Kneel down in humiliation.

Even thousands of years ago, when he was at his weakest and weakest, it was something that never happened.

But every time he saw Xia Chuan, Su Wu would feel the shame that he had worked so hard to forget.

It was okay before, at least when it was a finger, it was not as good as a person, and everything that happened was only in the spiritual world that the two of them knew.

But this time is better than ever!


The strongest sorcerer thousands of years ago, he is also a terrifying existence of the Lord of Curses after death!

Now he was forced to kneel on the ground in front of other sorcerers.

This made the already arrogant Su Fu grit his teeth extremely hard, and the blood spilled out.

I can't wait to eat its flesh and drink its blood at this moment!

"Yo, this is the third time we've met. "

Xia Chuan greeted Su Fu: "But compared to the current appearance, it is still your original four-handed overlord who makes me feel a little more happy." "Four-Three-Zero"

Obviously, the terrifying body of the squire.

was treated as a harlequin-like comedian by Xia Chuan.。

Su Wu could not understand this, but this did not affect his unspeakable anger and fear of Xia Chuan.

"Xia Chuan!

"It's just you! I'm going to make you feel a thousand times the pain to appease my anger!"

The boiling killing intent was already uncontrollable, and under the extremely surging mana, he was directly out of his kneeling state, and then raised his claws and rushed towards Xia Chuan.

But in fact, this is just Xia Chuan slightly loosening the suppression of his mana.

The menacing claw strikes were much slower than the spell slashes.

Knowing that Xia Chuan's technique was disgusting, Su Nu didn't think that the attack could hit, but what he did was just subconsciously wanting to vent the killing intent in his heart through the collision of flesh.

Naturally, Xia Chuan dodged lightly without even using divine might, and at the same time smashed a heavy punch into that face.

The majestic mana burst out instantly, directly beating the powerless Su Nu as if time had stood still and dizzy, and fell to the ground weakly.

As for Su Fu's anger, Xia Chuan smiled indifferently.

I've heard this phrase many times, but it makes me laugh at the way you look impotent and furious each time. "

Xia Chuan looked at Su Wu condescendingly, regardless of who the flesh was at this time.

A foot lift.

directly stepped on Su Fu's head on the ground.

The force was so great that it directly smashed out a shallow pit.

"Then this is the third time, Sufu. "

"I'm going to keep looking forward to the fourth and fifth times. "

With what he likes to do, Xia Chuan doesn't care about maintaining the situation in Yuhito's body.

Anyway, after knowing the special situation of Knotweed Youren later, whether it is the spell world or the side of Qi Suo Xia Youjie, they will pay attention to this matter.

So this time, it is still a mental sharpening from joy to surprise to Su Wu.

Under this figure, Su Wu, who spurted out a large handful of blood, only felt as if he was in a kaleidoscope for a moment.

Once again, the terrifying invasion of the spirit rules brought him to the barren land.

At the same time, there is the Jacob ladder in the sky where the Holy Word is praying.

It's the same old trick again!!

It's a reappearance of two nightmares!

Su Wu couldn't help but scold.

He already didn't care about the words of impotent rage.

Bear the Jacob's ladder three times, and the finger mana that remains three times is removed!

At this moment, the mentality is on the verge of shattering.

Especially this time, it's the closest to resurrection!

Finally, after a thousand years of being reborn, he didn't even enjoy it for long, and he was arrested by Xia Chuan again!

Of course, it has something to do with that little imp with a strange body!

But he still has seventeen more chances!

If there is a next time he is reborn, he must find a place to hide first!

Xia Chuan is even going to become a nightmare in his heart.

Jacob's ladder descended with a bang.

Under the screams and wails of Su Nu, the black lines on Yuhito's body under his feet also quickly dissipated.

It's just that the attack he received really happened to his own body.

So after Su Fu's consciousness dissipated, Knotweed Yuhito directly passed out.

Seeing this scene, Satoru Gojo, who was silently watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but raise his eyes.

He knew how Xia Chuan had cleared Su Fu's fingers, and he was actually able to directly remove the spiritual soul of the flesh.

He couldn't help but look at Xia Chuan, admiring and shocking at the same time.

Those eyes, how many powerful spell abilities do they have?

"So this time, you're here for the fingers of the squire? "

"Nope. "

After solving the reborn Su Fu, Xia Chuan smiled lightly: "I'm just here to satisfy my own pleasure." "

Satoru Gojo immediately understood something. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Is this guy using the skull as a tool for fun?!

But judging from Xia Chuan's bad character, it will indeed be like this....

After all, even his own black historical experience of being beaten twice was known to the whole society on the whole network.

No matter how amazing he is as a superhero, as long as Xia Chuan is mentioned, he can't raise his head.

"But this time, you didn't want to take the initiative to get beaten. "

Facing Xia Chuan's words, Gojo Satoru was very calm: "After all, your strength has surpassed me too much, and I still need to settle for a while." "

"Will you settle?"

Gojo Satoru didn't react to Xia Chuan's meaning for a while, but soon he thought of Shinjuku's overnight answer, and said with a serious face: "It will precipitate." "

"Hahaha. "

Xia Chuan couldn't help but laugh.

"You and Su Nu are really pleasant existences. "

"Looking forward to your next performance. "

After laughing, Xia Chuan glanced at Megumi Fushiguro, who was both curious and vigilant beside him, and then disappeared from Kamui.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that the other party had left that Megumi Fushiguro breathed a sigh of relief.

For some reason, under Xia Chuan's gaze just now, he had a feeling that everything was seen through by the other party at a glance. []

And to be able to treat Su Fu and Gojo Teacher with such an attitude, he really deserves to be the strongest spell master whose strength is exaggerated to the extreme.

"Will it be a surprise?" Satoru Gojo said.

Hearing what Gojo Satoru meant, Megumi Fushiguro thought about it and nodded: "A little, but it's still acceptable." "

Powerful people have absolute power over everything they do in the world of spells.

"I've always been confident in my own strength, and I knew that I met this guy on 2.1 that day. "

"No matter how hard you try, in the end, you will be crushed. "

Listening to these words, Megumi Fushiguro felt a little uncomfortable just thinking about it, and couldn't help but change the topic and said:

"There's no need to say that all of a sudden. "

"Haha, that's true. "

Gojo Satoru snorted and then continued: "But it's not that I'm joking, if you really want to defeat Xia Chuan in the future, you will be the biggest guarantee in our camp." "

Megumi Fushiguro understood what the other party was referring to.

The strongest Shikigami in his own technique.。

And Gojo Satoru obviously hadn't finished speaking, and looked at the unconscious Knotweed Yuhito on the ground again.

"Although the task of retrieving the finger of the Su Nu is considered a failure. "

"But this time, it's something else. "

"This kid might be able to become a sorcerer. "。

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