"As I get older, I become more and more incapable of drinking."

Listening to Nakiri Senzaemon's soliloquy, Nakiri Erina didn't believe it at all. How could she not know what level her grandfather was?

But since she was asked to do this, there was a reason.

Nakiri Erina So he raised the fruit wine on the table:"I propose a toast to you on behalf of grandpa, Master Xia Chuan."

After that, he drank it all in one gulp.

Nakiri Senzaemon then said:"I made you laugh."

"Not really. Xia Chuan took advantage of the situation and sat at the opposite table:"

It would be better to say that this is better.""

Hearing this, Nakiri Senzaemon burst out laughing:"Sure enough, young people like beautiful girls to toast."


Nakiri Erina looked at him in embarrassment, but because of the situation, she still didn't say anything.

After giving out a friendly smile that didn't fit her aura, Nakiri Senzaemon looked at Natsukawa with interest:

"Who knows what this young master Xia Chuan wants to talk to me about?"

"Actually it’s nothing. Xia

Chuan sat down and said slowly: I personally like to enjoy life very much, especially delicious food, which is one of the great pleasures of my life."

"Not long ago, I went to a small restaurant on 22 and tasted the unspeakable delicious food there. I also learned from his mouth that he was from Totsuki Academy, so I became very interested in your academy."

"ah!"Fujiwara Chika nodded desperately with empathy:"I understand! I know! Enjoying delicious food is a pleasure that you should never let go of in life!"

"what...It turns out that Xia Chuan and I got along surprisingly well."

Shinomiya Kaguya's smile became more kind.

This guy has really been fighting for the impression of belonging to the Shinomiya family in front of Natsukawa.

At the same time, hearing Natsukawa's words, Nakiri Senzaemon also laughed heartily:"So it turns out That’s what happened!"

"We at Yuanyue Academy welcome guests who like food like you and are naturally waiting for your arrival at any time."

Nakiri Senzaemon has almost guessed the origin of Natsukawa, who was entertained by Shinomiya Anan with all his heart.

Even a chaebol family of the same level would never let that old man entertain him so well.

That old man What he cares more about is that he can bring a huge increase in"value" to the family.

Therefore, Xia Chuan either has a family background with more assets than the"heart of the country".....Or he is a mysterious and powerful figure.

No matter which one, Nakiri Senzaemon wanted to get in touch with him as much as possible, so he asked his granddaughter Erina Nakiri to toast.

However, he didn't expect that before he thought about how to form a connection to expand friendship, he would be helped by an outsider from Yueyue Academy.

Thinking about it like this, Nakiri Senzaemon felt a little lucky, so he asked:

"I wonder if Master Xia Chuan knows the name of the chef who was born in Yuanyue? Maybe I will still have some impression"


Nakiri Erina, who was listening beside her, seemed to be unable to bear it and said:"I don't think that a graduate from Totsuki will just open a small restaurant."

"Maybe he was just a guy who dropped out of school and abused the name of the academy. The food coming from the hands of such a guy is not a food that people can enjoy!"

Nakiri Erina looked at Natsukawa seriously:"If you come to Totsuki Academy, I will be responsible for letting you experience the truly pleasant taste!"

Fujiwara Chika looked at Nakiri Erina in surprise, and even Shinomiya Kaguya did the same.

So why can these guys be so indifferent to boys they have only met once.

Nakiri Senzaemon also looked at his granddaughter helplessly Erina.

His point of view is actually the same as Erina's. He doesn't think that Kotaku will be a Totsuki graduate. He just plans to admit a name casually.

Now at least getting Natsukawa interested in the academy is already a great achievement, and then With cooking skills that are far superior to those of graduates, he can basically capture Natsukawa's appetite.

This was Nakiri Senzaemon's plan, except that he didn't expect his granddaughter Erina to end up in person.

Natsukawa didn't expect it either. Nakiri Erina would say these words, but they are indeed in line with her attitude towards her concept of food.

In this case, he took advantage of the situation and said:"If this is the case, then I will come with expectations."

After getting acquainted with each other for a while, and knowing the contact information of Nakiri Senzaemon, Natsukawa left accordingly.

Naturally, Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika also left.

In this reality, Nakiri Senzaemon Men looked at Erina:"What an incredible boy, but it seems that Erina is still very serious about him."


Seeing the other party's sudden smile, Nakiri Erina naturally knew what the other party was thinking.

She immediately glared at Nakiri Erina in shame:"I haven't investigated your behavior of asking me to toast, you are still here. Nonsense!"

"I just don’t want to see a person who enjoys food being deceived, and this is an insult to Totsuki!"

"Ha ha ha ha."Nakiri Senzaemon laughed heartily:"In that case, then I will leave the task of entertaining him to you."


"So does Xia Chuan have any guests he wants to meet next?"

After bidding farewell to Nakiri Senzaemon, Shinomiya Kaguya asked:"If you are willing, I can introduce you to some family properties and well-established guests."

"ah...I won’t go there anymore. I’ve been away for a while, so I’d better go back to my parents first. Fujiwara Chika suddenly waved her hand:"

Then Kaguya and Natsukawa, please contact us later.""

Just as she came suddenly, she left also suddenly.

Seeing her leave, Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy finally left. He kept hanging around and kept grabbing words.

Let her It was not easy to communicate with Xia Chuan.

In response to Kaguya's words, Xia Chuan shook his head and said:"Forget it, I'm not very interested in these, and if I want to have ideas, only the Shinomiya family is enough."

That's true.

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded. As the eldest daughter of Shinomiya, she has extremely high confidence and understanding of her family's energy.

On the other hand, Fujiwara Chika also returned to the area where the Fujiwara family is. As soon as she saw her family , she shook her phone proudly:"Now, we are friends!"

Seeing this, uncle Fujiwara, who is currently the provincial minister, and Fujiwara's parents, who are also diplomats and politicians, all had expressions on their faces.

"Sure enough, it has to be Qianhua!"

Hearing the praise from her elders, she looked at her sister Fujiwara Toyomi and her sister Fujiwara Moeha with dissatisfaction.

"I haven't heard your praise yet. Hearing this

, the two of them clapped helplessly and said,"Qianhua (sister) is so amazing!"

He even puffed up his chest and said,"Of course!" After saying that

, she looked at her elders in the family with interest:"So is Xia Chuan really a person with super powers?""

The former Prime Minister and the great-grandfather of Fujiwara Chika, who had never spoken, said with eyes full of eyes:"That guy is an incredibly powerful monster."

"As long as he wants to, there is no problem in destroying the entire neon"

"So thousands of flowers, abundant and budding leaves. He looked at the three granddaughters at home now:"Contacting him can only be good or bad for our family. Of course, if you can have a closer relationship with each other, Grandpa, I will wake up laughing in my dreams.""

Through the incident in Shinjuku, he naturally also knew the details through previous means.

The sudden appearance of Xia Chuan in front of him, who is not from a family of magicians, is definitely worthy of making them pay everything.

Hearing this The words of the eldest elder in the family.

The eldest daughter, Fujiwara Toyomi, smiled and said nothing.

Fujiwara Chika turned her eyes and began to blackmail:"Then Natsukawa and I are friends. Grandfather, what are you going to reward me for? Good!

Only the youngest Fujiwara Moeha covered her face and said shyly:"I didn't expect it to happen so far away, although that Lord Natsukawa does look so handsome.""

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