In line with the official policy of forcibly restoring the functioning of society.

At this time, nearly half of the industries in society have begun to respond to the call.

The institution with the fastest natural recovery was the first hospital facility to be introduced by the government.

At this time, inside a hospital in Sendai City.

"Yuhito, you are very strong, if you want to save others, you can do it within your own reach. "

"Try to save those who can be saved, it doesn't matter if you are confused, don't mind if you don't get thanks, in short, you have to work hard to save more people. "

"You will die in the crowd of people. "

Knotweed Yuren listened to the conversation of his grandfather in the hospital, first felt a little inexplicable, and finally scratched his head and said, "Grandpa, what do you mean by suddenly telling me this sentence." "

Lying on the hospital bed, Knotweed coughed a few times as if he was seriously ill.

After relieving his breath, he continued:

"I just feel that my old man may not have much time left, so it seems like a commission to you on his deathbed. "

Perhaps because of the closure of the hospital, he lost treatment for a period of time, and Knotweed's physical condition was naturally affected.

Knotweed Yuhito wanted to say something, but looking at Knotweed Yusuke's smiling face, he slowly quieted down again, and nodded, "I will never forget this sentence for the rest of my life." "

After agreeing to a curse or a testament, he saw that Knotweed seemed to be resting, and Knotweed Yuhito left the ward without much disturbance.

"But help others. "

At the mention of this, Knotweed Yuren couldn't help but think of the situation in today's society.

"The only one who can help others the most now is a sorcerer, but the problem is that his knotweed Yuhito is just an ordinary person. "

Inexplicably, Knotweed Yuhito yearns for the special existence of a spellcaster even more.

And at the same time, according to the location specified in the mission.

Megumi Fushiguro had already arrived at the hospital. 653, with his talents as a sorcerer, was able to quickly observe that there was a lot of curse condensing in the vicinity of the hospital.

Fortunately, the seal has not been broken, and the highest level is only the role of the second level.

Gotta hurry.

Megumi Fushiguro thought silently in her heart.

If something happens and the hospital has an accident, it is another problem in society.

Fushiguro walked quickly into the hospital with a cold face.

But suddenly, he seemed to smell the breath of the super-grade spell in the mission.

Megumi Fushiguro couldn't help but look at the target, it was a pink-haired boy who was going through some formalities at the front desk of the hospital.

"You can't be wrong. "

He muttered a low voice, and at the same time looked at the nurse who had not yet put away the formalities after the other party left.

After knowing the other party's name, he hurriedly caught up with the departing knotweed Yuhito.

"You're Knotweed Yuhito, aren't you?"

Knotweed Yuhito, who had just left the hospital, turned his head when he heard someone call him.

He saw a sea urchin-headed teenager of about his age in a blue-black uniform shouting to himself.

Knotweed scratched his head, and he thought for a moment that he didn't seem to have any impression of this person: "I am, is there anything to find me?"

Megumi Fushiguro walked quickly in front of Knotweed Yuhito, with an anxious look on her face:

"Time is running out, I'm Megumi Fushiguro of the Spell Master, the spell you hold is very dangerous, please give it to me quickly. "

Saying that, Megumi Fushiguro showed him a photo on his phone:

"That's it, you should have an impression. "

The phone shows a small wooden box with the lines of a charm engraved on the lid, and inside the box is a strip of object completely wrapped in rune paper.

Knotweed Yuhito saw this photo after a brief moment of doubt and remembered:

"Well, I seem to have an impression. "

"But are you a master of spells, that is, those specially-talented spellmasters?!"

Looking at Knotweed Yuhito's obvious unscrupulous appearance, Fushiguro Megumi's expression became even more serious:

"I'm a sorcerer, but now it's this thing that's more problematic. "

"Curses are very dangerous items, because they have a powerful mana of their own, and they have a strong attraction like honey, and when they absorb it, they will gain more power. "

"So as time goes by, the seals on them will gradually weaken, and then they will attract a lot of curses. "

"You have the impression that this thing is classified as a high-risk item, and now you understand, give it to me before anything happens. "

And when it comes to "Special", Knotweed Yuhito, who often pays attention to the information of the sorcerer and the curse, also became serious and began to think about it carefully.

Soon, his face changed suddenly.

"I saw this box in my grandfather's hospital room!"

As these words fell, Megumi Fushiguro immediately felt a powerful curse aura coming from above the hospital.

"Damn! Something happened!"

Looking at Megumi Fushiguro's bad expression, Knotweed Yuhito also had some bad premonitions in his heart, and he quickly turned around and ran towards the hospital.

But he was quickly stopped by Megumi Fushiguro.

"For some reason, the seal fell off. "

"But this situation will kill people, you ordinary people should stay aside and let me solve it professionally!"

Megumi Fushiguro said, leaving Knotweed Yuhito outside, and quickly ran towards the hospital.

