In Fujiwara Chika's family, there are even sisters who are united and their profits are broken.

On the other hand, Shinomiya Kaguya is also very troubled.

"What should I do!

Also after returning from Tozuki, Kaguya-sama couldn't wait to tell Ai Hayasaka about the situation.

She sat on her high-end soft bed, but it was difficult to feel the comfort of the past.

"It's all Fujiwara-san who said that, so I can't face Xia Chuan for a few days after that!"

Because of this situation, she didn't even want Xia Chuan to express her heart.

For this reason, she blamed all this explanation on Fujiwara Chika's fault.

"Can't face it..."

Zaobao Ai asked speechlessly, "So the eldest lady couldn't contact because she thought of the possibility of intimate contact with Lord Xia Chuan." "

Kaguya's cheeks turned red, and he muttered in a slightly shameful tone.

"How is it possible to get intimate so quickly...... And I'm powerless now. "

"What do you mean?"

"I can't even make eye contact with each other now, let alone think about the future!"

Kaguya Shinomiya was very annoyed when he said this.


Ai Hayasaka suddenly had the urge to leave the eldest lady alone.

It's not her own problem after all, and I don't know what she's angry about.

Are you the innocent heroine in a light novel?

If it were her, 19 would decisively take advantage of this to hit a home run!

It's not that you can't even confess your heart!

Alas...... I'm so hard!

Ai Hayasaka wants to complain about her eldest lady.

But as an excellent servant, she still calmly thinks of a solution to the problem for the eldest lady.

"It's really not the way to go on like this, so let's try to do it this way. "

Ai Hayasaka said as she put her phone in front of Kaguya Shinomiya.


Kaguya looks at Ai Hayasaka's phone.

"Yes. "

Ai Hayasaka explained to the eldest lady.

"A lot of athletes have little movements before they go on the court, or before they hit the ball. "

Although these actions are bad habits developed during training, they can be used to make psychological cues to themselves, stabilize their emotions, and finally form something similar to a conditioned reflex - that is, routine actions. "

"So. Ai Hayasaka looked at Kaguya and continued:

"Miss, you can also try it. Find the action that makes you feel most comfortable, then do it as soon as your mood swings, and then force you to calm down. "

"Then even then, you don't have to worry about not being able to look directly into Natsukawa-sama's eyes, and you can confess more calmly. "

Hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya nodded with satisfaction, it really deserved to be her Hayasaka A.

"Then I'll start practicing this routine now!"

According to common sense, routine actions require a normal person to go through a long process of years before the trip is sufficient to the extent of psychological suggestion to oneself.

But Kaguya Shinomiya is worthy of being a famous genius, and even Ai Hayasaka has to admire her.

In less than half a day, she had already completed her movements.

Ai Hayasaka couldn't help but be amazed as she watched the eldest lady suddenly recover from the sand sculpture Kaguya to the previous ice sculpture Kaguya after stroking her right cheek.

"Worthy of Kaguya-sama. "

"Well, of course. "

Shinomiya Kaguya gladly accepted Hayasaka's praise, and because he was in the state of the ice sculpture Kaguya, his tone seemed a little ordinary and proud.

Just in case, Ai Hayasaka took out the eldest lady's mobile phone, and then flipped out the photo of Xia Chuan secretly taken by her Yuanyue and tested it.

"Natsukawa-sama is indeed very good-looking......"

Looking at Xia Chuan in the photo, Ai Hayasaka had to admit that he did have a very attractive temperament.

And rightfully so.

is not only blessed by the identity of the strongest, but Xia Chuan himself is a well-known school grass-level figure.

Seeing that his maid was admiring his own treasure, Shinomiya Kaguya smiled at his servant and said:

"Hayasaka, don't you think you've been staring at Natsukawa's picture for too long?"

Even eat the vinegar of your own maid, what level of food protection does this have?

Ai Hayasaka complained in her heart, and then put the photo in her phone in front of Kaguya Shinomiya.

"Come, Miss, please look here-"


After seeing Natsukawa's photo, Kaguya-sama's cheeks turned red all of a sudden.

Then his eyes unconsciously skimmed to the photo, and he was even more shy.

Miss, you're too innocent, aren't you?

Hayasaka complained in love, but continued: "Okay, please touch your face." "

Hayasaka prompts Kaguya towards Shinomiya.

Lifting her right hand and touching her left cheek, Kaguya chose the most reassuring state after experimentation.

It's a routine that she's trained in.

When Kaguya made this move, his originally shy expression changed instantly, and he turned into an indifferent Ice Kaguya.

The Sinomiya Kaguya in this state is very rational, just like when the evening banquet can be directly face-to-face with Xia Chuan.

"That's amazing. "

Hayasaka put the phone down from Kaguya: "This reminds me for a long time that Kaguya-sama is a genius." "

"What do you mean by long absence?"

Kaguya Shinomiya in the state of ice sculpture is very calm, and he is very capable of capturing information in all aspects.

Ai Hayasaka still quickly admitted: "It's nothing. "

"But in this way, Miss Kaguya will be able to confess her heart directly to Lord Natsukawa. "

"It's easy. Kaguya Shinomiya said.

"Then it's okay to be in a closer relationship, such as kissing or above. "

"It's too... It's too early. "

When it comes to intimate contact, the Ice Bright Night, which is at the peak of reason, is also shy at this moment.

"What are you shy about at this time, you obviously know that there are already many opponents around Lord Xia Chuan. "

"I can't stand it if I don't take the initiative yet. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ai Hayasaka shook her head, she looked like she had a good chess game and then it was ruined.

This is still a tried and tested method.

But Ai Hayasaka forgot one thing.

If it's the usual sand sculpture-type Kaguya, you may have been fooled.

But now it's a rational Ice Glow, and it's more of a maid's dissatisfaction than an initiative.

"What do you mean by that?"

Kaguya said dissatisfiedly: "Do you want to say that if you change to Hayasaka, you can easily take down Xia Chuan?"

Hayasaka was silent for a moment, and then his brain was like a slow-motion projector, analyzing the 190 bits and pieces of Natsukawa-sama's information.

Judging by the establishment of the Soul Removal Department, as well as the Fujiwara and Miss Nagikiri who were involved in the trip to the far moon.

Undoubtedly, Natsukawa-sama also likes beautiful girls.

And for his appearance and figure, Ai Hayasaka is naturally full of confidence.

So she nodded and replied confidently, "Well, I'm afraid so." "

"How dare you say it!"

Iceglow was angry.

In fact, her trip to the far moon can already be regarded as a success. []

After all, she tasted the dessert made by herself, was touched on her head, and gave her a talisman, which already shows that her relationship with Xia Chuan is not ordinary!

Thinking that her maid still hates the appearance of iron and steel, she is not convinced.

"Okay, then give you time, if you have the ability, you can go and play a home run with Xia Chuan directly! If you can succeed, I will admit that it is my own failure!"

"Miss, I didn't say it was to the level of a home run. "

"Hmph, didn't you say you could attack easily?"

"It's okay to talk about anyone, it's better to talk in moderation!"

Shinomiya Kaguya's mood still couldn't be stabilized, and she said in a mocking tone: "Since you dare to say such a thing, then you can show me, go and kill Xia Chuan with one blow!"

Even a perfect maid would be angry if she was so provoked all the time.

Ai Hayasaka had a font on her forehead, and she suppressed her emotions and said to the eldest lady.

"If Kaguya-sama asks me to go, then I'll go. "

"Even if it's not a home run, kissing is easy!"

At this moment, the tension between the master and servant suddenly became tense.

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