I don't know after a trip to the far moon.

The Fujiwara family and the Kaguya family have launched plans to add branches and leaves to themselves.

After returning home, Natsukawa saw Yukiko, Miko, and Mai Sakurajima all at home.

Since he hadn't eaten meat for three days, he wanted to pick a lucky girl at random to pamper him.

However, it happened suddenly, but it was an intelligence message from the underworld, which made him temporarily let go of the desire to go home.

"Miyagi Prefecture, Sugisawa in Sendai City, there is a sealed Subu finger that has been confirmed. "

Xia Chuan looked at the information on his phone and replied with a satisfied smile.

According to common sense, intelligence is mainly based on the initiative of the initiator.

However, as long as there is information about Su Fu's finger, no matter whether Xia Chuan asks or not, the underworld will send it first.

It's not even a way to buy and sell information with one hand and one hand to deliver.

Of course, this money-hungry fox is not free to contribute.

Under Xia Chuan's reply to the emoji, the other party also replied with an action expression of counting money.

"Money-hungry fox, the money for intelligence will go to my little brother Shinomiya's house. "

"I'm really getting fond of you, Xia Chuan. "

This love.

There is Xia Chuan's information buying and selling that still respects her personal interests.

There may also be the other party who has now subdued the Shinomiya chaebol, which is equivalent to owning a mobile treasury of hundreds of trillion yen.

Shadow is such a person.

While appreciating a person, you will also appreciate the money in his pocket.

After casually interfering with the underworld for a few more words, Xia Chuan looked at the address with another finger of the succumber.

Miyagi Prefecture, Sendai City.

Among them is Yuhito Knotweed, who has the name of precipitating sports students, and this is also the beginning of everything in the original spell plot.

It seems that they really didn't start the layout according to the timeline.

On the one hand, he is very interested in Qi Suo's plan to destroy the death, and on the other hand, Xia Chuan also wants to see what kind of expression the sufu will show when he is reborn after being reborn.

Sugisawa, Sendai City, came and had to go on a trip.


Within the High School of Spells.

Megumi Fushiguro posed with both hands and curled his fingers to form the shadow of a python.

Then the shadow in front of him swelled, and the swaying behemoth figure broke through the obstacle and rushed out.

Then, with a cold hiss, a giant snake with a curse mark engraved on its body appeared, and its forehead also had the same pattern as the other gods summoned by Fushiguro Megumi.

As soon as the cold-blooded snake's snake appeared, it raised its mouth with a terrifying bite and tore at Megumi Fushiguro in front of him.

Megumi Fushiguro, who had been prepared for a long time, had already summoned the eagle, and with a backward jump, he dodged the attack of the serpent, and then the eagle took him into the air to avoid it, thus forming an aerial combat advantage.

"Jade Dog.!"


After the two jade dogs pulled the attention of the big snake.

Under his command, the eagle spread its wings and condensed its mana, and its shrill chirp was accompanied by the sound of sizzling electricity.

At the same time, in the land of the water that had been prepared before.

The dancing electric snake pierced into the water around the big snake in the blink of an eye, and the jade dog with tacit understanding had already jumped away, leaving the big snake wrapped in the entangled electric light at the moment.

Then the jade dog collapsed into a shadow and fell to the ground in place, and Fushiguro Megumi immediately pinched the fingers of his right hand to summon the toad, and directly entangled the paralyzed snake at the moment with a powerful tongue.

After a short period of accumulation, it was lifted directly into the air.

Seizing the moment when the opponent was in the air and had no power to fight back, Megumi Fushiguro launched a fierce attack with the eagle.

Under the collision between the body and the eagle.

In the end, within a few rounds, the snake collapsed to the ground in a fit of rage.

And Fushiguro Megumi, who was also not lightly loaded, also breathed a sigh of relief, and then launched a spell to retract the subdued snake into the shadow, and the eagle and toad disappeared with it.

After the subduing ritual is over.

"Nice! Megumi, good job. "

The pandas and others who stood outside the venue were already applauding.

It was useless for them to participate in Shikigami's subduing ceremony, so they just watched Megumi Fushiguro complete it alone.

Fortunately, the latter's control of the cooperation between Shikigami is very good, and the behemoth giant snake has no power to fight back when it hits one more, and finally succeeds in subduing it.

Although it is not yet a first-year student who has officially become a spell high school.

But because of the pressure brought by Xia Chuan's unscrupulousness, Fushiguro Megumi was still intensively cultivated by the high-level of spells in advance.

Not only did he speed up his subduing of the ten shadow spells, but at the same time, in order to improve his use of spells, he also allowed Fushiguro Megumi to participate in many actions to eliminate curses.

In the era of the Cursed, the Spellcaster's cleansing tasks have also increased by more than five times compared to the past.

Naturally cultivated in advance, and there is no shortage of practice, Megumi Fushiguro's strength now is comparable to the level of a first-year student in the original book.

"Not bad, not bad!"

Satoru Gojo followed and coaxed aside.

Now that Megumi Fushiguro is in charge of him, and today he happens to be idle, so he came to watch Megumi Fushiguro subdue his Shikigami ritual.

Although it was a compliment, in fact, Gojo Satoru still looked down on these shadow spells in his heart.

The ten shadow spells, although they are ancestral, seem to be all of these levels.

The only powerful one is the eight-wielding sword-wielding god general Demon Xuluo. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But looking at it now, the Demon Void who can kill the six-eyed Demon Void, Gojo Satoru is honest, it's hard to imagine that Megumi Fushiguro can successfully subdue him.

But it has always been the mentality of taking one step at a time, anyway, Xia Chuan is not a dangerous person now, holding the idea that the boat will go straight to the bridge, he simply joked with Fat Da and others about Heihui.

"It's so powerful, Megumi, a new star of spells in the future!"

"That's right, that's right!"

Over there, Megumi Fushiguro raised her hand to cover her face at the shouts of Panda and Gojo Satoru, and then gave up, just keeping a calm expression.

"Didi. "

At this moment, Gojo Satoru's mobile phone rang, and he took it out to take a look, only to find that it was a message from the upper level of the spell.

After sweeping his eyes, he couldn't help sighing: "Ahh "

"Since you didn't call us, goodbye to Gojo-sensei. "

Panda hurriedly waved goodbye, after all, after the work pressure increased, now both the magicians and the students are in the mood of never taking the initiative to work overtime.

Unlike the mentality of the pandas, Megumi Fushiguro took the initiative to ask what the task was.

On the one hand, he knew that his current strength improvement was especially important for the Spell Master.

On the other hand, there are recent accidents.

His sister Miki Fushigurotsu, under the advent of the cursed era, suddenly fell into a coma, and there was no solution to it.

For this reason, Megumi Fushiguro at this time is especially eager to find a solution with the improvement of his strength. []

Gojo Satoru glanced at Megumi Fushiguro, thought about it, and after thinking about it, he continued:

"The task is very simple, one of the fingers in the seal has been confirmed, you just need to go and retrieve it, the only thing to be careful about is the spell that you are attracted to by it. "

"Then let me go. "

Sure enough, Megumi Fushiguro took the initiative to open her mouth and chose to work overtime.

"No problem. "

Gojo Satoru spread his hands, and after thinking about it, he had planned to do just that.

"Although it probably won't be dangerous, but after all, it's also a special spell, and it's still Su Fu's finger, so I'll go with you when the time comes. "

"But I'm not going to make a move until it's time to do it. "

"Absolutely. "

That's exactly what Megumi Fushiguro thought, so he asked again, "Where is the mission?"

Gojo Satoru took out his phone and looked at it: "Hmm...... In a hospital in Sugizawa, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. "。

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