For Xia Chuan's strength and ability.

The third girl's understanding, like that of most people, was limited to the battle footage that was made public at the time.

But in the end, I have watched the situation back and forth countless times.

At this moment, being able to witness Xia Chuan's ability again with personal experience, naturally the three daughters couldn't help but look forward to it.

With this in mind, it soon came to the next day.

After enjoying Erina's breakfast reception, and when it was close to noon, Xia Chuan and Erina set off in the direction of the teaching area together.

In the end, Yuanyue Academy occupies an extremely wide area, from the top of the mountain to the teaching area, the four of them still take the way of taking a car.

Fujiwara Chika looked at the sunlight outside and suddenly said, "It's noon." "

This sentence is not simply an interpretation of time, but also a description of the meaning of noon today.

Now under the curse of the prosperous world, all kinds of myths about mysteries are slowly spreading.

Recently, there is a more popular timeline saying that midnight and noon.

The contrast between midnight yin and midday yang.

12 midnight represents the heaviest time of the day, when cursed time is most active.

12 noon marks the heaviest time of the day, and at this stage, it is the laziest time for cursing activities.

According to Chikachi Fujiwara, Kaguya Shinomiya and Erina Nagikiri both immediately understood what she meant.

But in the end, it is just a deduction from the people on the Internet, and it has not been officially certified, so whether it is credible or not is still a question.

However, the strongest sorcerer was beside him, and Erina couldn't help but ask Xia Chuan about this point of view:

"So at noon, does it really make the curse lazy?"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan shook his head:

"There is a certain saying, but this rule only applies to those low-level curses, and truly powerful curses don't care about these rules. "

The three girls at the moment are basically equivalent to Yuiko Shiyu in Xia Chuan's eyes.

In the future, he will inevitably be connected with spell-related information, and at this time, he can popularize some knowledge that is not yet in society to the third girl by the way.

There is also a reason why they are specially allowed to follow the experience.

"Curses are born from negative emotions in people, and this is a recognized point of knowledge in the whole society. "

Hearing that Xia Chuan's popular science involved a "curse", the three of them became like they were listening to the lecture seriously.

"You can simply think of a curse as the opposite of man. "

"The higher the level of the curse, the more human-like it is, and in that case, it is not a problem to think like a human and speak to others, let alone just a matter of so-called yang energy. "

When Rao is the biggest-hearted Kaguya heard this, he couldn't help but exclaim, "Can you still talk like a human?, can there really be such a spell spirit?!"

Cursed, it's not an unknown creature right now.

Under the live broadcast of the spellcaster, the image has been slowly enriched in the eyes of the public.

Basically, it's a disgusting-looking, ghost-like creature.

But to say that like humans, I have never seen such a case under the live broadcast of the spell spirit.

"Of course, but this kind of spell spirit is basically the top level. "

"Let's not talk about the possibility of encountering them, if you really match them, only Gojo Satoru can be comfortable with the spell. "

The third girl was a little dumbfounded.

This sentence already represents the danger of this kind of spell level.

It is now recognized by the entire society that only Gojo Satoru and Natsukawa are different from others and are in a class far beyond ordinary sorcerers.

And between Gojo Satoru and Xia Chuan, there is also a huge gap comparable to the fingertip universe.

Thinking so, under the original palpitations, Erina Nagikiri and Kaguya Shinomiya slowly relaxed again.

Fortunately, they were all involved with Xia Chuan, and they were able to get the protection of the strongest person at that time.

"After knowing that there are such terrible creatures, I won't be able to sleep in the future!"

Fujiwara Chika hurriedly hugged Xia Chuan's arm and said pitifully, "Xia Chuan will protect me!"

Xia Chuan often touches and kills Yurikawa Hua, who is like an orange cat.

At this moment, he saw that Fujiwara Chika was also like a praying cat, so he reached out and rubbed her hair.

The moment he felt the warmth of Xia Chuan's palm, Fujiwara Chika's fair little face was flushed.

