The charm of Japanese food.

Always revolves around three major strengths.

Natural original flavor, fine processing, and made in time.

Through Erina's craftsmanship, the second advantage is brought into full play to present an evocative feast of taste.

With this feast, the great satisfaction on the taste buds made Xia Chuan find another indescribable pleasure in the embrace of food.

At this moment, Xia Chuan is really more interested in food and the chefs of Yuanyue.

Nagi Senzaemon saw that Xia Chuan was enjoying it very much, and his heart was even more happy.

The idea of using good food to attract the strongest interest of this person is clearly achieved.

The tasting of Japanese food is more about the chef's craftsmanship and the quality of the ingredients themselves.

Therefore, the problem of pursuing refinement will also have the problem of "weight" that is a fly in the ointment.

Not long after, the dinner party for Xia Chuan and the others also ended after the dishes were emptied one by one.

Nagi Senzaemon said happily: "It seems to be a banquet that satisfies everyone." "

"Thanks for the hospitality. "

Chika Fujiwara and Kaguya Shinomiya both nodded at this, and at the same time did not forget to politely thank them.

Although this dinner was in a half-full state.

But to show Erina's ability, this is indeed done.

Xia Chuan looked at Erina: "Your granddaughter Erina is such an excellent chef, I can't help but want to take her with me after tasting such a dish." "


For Xia Chuan's straight ball, everyone present was taken aback.

Kaguya, Erina, and Chika couldn't help but exclaim.

After all, Xia Chuan's words will not really be taken as a joke.

In response to their 983 reaction, Xia Chuan smiled:

"It's not surprising that my taste buds will naturally be higher after tasting such food. "

This sentence does not sound strange.

But because of this, it is strange to have others with you!

The three girls all had this idea in their hearts, but they all did not refute Xia Chuan's words in the same way.

After all, the main person in the Nagi family's reception this time was Xia Chuan.

The three daughters are all different from ordinary people, and naturally they know that the Nagi family has plans to rely on Xia Chuan.

No way.

The hottest existence in society today is the boy in front of him.

It can even be said that this is not coercion, but more like a reward.

Being able to follow the strongest in the era of curses is an idea that many ordinary people dream of.

Erina Nagikiri looked at her grandfather, as if waiting for the other party's decision.

Nagi Senzaemon didn't expect Natsukawa to be so direct, but when he reacted, his heart was full of joy.

He originally wanted his Erina to be as close to Natsukawa as Kaguya Shinomiya.

Originally, I was still thinking about how to guide the topic to Erina in the future, but I didn't expect Xia Chuan to take the initiative to speak.

Nagi Senzaemon can directly agree with Natsukawa's words.

But as an old fox, he knew there was a better way.

It's up to him to decide, and let Erina choose for herself.

So he looked at his granddaughter beside him and said with a smile:

"I can't interfere too much in my granddaughter's future life, it depends on her own choice. "

Nagi Senzae goalkeeper kicks the football in front of Erina.

This move made Eri Namoto's calm heart not calm down.


Erina lowered her head in embarrassment.

In my heart, I was already punching and kicking Nagi Senzaemon in dissatisfaction.

If it was her grandfather who spoke, Erina would not have the complicated mood she is in now, and she would be able to open her mouth directly.

It's like being a child who obeys the family's arrangement.

But if she had to make her own choice, there was a kind of thing she wanted to go to, not the senzaemon requirements of her elders.

And this stinky old man kicked the ball to her, and suddenly said something such vague about her future life, which made her even more embarrassed to speak.

But although it is complaining.

But the grandfather and grandson have already reached a consensus on Xia Chuan, and the Nagi family or the Yuanyue Academy need Xia Chuan's protection.

Naturally, after everyone's eyes turned from Senzaemon to Erina, she spoke:

"I've never been a private chef or anything like that......"

"But if my cooking can satisfy you, a private chef is not impossible. "

Maybe she thinks it's something hard to say, Erina replied as if in circles.

This speech is in line with the girl's already somewhat arrogant character.

"I already feel that this trip to the far moon has been full of gains. "

Xia Chuan said happily: "Having a private chef with top cooking skills and beauty makes me look forward to my future life even more." "

"Thanks for the compliment..."

