Chapter 69 Four Digits

Between the words, Su Hai also used his own eyes to listen to the position above Pandora’s head, because there is a five-star golden egg on Pandora’s head that only Su Hai can see.

As for the conditions for opening, it is the same as most, that is to kill by touching the head.

“woo woo woo woo..

“Really, another unlovable child.”

The next moment, the rejected Pandora suddenly said with tears in her eyes like a child.

Just like a bullied little Loli.

Looking at Pandora like this, Su Hai felt very helpless, and couldn’t help feeling for a while, these gods are really willful.

He has lived for at least tens of thousands of years, and his character is still like a child. Hestia is like this, and Pandora is like this.

“Oh, looks like the time has come.

Although “this request may be a bit willful, but I still hope you don’t forget me!”

The two probably spent a cup of tea together, and Su Hai’s body suddenly became a little illusory.

Apparently it was time to come, and Pandora seemed very regretful and reluctant to say this when she saw this familiar scene.

The emotion in his eyes is as if Su Hai is really his own child.

“Don’t worry, I’m different from others, I won’t forget you!”

Facing Pandora with a bleak look, Su Hai naturally knew what the little Loli was thinking in front of him.

After each god-killer successfully tried his gods, he would come to the underworld to meet Pandora and complete the final ritual. It’s a pity that this memory will be forgotten once you leave.

So sadly, every god has no memory of Pandora.

This is where Pandora is a little sad, but Su Hai, who knows this, is not worried at all, because there is still the existence of the system in his mind.

Su Hai didn’t think a small turnaround ceremony could get past the system and erase his memory.

At the last moment when his body was about to disappear, Su Hai suddenly stretched out his palm and placed it on Pandora’s head. It’s like a brother comforting a sad sister.

At the same time, Su Hai also took advantage of this opportunity to obtain the five-star golden egg on Pandora’s head at the moment of disappearance.

“Won’t you forget?”

“What a special kid…

Feeling the temperature that has not dissipated on his head, Pandora muttered to himself while having some surprise on his face.

In fact, the moment he saw Su Hai, Pandora felt that Su Hai was not from this world. It’s just that it hasn’t been broken. After all, the world consciousness has not rejected Su Hai, and Pandora will naturally not be meddling.

And Pandora can also see that Su Hai is not a big villain.

At this moment, Su Hai in the real world opened his eyes leisurely.

Just as Su Hai was about to get up, he felt a softness and heaviness in his arms.

When he turned his head, he found that Erica was sitting on the edge of the bed and fell asleep on her right arm. Obviously due to some fatigue.

Seeing this, Su Hai probably guessed what happened, and looked at Erica who was sleeping with a soft smile. Then he stopped trying to get up.

Turning around to look at the surrounding environment, I found myself sleeping on a large soft bed. Looking at the surrounding environment, it should be a bedroom or a study room.

Because in the center of this room there are two shelves of books neatly placed.

“System, open the properties panel!”

In order not to disturb Erica to rest, and Su Hai clearly felt the incomparably vigorous energy in her body and there seemed to be something else in her body.

Some Su Hai, who couldn’t wait to feel the change in himself, simply lay on the bed and said to the system in his mind.

“Name: Su Hai (God Killer, Demon King).

Physique “: Early stage of four figures.”

“Energy: Four-digit early days.”

“Power: God’s Gift, Sky Power, Eastern War God Power, Twelve Trials (adac), Thousand Words Spirit…

“Items: Sword of Promised Victory, Chain of Heaven, Scarlet Dragon Emperor’s Cage Hand, Rias’ Original Fatty,  …

“Heroic Spirit: Medusa (Rider, Sister R).

“Comprehensive evaluation: four figures.”

Looking at the attribute panel that only he can see in front of him, Su Hai couldn’t help but feel that the harvest was huge this time.

When he killed the God of Disobedience, Su Hai not only obtained the omnipotence of the God of Replenishment, but also the majestic divine power and powerful physique of the God of Disobedience.

As for power, one is the power of the sky taken from Mekal, the king of the gods. The other one can tell at a glance that the war god Veleslana contains the power of the war god of the East in ten incarnations.

Judging from the information in his mind, the power of the sky is just like Mekal’s display, which can control the sky, summon storms, thunder and so on to attack the enemy. As for the ten incarnations, there is no need to say more. It is a very versatile and powerful power, but it is a pity that each incarnation has conditions to activate.

Before coming to this world, Su Hai used the strength of Hakoniwa World to convert, at most, the strength of five figures, and it was the weaker one among the five figures.

Today, it has become a four-digit existence in one leap. It is a proper surpassing strength in the Demon High School. As for how strong it is, it can only be known after fighting the strong.

“By the way, don’t I still have a five-star golden egg?”

In addition to being happy, Su Hai also recalled that in his system space, there was also a five-star golden egg obtained from Pandora.

Adhering to the idea of ​​​​no need for white, Su Hai also directly issued an order to let the system use this five-star golden egg.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the perfect version for the reincarnation ceremony of the gods!

As the golden egg shattered, the system sound came into Su Hai’s mind. At the same time, a very exquisite purple magic circle appeared in the void system space.

“Godslayer Reincarnation Ceremony?”

“Is it the one controlled by Pandora? Do I still need this thing in this world?”

When he heard what he had obtained, Su Hai paused briefly, and then said with a wry smile.

At this time, Su Hai’s heart was bleeding, and he had high hopes for this five-star golden egg. Even if he couldn’t develop any perverted abilities, it would be good to have a usable artifact.

But never thought it would be such a thing.

“Host, please don’t question the capabilities of the system!”

“The system is produced, it must be a boutique!

It seemed that Su Hai felt a little uncomfortable, and his own abilities were questioned. The voice of the system entered Su Hai’s mind again.

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