Susanen's mana began to climb on the surface.

The flowing blue mana, which was also Xia Chuan's mana mark, was quickly applied to the land.

After leaving the mark of deterrence on Susanoo, this cleansing operation is almost the end of it.

The half-body Gundam slowly dissipated as the mana faded, revealing the women in Susanoo's womb again.

Xia Chuan clapped his hands.

"That's enough. "

Listening to Xia Chuan's words, the three girls didn't seem to have woken up from their daze.

It was so easy and simple that they couldn't help but look at each other.

"So the spell has been cured?"

Chika Fujiwara blinked, took off her glasses and rubbed them, and put them back on.

It wasn't until the picture of the spell glasses was indeed almost the same as reality that she continued, somewhat incredulously:

"It's too fast... I felt like it was over before I saw anything exciting. "

Looking at Fujiwara Chika's appearance, Xia Chuan chuckled:

"It's just this level of spell spirit, do you want me to perform them one by one?"

"With that kung fu, I might as well settle it out as soon as possible and go back and continue to enjoy it. "

Erina Nagikiri is not like Fujiwara Chika, and she is still a little unsatisfied.

She was more concerned about the aftermath than the end of the spell.

"Do you want to use this method to cleanse the spell spirit in the future?"

Erina looked up at Natsukawa.

At the same time, she asked for her own considerations.

Erina naturally doesn't think that just after removing the curse in front of her, Tozuki will always be safe.

It is better to say that with the opening of the school year, it is the difficulties that need to be faced in the real sense.

And the spell spirit belongs to the infinite birth, but at that time, Xia Chuan did not come to purify it every day.

If there are too many times and Xia Chuan is upset, it will be more than worth the loss for her and Yuanyue.

As Erina thought, Natsu said, "Once in a few months is enough. "

Perhaps knowing what the girl was worried about, he explained again.

"I just left my mana here. "

"You've seen the effect before. "

"Curses that are weaker than me will be affected by this deterrent, so that there will be basically no dangerous curses. "

This is also due to the fact that Natsukawa has the materialization of Susaneng, his unique mana attribute.

It is guaranteed that while his mana works, it will remain in reality for a long time.

As soon as Xia Chuan said this, they thought of the scene where the previous group of curses were all retreating together.

Erina's eyes lit up.

It was even better than she had imagined!

If this is the case, then the Far Moon Academy can almost ignore the current curse effect, which can be regarded as a clear stream in the turbid reality.

"Then Xia Chuan also put a spell on me~"

After hearing that there was this effect, Fujiwara Chika was obviously very moved.

As the strongest Xia Chuan, weaker than him is the concept that contains all the curses.

If she has Xia Chuan's spell power on her body, doesn't that mean that she can walk sideways in the cursed era!

"Come here, then. "

Xia Chuan then stretched out his hand.

Without any hesitation, Fujiwara Chika blinked and rubbed up with anticipation.

As before, Natsukawa touched Chika's head.

Seeing that the other party was very cute, he reached out and pinched Fujiwara Chika's cheek again.

Well, don't really say it.

Although Fujiwara Chika looks like her flesh has grown to some indescribable part.

But if you pinch the little face, it's still meaty, and it's the kind of smooth and fleshy feel.

This feeling made Xia Chuan a little loved.

But after a while, he let go of his hand and declared it over.

Fujiwara Chika's little face was flushed, obviously beyond the physical contact after touching her head, which made the girl fall into an indescribable state of shyness.

Again, that's the same sentence.

If the girl does not resist your physical contact, it is already a sign of affection for you.

However, Fujiwara Chika is not a love brain after all, and she quickly forcibly calmed down again, shaking her body as if feeling something different.

"So I have the spell that Xia Chuan exerted on me now?"

"It's not that simple, people are not the same as dead things. "

Fujiwara Chika immediately puffed out her mouth, apparently realizing that Natsukawa was playing a trick on her just now.

Bullying the girl, whose knowledge of spells is still shallow, Xia Chuan teased the other party and said: "If you want to bless the magic power on a person's body, you have to go through a deeper way." "

This sentence can be heard by Kaguya and Erina in the clouds.

However, Qianhua even understood in seconds, and exclaimed: "Xia Chuan is not talking about any kind of demon supplementation, right?"

"It's too early to do that!"