Erina responded, and a blush appeared on her pretty face because of Xia Chuan's words. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because of her deep impression of Xia Chuan's power position, Erina's attitude towards him still has a sense of respect and distance in the face of big people.

And at this moment, the other party has a kind of speech that breaks the impression of distance, but it makes Erina realize it again.

In addition to status, Xia Chuan is a peer who is about the same age as her, and is obviously a boy who likes to pursue enjoyment.

Wait a minute?!

Private chef, her job should be limited to chef's work!

Finally realizing the key to (BGBG) being the same age, as if thinking of something, Erina suddenly became a little nervous.

"Really agreed?!"

Seeing that Erina seemed to have suddenly become Natsukawa's personal chef, Chika Fujiwara, who had been silent before, couldn't help but speak again.

Then she looked at Xia Chuan's eyes, except for some complications, the rest were full of envy and jealousy.

Erina is one of the Ten Masters of the Far Moon!

As the ten strongest of all the chefs in the far moon!

The cooking skills of these ten people are all at the top of their respective research directions, and they are a symbol of the transformation from jade to dazzling gems.

She also wants a Ten Masters of the Far Moon to be her own chef, not to mention Erina, the most talented of them!

After envy, Fujiwara Chika hurriedly flattered:

"Xia Chuan, I will often be a guest at your house in the future~"

She hit Xia Chuan with the purpose of eating and drinking on Erina.

Seeing Xia Chuan's smiling expression, Fujiwara Chika grabbed his arm and shook it:

"Xia Chuan will meet my little request~ I also want to be able to eat such excellent dishes often in the future. "

"And I'm not eating and drinking for nothing, as a friend's courtesy, I will also reciprocate~"

Kaguya Shinomiya was still silently looking at Erina, and at the same time, because of Xia Chuan's interest, he couldn't help but think about Enzuki's chef.

Suddenly, seeing that Fujiwara Chika was contrived again, she secretly gritted her teeth and pretended to go up calmly.

"If there is still a courtesy, I will also let the family prepare well. "

Although it is not explicitly stated, the girl's meaning has already expressed the idea of being a guest like Fujiwara Chika.

"Private chefs are only for private service, so I don't ask Erina too much. "

Xia Chuan glanced at Fujiwara Chika and said with a smile: "If you want to taste Erina's craftsmanship, you have to beg her yourself." "

Chika Fujiwara pursed her lips, and then looked at Erina eagerly expectantly, and she really begged.

The more cheeky the person, the easier it is to succeed.

This sentence is really true.

Erina actually doesn't have much friendship with Fujiwara Chika, but they have known each other a few times.

At this moment, the other party's request that looked like a good friend made Erina nod and said, "It can only be occasional." "

She's not particularly keen on cooking for people, and for now, Xia Chuan is a special exception.

However, hearing the respect for her in Natsukawa's words, Erina also felt a little better from a little depressed.

After responding to Fujiwara Chika, Xia Chuan did not forget the Shinomiya Kaguya beside him.

She is not as cheeky as Fujiwara Chika to beg others, not to mention that she is still reserved as the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family.

Taking care of Kaguya Shinomiya, Xia Chuan spoke: "Kaguya, of course, you can also come to my house casually. "

It's not like Fujiwara Chika is just for delicious food.

When Shinomiya Kaguya heard this, the expression that was still a little hesitant and silent immediately disappeared, and his eyes seemed to be rejuvenated, and he let out a heavy "um".

"Xia Chuan is eccentric!"

Seeing this, Fujiwara Chika pursed her lips and became dissatisfied.

Why did she turn to Erina, Kaguya directly agreed.

"Kaguya is here to be a guest, not just to satisfy your cravings like you. "

Xia Chuan didn't have a good airway.

Fujiwara Chika looked like she was consciously taking a loss: "That person also has a time to satisfy his cravings." "

The "warmth" on the dining table, Nagi Senzaemon saw in his eyes.

He couldn't help but glance at Erina, who was just an onlooker, and sighed in his heart.

Most of the child's mind was on cooking.

It's a long way to go.

It seems that if you want Erina to open up, he has to take action personally.

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