I didn't know that Xia Chuan had the ability to copy.

As an after-dinner dessert, it is more suitable for a refreshing and pleasant taste than a strong sweet taste.

With a little thought in her mind about the steps involved in cooking, Erina quickly began to act.

The first step is the soft cake and the bottom layer.

After beating the eggs through whole eggs and adding cake flour to make a fluffy bottom layer.

The fruit is then vacuumed and then steeped at a low temperature.

In this way, the fruit can be softened and the jam and diced fruit can be prepared to maximize the original flavor.

It's just a simple cake making, and if you want to achieve the sublimation of taste, many steps are naturally indispensable.

Xia Chuan observed the girl's serious cooking.

Beneath the delicate exterior exudes a charm that is unique to Erina.

Natsukawa likes girls who can cook for themselves.

This kind of service in life will make him feel another kind of pleasure that is different from the integration of body and mind.

And the key thing is that different people have different levels of cooking.

Compared with "One Zero Zero" Mai Sakurajima, Erina's cooking skills will naturally make him have more appetite expectations.

"I'll leave three cake bottoms later. "

Natsukawa's sudden voice brought Erina, who was immersed in the world of cooking, back to her senses.

She looked at Xia Chuan curiously: "If it's the two of the Shinomiya and the Fujiwara family, I will do their share together." "

"Not really. "

Xia Chuan waved his hand and said:

"It's good that Erina is in charge of my share, and I'll do the two of them. "

"Are you going to try it yourself?!"

Hearing this, Erina Nagikiri looked at Natsukawa in surprise.

Xia Chuan nodded: "After reading your steps, I feel that I can also try it." "

This sentence convinced Erina Nagikiri of Natsukawa's level of cooking.

She didn't believe that Xia Chuan knew what to do just by looking at it.

However, seeing that Xia Chuan intended to do this, she didn't plan to stop it.

I didn't expect that Xia Chuan, who was the strongest, would be interested in cooking.

Erina felt a little strange for a while, and the sense of distance in Xia Chuan's identity was pulled in a little more.

In such a state of mind, she quickly cut out the area of three pieces of the cake that was already baked soft and fluffy according to Xia Chuan's request, as an attempt to leave it to Xia Chuan.

Then the rest of the cake begins to layer the taste with the previously prepared color jam and fruit pieces, and finally complements it with other ingredients to increase the texture.


Up to three layers of different colors of jam and a pale yellow fruit cake were prepared by Erina's hands.

"The orange is the yellow peach-based fruit layer, and the pink is the champagne-based gel layer. "

Erina explained to Natsukawa one by one:

"At the same time, in order to neutralize the taste of the champagne, the final layer is made with blueberry jam. "

Although it is only three colors, the gel of champagne and the color of the jam are mixed with the white whipped cream, giving the impression of a rainbow hidden in the clouds.

Natsukawa took the spoon from Erina.

Take a bite and put it in your mouth.

The refreshing yet rich taste immediately fills the taste buds.

So, Xia Chuan tasted it with taste.

"It was perfect as an after-dinner dessert. "

"With so much fruit blended, not only does it not change the sweet taste, but the addition of champagne brings a more intuitive and refreshing taste. "

Erina raised the corners of her mouth confidently.

For her praise of cooking, Erina didn't know how much she had heard since she was a child.

Naturally, she is already a self-confident geography of these praises.

But unlike others, maybe she is Xia Chuan's personal chef, or maybe it's because Xia Chuan has the strongest special name.

The sense of recognition that comes with his praise is far greater than that of others.

"Well, I'll give it a try. "

After eating almost the dessert made by Erina, Natsukawa looked eager to try it.

"It's a bit difficult, I can guide you next to you. "

Out of the distance between her and Natsukawa, Erina took the initiative to speak.

"Naturally, no problem. "

"But I've written down all the steps. "

Erina didn't seem to have reacted from Natsukawa's words, but she soon noticed something unusual.

Xia Chuan, who started to act, really proceeded in an orderly manner as her previous steps.

Whether it is the sequence of steps, or the key to the preparation of the champagne gel layer and mixed jam, there is no missing step.

Really wrote it all down?!

Erina looked surprised.

The better the cooking, the more complicated the steps can be.

In order to achieve perfection in cooking, many people often come up with an answer after countless attempts.

She also studied and practiced several times before she firmly grasped the recipe of this cake. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, under Erina's shocked, curious, and expectant gaze.

Natsukawa easily copied the previous dessert.

"Taste it. Natsukawa said to Erina.

Only then did Erina understand that the reason why she kept three was because there was another one for her to taste.

Wanting to prove the facts, Erina did not refuse, and picked up her own one and tasted it.


The unique taste experience of the tongue of the gods makes Erina feel like she is in a place of flowers.

Surrounded by a fairytale-like fruit paradise, it exudes a sweet smell.

Soon the fruit burst open, squirting juice that went straight into the sky, sending Erina into the sky.

Refreshing stimulation and wonderful experience.

Someone stretched out his hands towards Erina, who was enjoying herself in the clouds........

Erina found that the person who reached out to her was her own subconscious hands.

But at the moment when they just shook hands with each other.

"Myself" suddenly became Xia Chuan.

even took her directly by his side. []

At the same time, with the appearance of Xia Chuan, the surrounding dreamscape has become a world that belongs to Xia Chuan's creation.

And under this, all the juices around burst together, suddenly making this piece of the world exude a sweet smell.

In reality.

Natsukawa looked at Erina, who suddenly flushed her cheeks after tasting the food, and was amazed.

This guy can't be caught in some kind of fantasy after eating food.

But I'm just copying it.,It's Erina's own cuisine.,It's not like taking medicine.。

As the cake is finished, the experience under the tongue of the gods slowly ends.

Erina looked at Natsukawa, thought of something, and turned her face away in shame.

Even though it's my own food, the Tongue of God brings the same feeling as when I taste it.

But just from Xia Chuan's hand, I feel that in the feeling that I was originally satisfied, Xia Chuan's mark suddenly appeared.

It's both shameful and wonderful.

"Are you alright? Is there something wrong with my cooking?"

Xia Chuan smiled and asked suspiciously.

When Erina heard this, she couldn't help but be excited.

But he quickly forcibly calmed down, but he didn't dare to look directly into Xia Chuan's eyes and said:

"I'm fine...... Your cooking is a success. "

"There are only minor problems with the cooking method and time. "

"The smooth texture of the whipped cream, the crisp sweetness of the yellow peach sauce, the characteristic freshness of the champagne gelatin, and the sweetness of the blueberry sauce on the top of the head. "

This 2.2 copy of the "copy" means.

Erina couldn't help but think of the "Misakuang" in the school.

But it would take days for that guy to copy someone else's cooking.

And Xia Chuan just watched next to her and memorized the steps of this dish.

Erina couldn't help but say, "If you're a chef, it's definitely a terrifying talent. "

Xia Chuan didn't care much about the chef, but he was just suddenly interested in doing it.

He looked at Erina and said, "It's okay to have ordinary cuisine, but it's useless to just memorize it at a deeper level." "

"And I have such a good personal chef, why do I need to put so much effort into recording other dishes. "

"Of course, it's okay to cook for Erina once in a while. "

"After all, Erina looked very satisfied just now. "

Hearing this, Erina couldn't help but think back to the scene just now, and felt inexplicably ashamed again.

But how to say, Xia Chuan's kindness is difficult for her to refuse.

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