Knotweed Yuhito.

Now it is also a two-sided sufu who has finally been reborn from the flesh after thousands of years.

It's like making a clear division between the souls of the two.

There are many black lines on Knotweed Yuhito's face, and even the accent and tone of his speech are very different~ The same.

He tore off his clothes, and his muscular body had similar strange lines.

Su Wu wantonly opened her arms and laughed as if she was enjoying herself:


"And this time it's a real resurrection, there's no case where that bastard sorcerer is there!"

"It's a wonderful feeling!"

Megumi Fushiguro looked at the scene in front of her and her heart sank to the bottom.

The worst "what if" happens.

Satoru Gojo hasn't come back yet.

Right now, there's also the worst-case scenario of "a super-grade spell getting a physical body", which means that... This legendary Lord of the Damned has been resurrected!

Su Wu is still enjoying the resurrection in the true sense of the word.

He stood by the broken window and looked out at the city.

Seeing it with your own eyes, coupled with the capture of the memory information of the soul of Yuhito Knotweed.

Su Wu first knew what kind of society it was now.

"It's a funny time for curses to be integrated into reality!"

"And there are women and children everywhere, crawling everywhere like maggots, big sticks, it's just an era when you can kill well!"


Just when Su Fu was excited, his right hand suddenly pinched his smile as if uncontrollably, followed by the original voice of Knotweed Yuhito.

"Don't do weird things with other people's bodies, give them back to me. "

This time it was Su Wu's turn to be stunned.

Of course, he knew the rules for being born again from the flesh.

There is a high probability that it will seize the original owner's body with a more powerful soul mana.

There is only one situation in which failure can occur.

That is, the strength of the marauder is inferior to the physical master.

But he was the strongest sorcerer a thousand years ago, and he was a two-faced man!

How could a failed snatching of flesh happen to him, not to mention that this guy is not a sorcerer yet!

"Why are you still moving?!"

"Isn't this nonsense, this is my body!"

Knotweed Yuren replied as a matter of course, and his body actually suppressed Su Wu's momentum at the same time.

The confrontation between the two, but Fushiguro Megumi didn't intend to pay attention to it.

He set up his steadage and said, "Don't move! You're not human anymore, according to the Spellman's Law......"

"Good evening, so what's going on here. "

Suddenly, a voice with a somewhat casual tone came from the doorway.

It was Satoru Gojo who rushed to the hospital.

When Megumi Fushiguro heard this voice, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and then explained:

"This guy swallowed Su Fu's finger, and now Su Fu's soul is parasitic in his body. "

Knotweed Yuhito moved his body, and his face was taken for granted: "What are you talking about? This is my body, and who is I? Am I possessed by a ghost?"


Knotweed Yuhito's focus is still a little different from ordinary people: "Is this curse that I am possessed by now?"

Then he looked at Satoru Gojo, and his face was excited and adoring.

"Aren't you a superhero Satoru Gojo!

"Hahaha, my current popularity is really easy to meet fans when I go out. "

Gojo Satoru couldn't help laughing, and then he looked at Knotweed Yuhito seriously, and was surprised: (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"The two-faced sorcerer, the strongest sorcerer of the Heian period, became the King of Curses after his death, and his twenty fingers became immortal spells for thousands of years. "

"It's just that I didn't expect to see a body that even Su Nu couldn't suppress, it's really interesting. "

Hearing Gojo Satoru's words, a cut opened in Knotweed Yuhito's cheek, like a shrunken mouth, and Su's voice rang out from it: "Spellcasters are so disgusting no matter what era they are, especially a clown who is a hero like you. "

"But I'm still a little interested in your experience, tell me about your experience of fighting with Xia Chuan, and I can spare you from dying later. "

While being restrained by Knotweed Yuhito's body, Su Nu also continued to check his memories.

And in the memories of Gojo Satoru, Su Fu found that he had two painful experiences, which made him both jealous and afraid, and eager to break the corpse.

Su Wu's mention of Xia Chuan surprised Gojo Satoru, but soon he thought of something, and said with a mocking smile:

"Speaking of which, Xia Chuan does have the experience of removing Su Fu's fingers, you guys shouldn't be embarrassed, so I want to inquire about him. "

"Stinky little ghost! I'm going to..."

The voice did not fall.

Listening to the sound of "pop", a hand slapped on the strange mouth, and the knotweed like a fly interrupted Su Wu's words.

Then there was a hole on the back of his hand again, although it didn't hurt, but it made Knotweed Yuhito very unhappy, and his left hand covered the mouth with a rapid slap.

interrupted repeatedly, which made Su Wu unhappy.

"So what the hell is going on with your flesh!"

Gojo Satoru turned around and interrupted Knotweed Yuhito with a smile: "Knotweed Yuhito, it seems that you can control your body." "

"If you don't let him out first, I'd like to see this terrible Lord of the Damned. "

The mouth on the back of Yuhito's folded hands became more and more hideous, but he didn't say anything more, and Yuren Knotweed said hesitantly: "Really? I feel that this sufu is very dangerous!"

Satoru Gojo laughed playfully, "It's okay, compared to me, he's a real clown now." "

Knotweed Yuhito didn't know much about this, but he knew that in front of him was Satoru Gojo, the most famous of today's heroes.

He should be able to help him with all of this.

So Knotweed closed his eyes, and after a while, those black lines appeared on his body again, covering his face with a strange color.

The eyes opened together, and the evil eyes were immediately filled with brutal killing intent.

Su Wu raised his hand and brushed his hair back, and a cruel smile burst out between Sen Bai's teeth: "Then let you see who the clown is." "

It's just that.

"Yo, it's a rare sight for two clowns to get together. "

At this moment, a mocking voice broke the inexplicable atmosphere.

Without even looking back in the direction where the voice came from, Su Nu and Gojo Satoru had already judged who it was.

Gojo Satoru showed a look of surprise: "I really didn't expect a big man like you to appear here." "

"Natsukawa !!"

Su Fu's answer was a violent shouting and attack.

The ground beneath his feet suddenly spun and cracked, and Su Nu slammed his spell in the direction of the sound.


The invisible slash densely submerged the place where Xia Chuan was.

Everything around them turned into powder under this trick.

Except for Xia Chuan, who was still standing in the middle of countless slashes, unscathed.

Su Nu looked at this scene, and only gritted his teeth angrily and said, "Space! "

"It is said that eating a trench grows wisdom, but it seems that you don't have such an awareness. "

- Boom!

Reborn by the flesh,Suppressed by a spell that is more real than the spirit.,Suddenly made Su Nu fall to his knees on the ground.。。

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