As she spoke, she crossed her hands in front of her.

Sure enough, this guy was obviously born in a political family, but he unexpectedly understands these things.

"It seems that Qianhua knows a lot. "

Looking at Xia Chuan's playful smile, Fujiwara Chika covered her ears with her hands and covered her ears with a look that I couldn't understand.

"I don't know what Xia Chuan is talking about. "

Looking at the way the two of them had something to say, Kaguya couldn't help but speak, "So what is the demon supplement?"

"If you can get Xia Chuan's blessing mana, it doesn't matter what else. "

Kaguya doesn't know what a demon mending is.

But inferring from the signs and actions of Fujiwara Chika, it should be a more intimate move.

If touching your face isn't enough, is it your first experience?

Isn't that like a pro... Kissing the cheek is like an intimate act.

Although it is a little shy for the opposite sex.

But if Fujiwara Chika refuses, it's up to her to show it.

It is to let Xia Chuan know the difference between her and Qianhua, and it is exactly what she wants!

If you are a little patient and shy, it is not a bad thing overall!

Erina nodded in agreement. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's even simpler than Kaguya thought.

Erina didn't think about it that way, only hearing the word mending demons, which should be a means unique to sorcerers.

But no matter what, it's exactly what Kaguya said.

In the era of curses, having Xia Chuan's magic blessing is equivalent to a universal gold medal for avoiding death.

In this case, what's the big deal about replenishing demons.

Seeing the appearance of Erina and Kaguya agreeing with each other, Fujiwara Chika said with a look of unbearability:

"It's all caused by Xia Chuan's nonsense!"

"Kaguya, you don't even know what the concept of demonic replenishment is!"

Her words are already a self-confession to the previous cover-up.

There was a feeling of being underestimated, and Kaguya said unhappily:

"Don't underestimate me, isn't it the first experience. "

Although he was a little shy to say it in front of Natsukawa, Kaguya still said it.


Hearing Kaguya's words, Fujiwara Chika froze. []

It stands to reason that she thinks that pure Kaguya will not understand, but after hearing the words "first experience", she has nothing to say except surprise.

Now that they have the courage to tell their first experience, Kaguya is completely let go.

And the appearance of Chika Fujiwara obviously proves that her conjecture is right.

So Kaguya couldn't help but say proudly with confidence:

So when it's time to get down to business, Fujiwara-san is prone to falling off the chain and not being able to let go. "

"It's really bad, too afraid of contact with others. "

"Obviously, Fujiwara-san is often experiencing it at home with her dog Pace. "

As early as Kaguya said about his first experience, Natsukawa laughed out loud.

Hearing this at this time, he looked at Fujiwara Chika, his eyes full of indescribable meaning.

"So that's why Chika refuses to replenish the demon?"

Seeing this, Erina also looked at Chika Fujiwara in shock.

Although she couldn't understand the demon, her level of knowledge was not as disastrous as Kaguya's.

She still knows what the first experience represents.

"Is it really true?!"

"How is that possible!"

After responding to Natsukawa and Erina, Fujiwara Chika was so anxious that she shook her hands desperately: "Kaguya is slandering!

"My first experience is still there!"

At this time, in order to explain her innocence, Fujiwara Chika didn't even care about any shame.

"I really like to talk big, Fujiwara-san. "

Kaguya Shinomiya smiled and said, "When I was a guest at your house, I saw you kiss Pace. "

"Kaguya, you're in Hu..."

Chika Fujiwara, who subconsciously retorted, suddenly quieted down.

Even Erina, who had a strange look on her face before, realized something and looked at Kaguya Shinomiya.

Feeling this delicate atmosphere, Kaguya looked puzzled, "Is there something wrong?"

In order to determine something, Fujiwara Chika spoke, "Kaguya, do you know what the first experience means? "

"Isn't it just a kiss? "

"What a mistake!"


Fujiwara Chika breathed a sigh of relief after proving her innocence, and then she popularized science:

"Kaguya-san, do you know about kissing? "

Knowing the concept of kissing, Kaguya naturally knows how kissing is different from this.

Hearing this, her face turned red instantly.

But Fujiwara Chika didn't intend to let the other party go, and then said:

"And the first experience, but it's a few levels higher than kissing. "

"Although, both of them are considered to be the concept of mending the demon is the door. "。

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