On the way back.

Kaguya was dizzy and speechless.

For her, the most she can do about sex is a kiss.

And everything after the kiss is like an urban legend for her.

Naturally, after Fujiwara Chika's indication, I thought of what she said to Xia Chuan in her heart at that time.

At this time, Kaguya's state didn't even have the courage to look directly at Xia Chuan, let alone confess his heart to Xia Chuan according to the plan.

Obviously, Ai Hayasaka's most basic request for Kaguya Shinomiya ended in failure.

After solving the problems of the Far Moon Academy, and at the same time gaining a private chef with both strength and beauty, Erina Nagikiri.

Xia Chuan stayed in the Far Moon for a few more days, and then prepared to end this trip to the Far Moon.

The rest of the fun is to wait for the distant moon to recover before making plans.

As a private chef, Erina did not leave with Natsukawa.

On the one hand, after explaining to Xia Chuan, he wanted to help his grandfather deal with Yuanyue's affairs first.

On the other hand, because the round-trip driving distance is only half an hour, she will arrive at Xia Chuan's home on time every day to take care of all the preparations.

And for his granddaughter's incomprehension, Senzaemon sighed.

A private chef is a great place to be.

In order to be in charge of Xia Chuan's daily cooking needs "nine-nine-nine", there is no problem even if they live together.

Men and women live together, and even an old man like him knows that it is easiest for the two parties to have an ambiguous relationship.

Senzaemon, who was busy dealing with public relations and other situations these days, took the time to find Erina after thinking about it.

“... Grandpa, do you have something to look for me?"

Erina heeded Senzaemon's call and came to his office.

"How do you feel about being around that person these days?"

Until who Senzaemon was referring to, Erina didn't think much about it, and told her impressions of Natsukawa one by one.

"Xia Chuan's strength is very strong, and following him can't help but make people feel reassured. "

"And he doesn't have a sense of distance from me, so he can get along more easily. "

Senzaemon nodded as he listened.

Isn't this relationship very harmonious, as I expected?

And in this way, the one is obviously more satisfied with his granddaughter.

"Erina, don't you have any other thoughts about that one?" said Nagi Senzaemon meaningfully.

"Any other ideas?"

Erina wondered.

"Don't you have any thoughts of liking or falling in love? "

Erina Nagikiri immediately blushed and stuttered a little when she spoke.

"Grandpa, you suddenly said this... What do you mean?"

"Erina, you've grown up, and it's normal to have someone of the opposite sex you like during this period. "

Nagi Senzaemon took a sip of tea and said slowly: "And Xia Chuan is the best person the old man has seen for so many years, in such a dangerous era, he can protect you, and you get along well, isn't it a good thing." "


Erina Nagikiri was ashamed, but did not refute it.

On the one hand, I was ashamed and didn't know how to answer.

On the other hand, Xia Chuan was the first person of the opposite sex who she had such close contact.

Proposed by Nagi Senzaemon, and thinking back to getting along these days, it did make the girl agree with her grandfather's words a little.

And she still remembered that after Xia Chuan gave her the talisman, there was more than gratitude in her heart.

Besides, because of that copying of the cuisine, she already had some unspeakable emotions for Xia Chuan in her heart, and after Senzaemon directly opened her mouth, it seemed that this emotion was also full of recognition and gave birth to a little heartbeat.

But the girl's shame is troublesome, and Erina is embarrassed to say this in front of her grandfather.

Nagi Senzaemon's experience is not only as simple as the Demon King of Food, at least the shyness shown by Erina in front of him, he knows that there are some elements of identification.

So Nagi Senzaemon smiled: "If you like it, you have to take the initiative to grasp it." "

"But it's because of the excellence that it is easy to attract other people, and the two Fujiwara and the girls of the Shinomiya family are like this. "

"However, as a private chef, if Erina had taken the initiative, she would definitely have a much better chance than these two girls. "

"Xia Chuan helped us Yuanyue through the big crisis, grandpa, I am not only grateful, but also as a dowry to Erina. "

Speaking of this, Erina Nagikiri was already dizzy and couldn't sit still, so she quickly got up and left the coach's office as if she were fleeing.

Nagi Senzaemon looked at this scene, and a smile overflowed with majesty on his face.

From what he said, Erina will inevitably wake up.

After that, the life of a private chef should be more developed.

In the end, he couldn't help but sigh.

If it were Alice, he wouldn't even need to give up his usual old face many times to talk about these emotional issues.

After the problem of Yuanyue's curse is solved, it is better to let Alice teach Erina a good lesson.

is a cousin and a girl of the same age, it must be much better than him to talk to his heart.

At the top of Tokyo's land discrimination chain are Chiyoda-ku, Minato-ku, and Shibuya-ku.

Shibuya Ward's Matsuto has long been favored by political celebrities and dignitaries, and the residences of former prime ministers, former speakers of the House of Representatives, and some ministers are located here.

