Evolved into a warm touch after the kill.

Everyone soon came to the hill of the school building.。

The entire mountain is set up and houses numerous cooking clubs and research institutes in addition to the school building.

Erina led the three of them forward.

On the way to the inside of the Academy.

Because it has been closed for a while, the greenery on the roadside is untended and the morning lawn is overgrown with weeds.

The plane trees on both sides are even more shaded by the sky, and even though it is noon, there is still only a little sunlight shining through the gaps in the leaves, leaving strange spots of light.

The low bushes in the distance are unbuilt and grow crookedly.

When the wind blows, it rustles and gives the impression that something is hidden inside and will pounce out at any moment.

Coupled with the fact that there was no one nearby except for a few of them, it felt even more terrifying.

In such a strange environment, the three girls couldn't help but lean close to Xia Chuan.

As ordinary people, they can't see the curse, and the only thing they can rely on is Xia Chuan in front of them.

With this in mind, Xia Chuan then took out three pairs of spell glasses from Kamui.

Seeing Xia Chuan take out his glasses as if by magic, Fujiwara Chika and the others immediately paid attention to it.

"Is this the spell glasses?!!

Looking at the glasses that Xia Chuan took out, Fujiwara Chika thought of something and said excitedly.

When Kaguya Shinomiya and Erina Nagi heard this, they couldn't help but look at the glasses in Xia Chuan's hand.

Because in an era when everyone is in danger, if you can see the curse, you can foresee the danger one step ahead of others.

The 023 spell glasses, which naturally allow ordinary people to see the curse, are now being hyped on the Internet, and they can be called priceless treasures.

Whether it is the Fujiwara family, the Nagi family, or even the Shinomiya family, there is no way to obtain this thing.

"It's spell glasses. "

Xia Chuan nodded: "After all, I don't want to be like a god stick who performs to the air at that time." "

As if thinking of such a picture, Erina and the others smiled, and then put on their glasses with some anticipation.


The field of view magically changed.

In the same scene, there are some small monsters wandering around, as well as evil spirits that wander aimlessly like zombies.

It was the woman who put on the glasses, and she was startled by this sudden picture, and she subconsciously hurriedly took off her glasses.

Although I was already impressed in the live broadcast screen, I was still a little frightened when I saw the true face of the curse in person at this moment.

In the end, they are still ordinary people, and in front of curses and spellmasters, they are all weak people who have no ability to resist in the face of weirdness.

This is the reason why there is no market for spell glasses.

Compared to the extremely high risk of spell glasses, snooping risk can do more harm than good.

After all, this means that you will be looking directly at the spell, and the assurance that you will be okay if you can't see it will disappear.

But not everyone can be like Yotsutani, who has a steel heart that is far beyond ordinary people.

Naturally, exchanging small profits for high-risk spell glasses is expressly forbidden by the spell world.

Of course, there is one exception, and that is if you have a sorcerer by your side.

Obviously, this is the case with the three girls, not to mention that Xia Chuan is still the strongest among the spell masters.

It's just that when he saw the three girls who were usually pampered and looked panicked, he couldn't help but smile than comfort him.

Especially to Fujiwara Chika, he said with a mocking expression: "Always chasing me to see superpowers, I thought Chika would be a little bolder than others." "

"Superpowers and ghosts are different!"

Chika Fujiwara explained.

At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew, causing the leaves to rustle again.

The three of them immediately became excited, and their expressions became a little wrong.

Seeing that Kaguya and the three were indeed a little stimulated, Xia Chuan said not jokingly:

"You don't have to be afraid of me here, just wear your glasses. "

"This is the right time for you to confront these so-called curses. "

"Of course, if you really can't accept it, just stay by my side with peace of mind. "

After hearing this, the three girls hesitated, but slowly put their glasses back on.

After all, Xia Chuan, who was beside him, had the ability to be more convincing than anyone else.

The previously terrifying images come into view again.

The three women forcibly composed, while holding their breath and appearing cautious.

