"Sister." Mutsu pulled Nagato back in time, and Nagato also realized his gaffe, coughed twice and blushed, but she didn't want her image to break.

The ship girls didn't think so either, they just thought that Nagato was amazed by the current outfit of the whale, and no one else knew about the characteristics of Nagato's lolicon except Ye Ye and Mutsu.

But even so, Nagato's eyes swept over the whale intentionally or unintentionally, which made the whale a little flustered. After all, he had just arrived at the guard house and had little contact with her. Except for Xianghe and Ruihe who stayed with her for a day, other At most, the ship's mother only met once, and being with so many ship's mother all at once was naturally a little restrained.

"Actually, this is just one of the clothes. My sister and I designed a set of clothes for the whale." Ruihe said again, in addition to this fuchsia costume, they also prepared a set of grass for the whale. green.

But since it was a party, the big whale was dressed in fuchsia red. The clothes were similar to kimonos, but the skirt just reached the knees so as not to restrict movement.

"Oh, everyone is here." King Kong looked at the people in the playground and nodded, and Sister Myoko and Haruna also completed the task.

Because it was the big whale's welcome party, the protagonist was still the big whale. Facing the enthusiasm of King Kong and the surrounding shipgirls, the big whale became more and more restrained. Finally, Nagato went out and let the big whale let go of the restraint a little.

Nagato is a Lolicon, and she seems to have a Lolita aura herself. Lolita will not be disgusted by Nagato, but will be very close.

In the end, the party didn't end until nine o'clock in the evening. Now Jianniang Academy is all about these forces. Although Jianniang has strange powers, she doesn't need to sleep.

After Ye Ye's persuasion, King Kong and the others disbanded the tea party. The big whale's room has not yet been arranged. It's not that no arrangement is given, or that it is uneasy to let the big whale live alone. In the end, it was handed over to Shokaku and Zuihe.

Shōkaku, Zuikaku and the others had a dojo that could easily accommodate four people.

Unfortunately, because of the party, Dadian and Akashi were both tired, Ye Ye could only go to the command room, and King Kong also canceled the welfare because Ye Ye wanted to keep his mind free.

Although Kawauchi was still full of energy, Ye Ye was uneasy about handing over this job to her, and the carefree Kawauchi might come up with something.

The time and place are inconsistent. This is King Kong's creed. If the time and place do not match, no benefits will be given.

If Ye Ye didn't need to go to the command room, King Kong would be happy to give Ye Ye a welfare. In fact, even if Ye Ye wanted King Kong, King Kong would not refuse, but he still needed the atmosphere or something.

Maybe Ye Ye won't refuse the words of Haruna and the others if he is tough, but if he is tough, Ye Ye will definitely not be able to do it in the face of the ship girls.

In a warehouse of the Jianniang Academy, there are also fragments of deep-sea perch salvaged from the sea around the guard house. Ye Ye is also curious about this kind of thing.

What was it that turned the sunken ship into a deep-sea habitat ship? Of course, Ye Ye had already figured it out.

Every plane has its own development. No matter what happens, there is no need to be surprised. Under the interference of this plane, it is reasonable for the sunken ship to become a deep-sea habitat ship and a ship girl.

On the table in the command room, there is a stack of paper. From the look of the paper, it is obvious that it has been flipped several times. Don't think about it, it is naturally Nagato.

This is the information that Miaogao handed over about the waters of the Southwest Islands. Miaogao was sent as the flagship to conduct exploration in the waters of the Southwest Islands. In fact, Ye Ye also thought about it. The sisters of Miaogao are very reassuring, and they will also know how to do this kind of work. Being meticulous, if you let Kawauchi and the others, the gap in experience may cause Kawauchi and the others to pull down a lot of things.

Moreover, the experience of the Kawauchi sisters and Tianlong is a little better than that of the destroyers, and there must be a ship girl who takes care of them.

There are still a lot of things, but they can't be solved right now. In the final analysis, the number of ship girls is too small.

"Admiral!" Boom, the iron gate of the command room was pushed open by Kawauchi, full of energy, Kawauchi shouted.

"What's wrong, Kawauchi, now King Kong and the others are sleeping, even if they want to attack, they can't do it." Ye Ye said.