At the same time, after revealing the identity of the sorcerer to the nurse at the front desk, the relevant personnel were asked to evacuate urgently.

Soon, with the appearance of the "curse", not only patients, nurses, but also attending doctors rushed out of this hospital.

Knotweed Yuhito is not stuck in place at this moment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It stands to reason that he is an ordinary person, and it is indeed more appropriate to stay where he is.

But he couldn't help but think of his grandfather's entrustment before.

Aren't there many people in the doctor who want to be saved?!

With this New Year, unlike the crowd running out, Knotweed Yuhito walked directly towards the hospital quickly.

In the rush of fleeing people, Qi Suo, who was dressed in a doctor's costume, just watched Knotweed Yuhito make a decision.

Then he chuckled (cbfd): "Finally! welcome to the world of the Spellcaster." "

After saying such a sentence, Qi Suo also quickly disappeared outside the hospital with the fleeing crowd.

All his plans were carefully prepared.

Taking advantage of Gojo Satoru's absence, let Su Fu's fingers forcibly explode.

The spell spirit attracted by the fingers of the liberated Su Fu will not be something that Fushiguro Megumi can deal with.

And that spell spirit will not swallow its fingers so quickly, and the only natural solution is Knotweed Yuhito, who can make up his mind.

"Help, help!"

In the hospital, there were almost inaudible cries for help.

When Megumi Fushiguro found the room where the spell was located under the path of the two jade dogs, he already saw a fat spell spirit grasping a finger.

"Damn, the seal was touched?"

Megumi Fushiguro gritted her teeth, and crossed her hands when she was about to summon Shikijin with a technique.

The glass next to the window suddenly exploded, and a figure leaped forward from it, and the force brought by the foot that fell from the sky was so amazing that it kicked the spell spirit to the ground.

Fushiguro Megumi looked at the person in front of her and couldn't help but be surprised: "Didn't I let you stay outside?!"

"Even if it's an ordinary person, I want to help others!"

Knotweed Yuhito said with a serious look on his face, and then he looked in the direction of the hospital bed.

Unexpectedly, he found that his grandfather had disappeared, and there were suspected unknown blood stains in it.

Anger erupted from the bottom of my heart.

Knotweed Yuhito glared at the curse, and instantly burst out with great power and blasted towards the other party.

The mortal fetus of the flesh actually blasted the opponent away a distance of several meters with a single punch.

At this time, Fushiguro Megumi stepped forward and said: "Ordinary people can't get rid of the curse, only the curse can deal with the curse, and you can't cause effective damage to it without the magic power." "

"But if you have that, it's fine. "

Knotweed Yuhito pulled out a finger.

It was actually the finger of the Su Fu who was directly snatched back from the other party under the attack just now.

Fushiguro Megumi's eyes widened: "Give him to me quickly, it's dangerous." "

"Didn't you say it carries a lot of mana, and if I eat it, it will have mana too. "

"No kidding, give it to me or get out of here with it!"

Under the conversation between the two, the curse on the side was already violently attacking.

Under the powerful body, six large hands suddenly grew as limbs.

Then quickly stretched out the attack towards the two.

The speed was so fast that Fushiguro Megumi and her Shikigami didn't react at all, and they were suddenly blown aside.

The jade dog also turned into a shadow and dissipated under this heavy blow.

"Damn, how can you be so powerful!"

"There's still Gojo-sensei, why hasn't it appeared yet!"

It's said that he didn't make a move if he didn't get the point, but now no matter how you look at it, that guy is running away to other places to have fun without doing anything!

Megumi Fushiguro slowly got up, wanting to let the ordinary knotweed Yuhito leave again.

But as soon as he looked up, his eyes widened.

I saw that Knotweed Yuhito had already opened his mouth and swallowed Su Wu's fingers.

"Stupid, that's a special curse full of filth and evil curses, it's highly poisonous!"

"It doesn't matter, even if you die, at least you can die surrounded by everyone. "

Knotweed Yuhito opened his mouth and finished swallowing.

With the fingers of the sufu into the stomach.

A strange atmosphere immediately enveloped the place, and the spell spirit on the opposite side hesitated in place for some reason, and the knotweed did not appear to be poisoned and died.

He stood still for a few moments, until the spell spirit on the other side couldn't help but attack this way.

I saw that Yuhito, who was originally motionless, suddenly raised his hand when the claws of the spell spirit were about to touch him!

The raised right hand streaked an afterimage in the air, and the wind that set off the spell spirit instantly shattered into pieces.

As if waving a fly, "Knotweed Yuhito" raised his right hand, whose nails had become longer.

At some point, some lines appeared on his face with his eyes closed, and then Yuhito Knotweed, who suddenly opened his eyes, seemed to be a completely different person.

He first carefully felt the changes around him and himself, and then after confirming something, his eyes were full of turbulent ecstasy and tyranny.

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