Nearly an hour and a half away.

The black business vehicle carrying the three of them also drove to the gate of Yuanyue Academy.

Coming to this place where the memory screen appeared, Xia Chuan looked out the car window.

Starting from the halfway point of the mountain, several successive hills are encircled, and there is no end in sight to the entire academy at a glance.

It is worthy of being a local tyrant school, which is ridiculously big.

The protagonist in the original book, Kohei Soma, when he first came to Enyue, he walked until the sun went down to return to the dormitory.

Not only is the facilities advanced and complete, but it also has a far moon resort.

Far Moon Academy is to create an environment where jade can be cultivated with high standards piled up with money.

"Well, isn't Far Moon Academy exaggerating. "

Fujiwara Chika leaned next to Xia Chuan and explained: "But in fact, it's nothing now, when the school starts normally, the scene is even more spectacular that day." "

"In addition to ordinary people with talents and exceptional incomes, as a local tyrant academy, there is naturally no shortage of young masters and young ladies in the famous culinary world. "

"It can even be said that basically 90% of the families or industries related to cooking in the entire society will gather in this academy!"

Chika Fujiwara opened her hands and praised, "This is a paradise for all food lovers!"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan glanced at Chika Fujiwara, who was excitedly explaining.

"So, Qianhua, you seem to have seen the scene of the beginning of school in Yuanyue?"

"But it stands to reason that 14 was when you were in school. "

Even though the majors are different, the start and vacation times of all schools are basically the same.


Listening to Xia Chuan's words, Fujiwara Chika stiffened when she raised her hands, and she couldn't help but have a weak expression that pursed her mouth.

"Fujiwara-san, there have indeed been cases of taking leave from school. "

Shinomiya Kaguya added a sentence at the right time.

Anyway, there is such a thing as skipping class at school, and a good child's Shinomiya Kaguya will never be like this.

Xia Chuan smiled and said, "So you guy, you won't skip class and come here to enjoy the food." "

Fujiwara Chika immediately defended: "No, I'm accompanying my parents to do business." "

Xia Chuan smiled but did not speak, looking at it without continuing to say it.

When a person suddenly purses his lips with a micro-expression, nine times out of ten he can know that the other party is in a state of panic under the goof.

Coach Yuanyue's office is at the top of the mountain.

Drive all the way to the top of the mountain.

It took another ten minutes to arrive at the Western-style manor that looked like a shogunate castle building.

Dressed almost in an old-fashioned yellow-brown kimono and black coat, Nagi Senzaemon and Erina Nagi were waiting outside the manor.

After letting Chika and Kaguya get out of the car first, Xia Chuan also stepped down from the seat of the business car.

Nagi Senzaemon then greeted him with an eager look and a smile.

"I've been looking forward to your arrival for a long time. "

Xia Chuan still remembered that at the banquet at night, Nagi Senzaemon brought a little respectful and friendly to himself the honorific title of young master.

See you again at this moment.

This ogre king is already the same as the Sigong Yan'an, he is completely respectful to himself when he sees a high position, and even uses the self-title of contemptible person.

"Old man Nagi is polite, after all, I am also here to satisfy my appetite and interest, and I want to look forward to your greeting. "

When Nagi Senzaemon heard this, he said with a smile that did not fit his appearance:

"When it comes to gastronomy, I, Far Moon Academy, are bound to make you feel satisfied. "

Under the push of the boat, Nagi Senzaemon did not seem to forget to promote the distant moon.

The current situation of the Sigong chaebol, he naturally sees it in his eyes.

For the effect that only has the strongest protection of Xia Chuan, it obviously makes Nagi Senzaemon very hot.

Of course, what he values is not the money and power that the Sigong chaebol thinks.

What he values is the effect that allows his organization to quickly repeat its new life.

In his life, Nagi Senzaemon did not value power and money much, and it was his duty and pursuit as a chef of the Demon Eater to provide a variety of excellent chefs to this society.