"Ah, Admiral, how do you know what I want to do with you?" Kawauchi was stunned for a moment, and then said.

I just knew, Ye Ye sighed, the nocturnal ship girl is now the only one in Sichuan. Although Tianlong prefers night battles, Tianlong is not as enthusiastic as Sichuan.

"Isn't there a place for exercises at the seaside? You will be indispensable for night battles in the future, but now you have to train well. I will ask Akashi to build you better equipment." Ye Ye said, the exercise, let An activity of the ship girl exercise, that is, exercise.

"Understood the Admiral." Kawauchi nodded quickly after hearing this, and left with an excited look on her face. Now she only had Ye Ye's previous sentence that the night battle was indispensable to her, and she didn't listen to the latter words at all.

When Kawauchi heard that the night battle was like this, Ye Ye felt helpless.

Ye Ye said that building better equipment for Sichuan is not a joke, but now Sichuan's abilities can't play the ability of better equipment.

Not only that, Ye Ye started equipment development before, to develop better equipment for the ship's mother, but this also requires the quality of the ship's mother.

For example, in the current Kawauchi, even if she is given a better ship outfit, the power exerted is not as good as the current ship outfit.

In this case, it is better to use the current ship girl first, and then hand over the developed ship equipment to them after the ability is sufficient.

[Ah ah ah, I’m a little stuck, I wanted to write about the party, but I’m afraid that it will be written as a running account and I’ll just go over it directly, and I will answer at the end of the chapter for the answer in the book review area: Don’t go to the primary school student, after school back door.The reason for the lack of those two volumes is that it was a pit and could not be written anymore, so I deleted it, and the plot is too fast-paced, is it the magic ban or the ship girl?Please take a leave of absence.] ..

Chapter [-] The third area impact!

Chapter [-] The third area impact!

The raiding battle for the third area began. In the past three days, ship girls arrived one after another. The expected four fleets were already programmable, and the impact on the third area and the detection of the fourth area officially began.

"Om!" The alarm sounded, and the academy echoed the sound of the alarm. In the dojo by the sea, Xianghe and Zuihe nodded to each other, and the whale on one side clenched the bow and arrow in his hand.

In today's battle, the big whale will be the flagship, and the light air carrier will attack. The first actual battle, the big whale is a little nervous, but thinking of the battle with Xianghe Ruihe and the Kongo sisters, the big whale is also a little nervous. slowed down a bit.

"You can't hold back." The whale secretly encouraged himself. Xianghe and Ruihe also saw the current situation of the whale, but both of them let the flow take their course. It was not surprising that they were attacking for the first time.

"Wow, it's finally our time, Hiei, Haruna, Kirishima, let's go." Kongo was full of energy, and Hiei and Haruna Kirishima nodded in unison.

The Mine Squadron, the Fifth Aviation Squadron, and the Third Squadron consisting of the four King Kong sisters, plus the aircraft carrier maneuvering unit consisting of the Big Whale and the Destroyer.

The lineup this time is terrifying. If this lineup is used to face the last battle, then the battle situation will definitely be one-sided, there is no doubt about it.

Ye Ye was in the command room, with Nagato and Mutsu by his side. The matter of the sortie was decided yesterday, and the ship's mother was notified. After the alarm sounded, the ship's mother would come to the underground base. report.

"I will repeat this mission clearly. The mine team is the cover, the fifth aviation team is looking for the enemy's deep-sea habitat, the third team is the main attack, and the large whale is the flagship aircraft carrier mobile unit and the mine team is the same as the cover. ." Ye Ye repeated.

In this lineup, the third area is simply impossible to stop the ship girls' footsteps. The focus this time is to find the other party's deep-sea habitat. After the deep-sea habitat is solved, the sea area in front of the guard house will be liberated.

At that time, although there may still be some deep-sea habitat ships wandering to the frontal sea area of ​​​​the guard house, but this is not enough to fear.

The appearance of a deep-sea perch can also be detected and destroyed at the first time.

Finally, after uttering the shameful and misunderstood slogan, the ship's mother has all set off, and the communication is also connected. If there is any situation, you can confirm it as soon as possible.

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