But soon, all three noticed something unusual.

The curses seemed to be terrified or something, and they all consciously avoided their vision.

This strange appearance can naturally be associated with Xia Chuan beside him.

After a little reassurance, they couldn't help but start looking at the curses.

But it didn't take long for the curse to disappear from view.

"Are they all scared away?"

Erina asked.

Xia Chuan led everyone to walk slowly, while also explaining in a way that faced fear:

"Therefore, the curse is similar to that of a person, and it is natural that they will flee in fear in the face of a powerful enemy. "

"The weaker the spell spirit, the more so. "

"This number of spells is a lot, that is, it is in line with the situation that if you can't see it, it won't hurt you. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But when the curse goes up to a level, then it becomes aggressive. "

Xia Chuan said and came to the teaching building.

There is a spell in it, as he said.

Xia Chuan didn't bother to look for them one by one, and directly transformed his deterrent spell into a tempting nature for the curse.

For Xia Chuan's huge evil mana now, the bait level is even far better than the special spell of Su Fu's finger.

Soon, the movement followed.

One by one, the spell spirits either crawl on the ground or float in the sky.

There are more than 60 of them.

However, they are basically very weak, and the highest level of them is only the level of two or three second-level spell spirits.

After all, there is no negativity to feed on here.

These are basically cursed spirits that were born here before the Cursed Age, and they follow the symbol that the weaker they are, the more they draw the ground as a prison.

The sand and gravel in Xia Chuan's eyes are all crazy monsters in the eyes of the women.

At this moment, so many of them suddenly popped up, and their faces changed.

No matter how reserved he was, he was afraid to stay behind Xia Chuan.

"Well... So many terrible curses!"

“...... It's all in the teaching area!"

Erina's face turned a little pale.

On the one hand, she was glad that she hadn't been to the teaching area much since the accident.

On the one hand, she understands the difficulty of restarting the far moon even more.

This is still under the shutdown There are so many spells, and if the negative emotions climb after the reopening of the school, how many terrible monsters will have to be born.


Beneath the glasses, blue flames burst out of nowhere.

It's not so much fire as mana that turns into substance.

The bones enveloped the crowd, and at the same time, they quickly grew tendons and turned into flesh, forming a half-body mighty giant.

"That's the superpower of that Gundam?!"

Chika Fujiwara, who was instantly recognized, was the first to exclaim.

Also with the appearance of Susanoo.

All the fears of Erina after facing the truth before turned into trust and expectation for Natsukawa at this moment.

Xia Chuan said that he would shelter the Far Moon Academy.

If it were him, that power would solve all problems, just like this group of spell spirits!

Seeing it as gravel, Natsukawa manipulated Susa Nenghu to raise his hands.

Under the spell, a giant longbow appeared in Susanoh's arm.

Immediately after that, the blazing black flames turned into arrows and fixed on the strings.

- Phew!

With the sound of exploding the air.

The black arrow shot straight into the center of the spellcast.

Immediately after reaching the distance, it suddenly dispersed like a spark.

Amaterasu quickly turned into a terrifying plague and spread to the curses everywhere.

It was burned in less than half a breath.

In less than half a minute, all the spell spirits lured by Xia Chuan had been purified.

That's gone?

Looking at this scene, the three girls couldn't help but look at Xia Chuan.

Being able to feel the surprise of the women, Xia Chuan smiled as a matter of course:

"How can I be stunned, you should have seen my real strength, right? "

After hearing this, the three girls slowly came to their senses, but they still couldn't hide the shock in their hearts.

It's one thing to know, though.

But what happens right in front of you is actually another matter.

In the end, the contrast is too strong.

Such a swift and exaggerated cleansing of the curse was the first time they had seen it.

Natsukawa regained control of Susanoo.

Even Amaterasu can quickly resolve these spells.

But summoning the Gundam out, on the one hand, is to give the glasses of the three girls a better feeling.

On the other hand, he intends to use Susanoh's materialized mana to engrave his mana deterrence here.

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