Chapter 70 Luculazia Zola


“Is there anything different about this God’s Reincarnation Ceremony?”

Facing the system’s rebuttal, Su Hai’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked subconsciously.

After all, the system has never let itself down since time travel. Today, the system’s answer undoubtedly shows that this ritual of reincarnation of the gods has its own unique features.


“Returning to the host, this reincarnation ceremony of the gods was created after optimization – a brand new ceremony.

After some systematic explanation, Su Hai also completely understood the uniqueness of this perfect god-killer reincarnation ceremony.

As we all know, in the world of godslayers, although because of the existence of rituals, anyone who kills the gods who refuse to obey can gain the power of godslayers.

But there are also limitations, that is, after the first successful test of God, the strength of physical improvement and the acquisition of spiritual power in the body are constant.

And in the process of killing the God of Disobedience in the future, it will not increase the physical strength and the total amount of spiritual power. It will only gain the power of the other party.

Therefore, in this world, the amount of power, whether it is strong or not, and the application of its own power, determine the strength of the gods. After all, the basic properties are the same.

With this perfect god-killer reincarnation ceremony, Su Hai will not have such restrictions, as long as he keeps killing gods, he can always improve his power.

At the same time, due to the fact that this ritual can be integrated into the body, even if you go to another world and kill the gods of that world, you can complete the reincarnation ritual without Pandora.

The most important point is that this perfect-level ceremony has its own optimization function, which can merge and integrate the captured power.

After understanding this, Su Hai also fully understood that this is a buff that can be carried around.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Hai directly gave the order to use, and the purple magic circle that was originally staying in the system space instantly melted into his body.

“This feeling..

The moment the purple magic circle entered his mind, Su Hai instantly felt the changes in his body, and the powers that were plundered gradually changed under the evolution of their respective rules.

In the end, among the top ten incarnations, the incarnation of the wind that can summon the storm, the incarnation of the boy who gives Jiahu to the people around him, the incarnation of the white horse that summons the scorching sun, and the incarnation of the goat that controls the thunder are all integrated into Mekal’s sky power and turned into a symbol of The crystal of the sky rules.

The remaining ram incarnations, phoenix incarnations, bull incarnations, camel incarnations, wild boar incarnations, and warrior incarnations just gathered together and turned into another piece of earth rule crystal.

Two crystals stayed in Su Hai’s mind, circling up and down around the purple magic circle, as if to represent the sky and the earth.

In Western mythology, the power of the gods is nothing but the sky and the earth. Now, although the many powers of Su Hai have become two, it seems to be reduced.

But Su Hai can clearly feel that these two powers are already completely his own.

Today’s Su Hai is not like a god-killer who usurps the power of a disobedient god, but more like a god in charge of power.

Just when Su Hai was happy that his strength had increased again, Erica, who was sleeping with his right hand in his arms, woke up with a murmur.

“Are you awake?”

Looking at Erika, who had some sleepy eyes, Su Hai smiled and said very gently.

“My dear king, please forgive my rudeness.

Facing the smiling face that greeted her eyes, Erica’s face flashed an embarrassed look, and she was a little sluggish.

Erica knelt on one knee at the head of the bed, looking somewhat restrained, and said to Su Hai who was lying on the bed with great respect.

Today is different from the past. In Erica Erica’s heart at this time, Su Hai is no longer the boy she just met, but a demon king who can dominate the fate of this world.

Even Erica didn’t dare to be arrogant when she didn’t fully understand Su Hai’s character. This is the status of the Crowned God in this world.

“This is not the Erica I know. In my heart, Erica is a gorgeous rose that blooms beautifully.”

Compared to your current appearance, I prefer Erica who was able to chat with me a few days ago.

“I am who I am, and nothing will change because I become a godslayer.

Looking at Erica in this state, a helpless expression flashed in Su Hai’s eyes, she sat up from the bed, and said very seriously.

0… ask for flowers)

Bowing her head, Erica, who was originally somewhat restrained, heard Su Hai’s words. He also raised his head for a while, looking at Su Hai in surprise.

“King, allow me to be your knight!”

Immediately afterwards, Erica seemed to make up her mind and solemnly said with a standard knightly manner.

Obviously, Erica has gradually returned to her usual appearance at this time, but her name for Su Hai has not changed. right

“Isn’t this what we agreed on long ago? Or does Erica feel that I am not qualified to accept you as a knight and want to leave me?”

Looking at Erica who was waiting for her answer, Su Hai said it as a matter of course.

There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

This made Erica, who was very serious, unable to react. Erica also didn’t expect that a joke a few days ago has now come true.

“Ah, Adu…

“My concubine really saw a historic scene!

At this moment, a very tempting mature voice suddenly came from the door.

I saw at the door a mature woman with long orange hair, wearing a black gauze coat, with looming skin, smiling and watching everything.

Facing the woman who suddenly spoke, Su Hai looked up with interest, there was a powerful magic in this woman’s body.

Although it is far from reaching the level of a god, but it is not inferior to Erica, an Italian genius girl, and even in terms of magic power, it is even higher than Erica.

“King, this is Ms. Hikuracia Zola, known as the witch of Sardinia.

“When I found you three days ago, because Wang Cheng was down, I brought Wang here to rest.”

Perhaps she also saw Su Hai’s exploratory expression, so Erica explained slowly.

It turned out that three days ago, Erica, who came from behind, caught Su Hai who fell from the sky, and then brought Su Hai in a comatose state to the nearest, Luculazia, who is also an Italian witch. Zola’s home. two

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