Naturally, the address of the Chika Fujiwara family is also among them.

Natsukawa wasn't interested in the so-called mansion area, but he was just a little more concerned about Chika Fujiwara living in a sensitive place like Shibuya.

Because of the mention of Shibuya, under the age of spells.

Xia Chuan's first thought was the Shibuya Incident, which was the beginning of the era of real rebellion in the spell.

For the Shibuya incident.

Xia Chuan was quite interested.

Because after that, it was a feast of death and extinction that all the powerful sorcerers had been in one place for thousands of years, and it belonged to the spell frenzy.

This kind of rare pleasure, Xia Chuan naturally will not miss it.

Otherwise, he would have already sorted out the people who were secretly plotting and solved it directly.

Instead of letting the other party plan a feast of entertainment right now.

Of course, all the premise of pleasure is not to let this incident hurt the people around him.

After the happy trip to Yuanyue, Xia Chuan and the three of them naturally went back to their respective homes.

In an upscale villa area, the thick and tall trees are good for privacy.

Chika Fujiwara and her parents did not live with her grandfather, who was the prime minister, and moved out to live here.

Chika Fujiwara was smiling and humming a song at the moment, opening the door back to her home.

Pace, the dog in the yard, quickly rubbed up when he saw his master.

Chika Fujiwara, who usually has a lot of trouble with her dog, just touched the other party's dog head at the moment, and walked towards the house with an excited face.

Fujiwara Moeba, who was still drowsy on the sofa and wearing home clothes tied with a double ponytail, subconsciously asked after hearing the sound of the door opening:

"Is my sister back?!"

After entering the living room, he met the eyes of Moe Ye, and after seeing that there was only his sister alone, Fujiwara Chika just wanted to praise himself and put it away again........

"Is there only a sprout leaf at home?"

"My eldest sister and I were at home, and my mother and they went to my grandfather's house. "

Hearing her sister's words, Moe Ye rubbed her sleepy eyes and replied.

Then I thought of something, and I was instantly full of energy.

She hurriedly ran to the top of the stairs and shouted to the top:

"Sister Fengshi, don't sleep!"

"Sister Qianhua is back!

Hearing this voice, there was a dull sound of "bang...", as if something heavy was hitting the ground.

There was silence for a while.

Then the door snapped open, and the same pink head came out.

Then Toyomi Fujiwara, who was still wearing a nightdress in broad daylight and had an interested smile on his face, walked down quickly.

"So what's the situation?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Under the two pink-haired sisters with very different styles, Fujiwara Chika opened her hands and looked like she was enjoying with her eyes closed.

"This time is undoubtedly the victory of Qianhua!"


The Fujiwara sisters asked in unison.

"Qianhua shot, how could it not be successful!"

As she spoke, she also showed the amulet that Xia Chuan gave her.

"Dangdang! This is the talisman that Xia Chuan gave me, but it has the effect of avoiding all curses~"

While showing off, it is also another way to confirm that Xia Chuan is not ordinary to her.

And in such a cursed era, the talisman made by Xia Chuan himself also means that you can return to a normal life.

Naturally, whether it is Fujiwara Moeba or Fujiwara Toyoshi, looking at the identity of Fujiwara Chika's hands, they are all undisguised longing and love.

"Sister, Sister Qianhua, I know you are the best for Moe Ye!"

Fujiwara Moeba hugged Fujiwara Chika and coquettishly said, "I really want this amulet." "

Although she does usually hurt her sister, Fujiwara Chika still vigilantly protected her hands: "This is my most important baby, even if it's a sister!"

Fujiwara Toyomi also wanted Xia Chuan's amulet, but he didn't get involved with 0.1, but said with a smile:

"Since Qianhua, you have already been in contact with Lord Xia Chuan, when will you introduce my sister to me? "[]


Chika Fujiwara froze for a moment.

My grandfather had plans to attack with his sisters.

At that time, Chika, who was just a friend, didn't feel anything.

But now that she plans to get closer to Xia Chuan, she doesn't want to share it with her sisters.

Fujiwara Toyoshi, especially likes strong and handsome men.

Naturally, Xia Chuan was under her consideration early in the morning.

This mood also became stronger with the cursed era and the other party's strength revealed.

At this moment, she saw that her sister obviously had plans to eat alone, so she smiled:

"The better the man, the more competitors there are, and you may be just one of them. "

"Especially the identity of the other party, it is destined to be a man who opens a harem. "

"Just like the concubines in ancient times, there are not many who are better than Qianhua. "

"But if you and I are sisters, there will be no enemies. "

Fujiwara Chika couldn't help but look at the eldest sister.

Fujiwara Toyoshi's smile is sweet and a little charming, and the whole person exudes the confidence and calmness of the eldest daughter, which is the ultimate Fujiwara!.

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