this moment, he is the only chaebol of the Four Palaces who is loyal to Xia Chuan, which means that all the industries under the command of the Four Palaces family are protected by Xia Chuan in a certain sense.

Let's not talk about whether it is safe or not in this cursed era, but the place with the strongest shelter is basically one of the safest places today.

In particular, as an individualist, I have gained a lot of bonuses in this regard.

Therefore, under the effect of Xia Chuan's strongest protection, it was just like what Sigong Yan'an thought at the time.

All the companies under the family's command were revitalized faster than expected.

And that's not all.

In order to comply with the Sinomiya enterprises with Xia Chuan's protection, many people are taking the initiative to change jobs, and the family businesses seeking cooperation are also overwhelming.

So much so that other enterprises in the society are still slowly recovering, and only the Sigong chaebol is directly thriving.

Although it is not as good as the losses caused to a large chaebol like the Shinomiya family after the social shutdown, according to this trend, the future of the Sigong chaebol will be far better than in the past.

Naturally, there are definitely a lot of high-ranking officials and nobles who are hot here.

It's a pity that most of them have never had a relationship with Xia Chuan.

The only one who thinks he has this opportunity is Nagi Senzaemon, who is looking forward to it strongly.

After receiving the notice from the Four Palaces Chaebol, the ogre king couldn't wait to see the guests come to the door.

The place to make an appointment with Fujiwara Chika and Shinomiya Kaguya is in front of the school gate of the Far Moon Academy.

But with Chika Fujiwara, things mostly don't go as expected.

Compared to Kaguya, he replied like a good child.

[I see, see you then.] 】

Fujiwara Chika replied directly and decisively:

[In this way, the meaning of travel and play is less than a quarter!]

[Traveling together between good friends is also a key to memories, Xia Chuan sent me the location, I'll come to you with Kaguya first~]

The gap between Kaguya Shinomiya and Chika Fujiwara is also reflected in the mobile phone message.

Xia Chuan didn't care.

Didn't wait long.

Soon the black car stopped at the door of Xia Chuan's house.

As the door opened, a soft voice followed.

"Xia Chuan! here! here!"

If you don't see him, you hear him first.

Xia Chuan raised a smile and looked in the direction of the sound.

Under the open car door, is Chika Fujiwara waving her arms high.

It seems completely unaffected by today's turbulent society.

It's still the same as the first time we met. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A pretty, lively figure full of sunny temperament all over her body.

Her blue eyes, as deep as the sea, shimmered with youthful vigor, and her pink shoulder-length hair swayed with the wave of her hand.

Of course, this action is the most eye-catching!

Or is it the towering that is different from its peers, upside down and swaying like a wave.

When Xia Chuan saw it, he had to compare the scale with Xiaohua, and for a while he had a feeling that it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat.

But compared to the Kaguya Shinomiya on the car.

It is also the concept that the nutrition of people cannot be generalized.

The girl greeted Xia Chuan, a sunny smile on the corner of her mouth.

But I didn't know that Kaguya on the other side of it also changed from a look of expectation to a gloomy stare at the conspicuous part of the swaying Fujiwara Chika.

The goodwill that arose because of Fujiwara Chika's invitation to come to Xia Chuan together also dropped to freezing point again at this moment.

Greedy guys!

Only this kind of subterfuge will be used to seduce men!

With the pride of the Sinomiya family, how can she let this earth cancer preempt her again![]

So, when Xia Chuan was about to get on the car.

Shinomiya Kaguya spoke: ".... I also have a place here, so why don't Xia Chuan sit on my side? "

Whether it is the Fujiwara family or the Shinomiya family, the business car equipped for receiving Xia Chuan is naturally impossible to say that it is crowded.

I remove the normal driving arrangement in front.

At the back of the car are seats facing each other.

Fujiwara and Kaguya sat on their sides.

So no matter which side Xia Chuan sits, the people on the other side will feel a little strange.

It's as if the other party is a couple traveling together, and the light bulb on your side is a friend.

Thinking of this, Shinomiya Kaguya would rarely boldly open his mouth.

To know the melting of the ice glow night, you can only get the feeling from chatting on LINE.

This is the second time Natsukawa meets Kaguya and Chika.

Compared to the image of the last Ice Glow, the style seems to be completely new, which makes Xia Chuan feel familiar and novel.

is also out of understanding the personalities of the two.

Xia Chuan chose to sit next to Kaguya.

If it were Kaguya, she might put up with her dissatisfaction and grievances in the bottom of her heart.

But if it's a thousand flowers, either they feel indifferent, or they let the situation directly become the same.

As Xia Chuan thought.

"It feels like I'm being left out..."

Fujiwara Chika pursed her lips when she saw this, then got up directly and sat over, smiling like a flower:

"Then let's just sit down together, so it won't be strange. "。

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