Someone once said that the shyness of a girl is one of the most beautiful scenery in the world.

This is indeed true in Fujiwara Chika.

Xia Chuan opened his mouth and said, "Of course, Qianhua can enjoy my special treatment. "

Although they have always said that they are friends, Fujiwara Chika's intentional approach has actually known each other for a long time.

Xia Chuan is not wood, and Fujiwara Chika is not really stupid and sweet.

Fujiwara Chika couldn't help but raise her head to look at Xia Chuan.

She had never had such contact with the opposite sex, not even her grandfather and father, who usually doted on her.

It's just that under the shyness in my heart, under Xia Chuan's perfect technique, Fujiwara Chika slowly squinted her eyes slightly, like a kitten enjoying it.

Fujiwara Chika said while enjoying touching her head:

"Even my family hasn't touched my head, but if it's Xia Chuan, then you can enjoy special treatment~"

She is enjoying it, and Xia Chuan is not flirting with her sister openly.

A scene where the two of them suddenly became warm.

Erina hurriedly turned her head away, but the afterglow came from time to time, only curiosity and doubt in her heart.

Aren't they friends?!Is it possible for friends of the opposite sex to behave in such a way as to get along?

Unlike Erina's curiosity, Kaguya's heart at the moment fully interprets the presentation of the mood from envy to jealousy to hate.

She also wants to be touched by Xia Chuan!! (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But it's hard for her to be as shameless as Chika Fujiwara.

So Kaguya shouted in his heart, "I should have brought Hayasaka with me!!"

At this moment, as Kaguya's military advisor, Ai Hayasaka couldn't help but sneeze at home.

She tilted her head and muttered to herself, "Do you have a cold?"

But ignore that quickly.

After all, after a rare vacation, she is now very relaxed.

Under such a leisurely vacation, she couldn't help but think of Kaguya.

"I don't know if it's going well on the eldest lady's side. "

"Even if you can't hit a home run, you should be able to confirm the relationship......

Back to the point.

Of course, after "showing goodwill" to Xia Chuan, Fujiwara Chika did not forget to check and balance.

She leaned back to Kaguya Sinomiya: "You can't treat friends differently, since Xia Chuan touched my head, then Kaguya can't fall~"

Kaguya's eyes lit up.

Chika Fujiwara, who was already a sow in her eyes, instantly became like an angel.

"Huh?!Did my friend want this? "[]

Kaguya looked panicked about this, but he looked into Xia Chuan's eyes, and no matter how he looked at it, he was full of anticipation.

Xia Chuan naturally couldn't see that the girl's mouth was wrong, so he once again performed a head touching kill.

Being touched by a boy who likes it is a more heart-warming feeling than last night.

Shinomiya Kaguya actually softened directly, and his eyes became full of innocence, and at the same time he began to be frank and coquettish.

She even arched her head in front of (Zhao Zhao's): "It's so warm, a little more." "

Chika Fujiwara soon noticed the sudden change.

"It's... Isn't this Kaguya in a special time?!"

Human action depends on "desire" and "reason".

Human instinct is constantly generating desires, and reason suppresses these desires, and if it loses reason, human beings become beasts that act on their desires alone.

Kaguya, who has a variety of emotions, changes according to reason, desire, and the average value in between.

Obviously, after being touched and killed by Natsukawa, Kaguya's brain has lost thinking, and desire has taken advantage of this to directly surpass reason.

"This is a very rare scene!"

"I want it too~I want it too~"

Fujiwara Chika couldn't help but step forward and stretched out her hand: "Let me touch the current Kaguya too~"

As soon as she stretched out her hand, she was directly pushed away by Kaguya, and fell to the seat in embarrassment.

Obviously, this special is something that only Xia Chuan can enjoy.

Erina silently watched the scene.

Sure enough, the situation of same-sex competition is really terrible, and she will definitely not become such a situation in the future!.

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