Therefore, the more Enzuki is still in a difficult state of suspending classes and business, the more Nagi Senzaemon is eager for the effect of Xia Chuan's protection.

Of course, while trying to win over the other party, he didn't forget his original plan.

"Erina. "

With the title of Nagi Senzaemon, Erina Nagi also stepped forward.

"My granddaughter has been practicing hard for a while because of the promise she made at that time. "

"This time the task of entertaining you was taken by this kid on his own initiative. "

In case Xia Chuan was too careful, Nagi Kiri Senzaemon spoke again:

"Of course, don't worry, Erina Nagikiri is still young, but her cooking skills are among the top few in our Far Moon Academy. "

Xia Chuan nodded expectantly: "Then I have to look forward to it." "

There is no need for Nagi Kiri Senzaemon to explain, Xia Chuan naturally knows Nagi Kiri Erina's ability.

And if Erina Nagikiri's little follower secretary is there, maybe Erina will be listed as one by one as the Ten Masters of the Far Moon and other noble symbols.

Xia Chuan looked at the blonde girl who came forward.

The posture is elegant, and the temperament is the same as at that time.

Like a peacock, it exudes elegance and nobility.

This comes from the tongue of the maiden god and the pride of being a genius chef.

To others, she is dismissive of everything around her. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For Xia Chuan, he put away his arrogance and showed respect like his grandfather.

"Long time no see, Eri-sama. "

"As you say, I'm looking forward to you showing me how pleasant the taste is. "

When Erina Nagikiri heard this, she naturally remembered the promise she had made at that time.

Because of the terrifying strength that Xia Chuan has, a girl who is an ordinary person will feel awe.

But when it comes to the field of cooking that she is best at, the girl's self-confidence cushions this awe.

Erina Nagikiri said seriously, "I will definitely satisfy you!"

In this scene, Kaguya Shinomiya inexplicably felt a little similar.

How do you look like the scene when your father took him to meet Xia Chuan.

Thinking like this, Shinomiya Kaguya's heart was slightly sour.

Fujiwara Chika didn't see that Kaguya was wrong, and leaned over and whispered: "At that time, I really wanted to say, did Kaguya feel that the conversation between these two people was weird." "

There was a mocking expression on his face as he spoke, apparently thinking of some kind of terrible picture.

But there is a devastating lack of knowledge in a certain aspect of knowledge, and Kaguya Shinomiya can't catch up with the statement that Chika Fujiwara suddenly drove.

"There's 863 here, what's weird. "

Kaguya Shinomiya looked at Chika Fujiwara inexplicably: "It's just like a contest between a chef and a guest." "[]

While saying this, Kaguya was also self-comforting in his heart.

That's right!

It's just a chef, and it can't affect her and Xia Chuan!

"Haha... That's true. "

Chika Fujiwara blinked and said nothing.

Through the temptation just now, this black-bellied silly Bai Tian was keenly aware of the dazzling purity of Kaguya Shinomiya, and he was embarrassed to lead the other party to a more profound level of knowledge for a while.

On the other side, after guiding Erina and Natsukawa to talk as expected, Nagi Senzaemon and Erina greeted Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika again, and led everyone into the manor.

Apparently well prepared.

The servants in the manor, dressed in the corresponding costumes, greeted Xia Chuan and the others one by one.

Fujiwara Chika looked up and down, and couldn't help but say with envy: "There are so many servants, it feels like Kaguya's house." "

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't feel surprised, and it wasn't surprising that the Nagikiri family's status in the culinary world had this level of living.

As a political family, Fujiwara Chika is mostly under the influence of the political power, so it is natural to have a certain degree of control over the luxury of life.

Listening to Fujiwara Chika's emotion, Erina Nagikiri spoke: "Actually, there are usually no servants, but grandpa specially prepared it to welcome Xia Chuan." "

"Since you are a distinguished guest, of course, you must do the best hospitality. "

Nagi Senzaemon said with a smile: "Of course, these are nothing, what Yuanyue can take out his hand has always been food." "。

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