After the feast is over.

Erina Nagikiri entertained Kaguya Shinomiya and Chika Fujiwara and went to the villa where she was located in the manor.

Because of Nagi Senzaemon's invitation, Natsukawa did not follow.

Walking to the courtyard outside the manor, located on the top of the mountain, Xia Chuan can also see from a distance those extremely imposing national style buildings ~ buildings in the far moon range.

"From this position, you can see the approximate appearance of the Far Moon Academy. "

To Natsukawa's words, Nagi Senzaemon responded with emotion - get up:

"Standing here is a great place to watch the jade transform into a gem and shine on itself. "

"I've used to look here every night, but the recent situation has made me feel this way for a long time. "

"Although tonight has satisfied you, I still feel a little sorry that I didn't show you the Jade Age of the Far Moon. "

The impact of the shutdown is visible to the naked eye.

At present, there is hardly a single light on in all the buildings, and not a single stove is lit.

It's like being completely immersed in the night, and there is a kind of lifeless desolation.

This is especially rare, especially for this academy that specializes in the training of chefs.

On the other hand, it is indeed as Nagi Senzaemon said.

Yuanyue Academy is not only the hospitality of the Nagi family, but also the real place of its culture, as well as the various clubs, the college's autumn selection, residential training and other major activities, as well as the most special halberd culture.

But apparently because of the curse, the school had to stop all activities.

So much so that when Xia Chuan came this time, he didn't see these characteristics of Yuanyue Academy.

Xia Chuan doesn't care, just this time he got Erina as his personal chef, and his trip to the far moon this time is already satisfied, and other things are to take his time.

Naturally, for Nagi Senzaemon's regret, he spoke: "Isn't the government officially already carrying out social restoration now, and it shouldn't take long for this place to return to its original state." "

Nagi Senzaemon shook his head.

"Far Moon Academy is different from other schools, and the teaching policy is relatively ......."

Nagi Senzaemon began to explain the rules of the Engetsu Academy.

Although it is a local tyrant academy, it never pursues identity, only the ability to be a chef.

At the same time, in order to let Puyu learn and grow, one of them will ensure that it stays by eating halberds.

Therefore, it is very difficult to advance to graduate from Yuanyue Academy, and the graduation rate is below 10, which is simply a difference between heaven and hell compared to schools where you can go on to higher education as long as you pass exams and attendance.

However, this is also where the brand effect of Yuanyue comes from, as long as you can survive until graduation, you can enjoy the glory of being a popular star in the culinary industry for the rest of your life, so a large number of chefs still come here every year to train.

Ensuring quality with rigor is not a problem.

But in the current era of the curse, it is a trouble.

As we all know, curses are born from negative emotions in people.

With such a high elimination rate, the more the curse naturally erupts.

In the past, only resentment, jealousy, and dissatisfaction did not give birth to too many harmful spells.

In addition, every once in a while, a special spell master would come here to clean up, so except for the occasional trivial matter, there were no serious major incidents in the Far Moon Academy.

But now, with the release of the curse, the level of the curse has been further increased.

Naturally, comparing the previous curse situation will make it easier to breed harmful curse spirits.

It stands to reason that it is enough to change the education policy of the distant moon.

But if it does that, Engetsu will lose its most important feature and slowly become an ordinary local tyrant chef academy, which is not what Nagi Senzaemon is pursuing.

And there are no solutions to keep the school spirit intact, which requires a sorcerer who can solve the curse.

Listening to Nagi Kiri Senzaemon's explanation, Xia Chuan also knew that the other party had the same idea as Shinomiya Yan'an.

They all wanted to get his protection.

It's just that one is for assets, and the other is for sustaining pursuits.

"So Yuanyue Academy wants to be the same as the Four Palaces Chaebol?"

Xia Chuan asked.

Just to play and enjoy, Xia Chuan can relax at will.

However, if you need to use the effect of his identity, you need to put on some attitude.

When it comes to the topic, Nagi Senzaemon is obviously serious as well.

"Yuanyue's assets are not as good as the Four Palaces Chaebol, but as long as it is what you think, Yuanyue Academy will do its best to serve you, just hoping to exchange it for your protection. "

"I agreed. "

Xia Chuan gave an answer.

Nagi Senzaemon seemed to feel his eyes widen unexpectedly.

In the end, the Far Moon Academy was not as good as the Four Palaces Chaebol, and he thought that he needed other ways to show his loyalty.

"The place I value in the far moon has never been an asset or status. "

Xia Chuan said:

"In terms of assets, the convenience of the four palaces chaebol is enough, and the far moon is enough to satisfy my desire to enjoy food. "

"Just use my name and let the Far Moon Academy continue to develop with the culture of the halberd, after all, it doesn't make sense to really become an ordinary chef academy. "

After using Yuanyue Academy as another place to satisfy his interests, Xia Chuan wanted those outstanding talents who stood out.

Xia Chuan even had some expectations.

After the Far Moon Academy recovers, he can also use his wishes to launch a halberd feast that specifically satisfies his desires.

I didn't know what Natsukawa thought, but after getting Natsukawa's approval, Nagi Senzaemon was as excited as a child.

After leading Xia Chuan to Erina's villa area, he hurriedly left and began to prepare for the restoration of the distant moon.

After Natsukawa walked into Erina's villa, the blonde girl also found someone coming. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Xia Chuan, your room is ready, please come with me. "

Erina walked over and led Natsukawa to the guest room on the first floor.

The layout is all available, and it is obviously carefully prepared.

"What about Chika and Kaguya?"

"They're in the room on the second floor, do you need me to take you there?"

"Not really. Xia Chuan waved his hand and said, "But I have one thing to ask Erina for now." "

Hearing this, Erina said, "Just say it." "

"Now let's make me a dish privately. "

"As a chef, I was negligent. "

Returning to the semi-public kitchen she had been before, Erina spoke.

While pursuing to bring taste buds to the other party, she neglected the amount of food.

Especially as a developing boy, the amount of food is often larger.

At this time, Erina was more or less Natsukawa's personal chef and considered it for him. []

"It's not because I'm hungry, I just want to try Erina's craft again. "

Listening to Natsukawa's words, Erina began to look at the ingredients and said, "In that case, then I'll make you an after-dinner dessert." "

Immediately after that, she took out ingredients such as cake flour, milk, whipping cream, eggs, etc., and apparently still considering the amount of food, Erina chose a cake for dessert after the meal.

The cake is a bit tricky, but if it only serves one person, it's still relatively easy for Erina.

She began to cook, but Yu Guang also found Xia Chuan, who was not waiting outside, but was silently watching beside her.

Erina then said, "Xia Chuan, you can wait outside, I will do it for you if you don't need it." "

"It's okay, I just want to see how Erina cooks excellent food. "

Xia Chuan opened his mouth, and Erina naturally would not refuse.

If at first Natsukawa was a little restrained by his side, then in response to her pride and responsibility for Natsukawa, Erina quickly entered a serious state and devoted herself to making the perfect dish.

But there was some interest.,Xia Chuan watched the girl's cooking steps.,Open the writing wheel eye and copy the door.。。

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