As time passed slowly, the evening banquet came to an end.

It was a rare banquet held by the Shinomiya family, and the guests who were invited to attend naturally left with satisfaction.

On the one hand, they enjoyed the hospitality of the Shinomiya family, and on the other hand, they both made partners who were beneficial to them.

Of course, there are regrets.

The top two people in this party.

Shinomiya Kaguya and the unknown young master did not get into a conversation.

But these were just delusions of hope. Although it was a pity, not many people felt regretful about it the whole night. at the same time.

Invariably, everyone firmly remembered Xia Chuan's appearance.

Witnessing Shinomiya Anan and Shinomiya Kaguya's hospitality with their own eyes must have a place that they will remember in their hearts.

On their way back, some people began to want to inquire about Xia Chuan's identity.

And the one who is one step faster than everyone else is the Yukinoshita family.

On the way home, Mrs. Yukinoshita and Yukinoshita Yono were both sitting in the back seat of the car.

Through the contact between Haruno and Hiratsuka Shizuka, the mother and daughter also learned more about Natsu Chuan at school.

A freshman at Sobu High School.

He is a well-known figure in the school, and his interpersonal relationships are also at the top of the school.

A society called the"Ministry of Exorcism" was established.

There is very little information, but there is extremely conspicuous key information.

When it came to the Spirit Exorcist Department, not only did Yukinoshita Yono become enlightened, but Mrs. Yukinoshita, who knew more about it, almost came up with an accurate answer.

She originally thought that Xia Chuan was also a chaebol family with terrifying power, so she guessed that the Shinomiya family would receive preferential treatment.

Think about it now.

If Natsukawa is from the side of the magic world, it seems to be more in line with the view of being given preferential treatment by the Shinomiya family.

After all, a behemoth like the Shinomiya family must have a higher desire for magicians than money.

Of course, so does she.

Otherwise, she would not have recommended several blind dates to Yang Nai who had financial and official connections.

Money and power are indeed important, but in such a world, magicians are even more precious.

These are special talents that can only be born from a population of millions, let alone those who are stronger and rarer.

She didn't need to prove it. If Natsukawa, who was treated like this by the Shinomiya family, was a conjurer, he must be among the top ones, and what was even more rare was that he was a boy.

If only I could bring a child with spell talents to the Yukinoshita family.

Even if it is a grandson, the family will definitely be prosperous in the future.


"Mother......What's matter?"

As if she had a suspicion, Yukinoshita Yono didn't dare to look at her at this moment.

Just as she expected, Mrs. Yukinoshita said straight to the point:"What do you think of Natsukawa?"

"......I have no contact with him at all, and mother, you should know that he may have a girlfriend."

In response to Yangono's resistance, Mrs. Yukinoshita frowned:"I don't want to hear these excuses."

"If it is true, you should know the special characteristics of those existences. Even the Miss Fourth Palace needs to take the initiative."

"If you don't want to, then I'll let Yukino give it a try."

When it was said to her heart, Yangono's expression immediately changed.

She had always been planned for the future by her mother, followed step by step, and accepted this fate that she could not resist.

But at least, she could make Xiaoyuno independent of family and other factors. Free choice is the only place where she can comfort herself.

Naturally after hearing her mother's words, Yukinoshita Yono replied:"Yukino won't have such interest, so I'll give it a try."

After hearing this, Mrs. Yukinoshita nodded with satisfaction.

"seize the opportunity......If possible, I don’t want to involve Yukino."

Because he thought the car was a bit slow, Xia Chuan refused the Shinomiya family's special car to see him off.

When he reached the corner of the blind field of vision, he had directly left the Shinomiya family's mansion with his divine power.

The Shinomiya family was exactly what he expected. The friendliness that comes from trying to cling to, and at the same time meeting Chika Fujiwara and the Nakiri family besides Shinomiya Kaguya, tonight is more fulfilling and pleasant than expected.

After Natsukawa returned home, he saw Mai Sakurajima still there Watching TV in the living room.

Lying on the sofa with pillows in her arms, her legs curled up.

More than a week later, with Natsukawa's daily assistance, even though it was not her own home, Mai Sakurajima was already as comfortable as So this is the situation of living at home.

Of course, compared to this situation, what makes Natsukawa more pleasing to the eye is the long fair legs.

The curves are beautiful and the skin is like cream.

They are indeed able to control the bunny girl's legs.

"came back?"

After hearing the sound, Sakurajima Mai asked subconsciously.

Just when she raised her head and saw what Xia Chuan was looking at, she quickly picked up a pillow to cover it up, and said with some embarrassment:

"Could you please stop staring at my legs with such terrifying eyes as soon as you come back?"

"Are admiring glances scary? And we are in such a relationship and yet you are still so shy, Mai.

Xia Chuan sighed:"Suddenly I feel like I won't be in the mood to teach the content of the technique tomorrow.""

Mai Sakurajima looked dissatisfied. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This guy always likes to use these methods to take advantage of her!

Although she complained in her heart, Mai Sakurajima still took the pillow away directly:"Really...Whatever you like!"

It's just that when Sakurajima Mai took her away, Natsukawa no longer looked at her before.

After all, after eating meat, just looking at it is not interesting.

However, what Natsukawa didn't expect was that when he sat on the sofa together, Sakura Instead, Mai Shima asked:"So are you teasing me again? Hearing this

, Xia Chuan smiled and asked,"Does this mean it's okay if I don't look at it?""

Being distracted by Natsukawa's words, Sakurajima Mai reacted and said quickly:"I didn't mean that!"

"You can turn off the TV later and I'll go to bed."

The words were full of the feeling of running away.

Instead of continuing to tease Mai, Xia Chuan stood up and prepared to turn off the TV. After all, he was attending a dinner party and he wanted to go to rest directly.

At this time, a message was uploaded on his mobile phone. There was a prompt sound.

Natsukawa opened the LINE interface.

Except for the few girls who had already contacted and responded to each other (Zhao), it was Chika Fujiwara who sent the message.

First there was a string of numbers representing the mailbox, followed by Fujiwara. News from Qianhua

"I have already sent you Kaguya’s email address. Natsu Chuan must repay me well next time we meet! Hearing this

, Xia Chuan typed back:"What kind of reward?""

"Xia Chuan is a person with super powers. Next time we meet, I want to see what super powers are like!"

It's so direct.[]

However, the Shinomiya Zaibatsu and the Magic College can find him through various means. The Fujiwara family's background does have such ability.

Naturally, it is more appropriate to get straight to the point than to hint slowly later, especially since he and Fujiwara Chika have a good relationship.

"Let’s talk about it next time we meet."

Accompanying the news about Natsukawa, Chika Fujiwara posted a crying emoticon:"Natsukawa is good or bad, he deliberately whets my appetite!!"

Xia Chuan smiled, and then recorded Shinomiya Kaguya's email address.

After thinking about it, he sent a happy birthday.

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