The four fleets quickly broke into the first area. The first area was swept away without any hindrance. The fleet entered the third area. Not long after entering, the fleet of deep-sea habitat ships was discovered.

There are a lot of destroyer-type deep-sea habitat ships, but this time the number of ship mothers is also quite large. The big whale took out the bow and arrow, pulled out the arrow and hung it on it, shot it out with the sound of the air explosion, and turned into a bomber and swept over it instantly.

These are all unsubstantiated. It is easy to break through the deep-sea habitat ships of the destroyer type, and no deep-sea habitat ships escape.

"Breaking through the obstacles of the deep-sea habitat ship, we have already arrived at the rear of the third area." Dadian reported the battle situation, Nagato looked at Ye Ye, the time had come.

"Xianghe, start exploring the deep-sea habitat." Ye Ye said, picking up the communication link to Xianghe.

The Fifth Aviation Squadron composed of Shokaku and Zuikaku was surrounded by the Third Squadron composed of the Kongo sisters, the Mine Squadron and the Air Carrier Mobile Unit.

The Kongo Sisters' Third Fleet is directly in front, the mine squadron is on the left, and the air carrier mobile unit is on the right. While solving the deep-sea perch, it also protects the safety of Shokaku and Zuikaku.

As regular aircraft carriers, Shōkaku and Zuikaku are good at long-distance combat. Their current task is to detect deep-sea habitats. Without releasing their own combat-capable ship equipment as protection, Shōkaku and Zuihe will be attacked. easily hurt.

The same is true for the whales, so the exiles are escorted to form an air carrier mobile unit.

"Understood!" Shokaku drew out his bow and arrow, focused his attention, and released his Zero reconnaissance plane towards Xianghe. Zuihe also took advantage of the situation and released his comet to surround the Zero reconnaissance plane.

When you go to the fourth area, you will inevitably encounter deep-sea habitat ships. In order to prevent the Zero reconnaissance plane from being bombarded, the comet can not only serve as an escort, but also has a good bombing power.

Xianghe can view the ship with the bow and arrow he just shot, and the Zero reconnaissance plane can be viewed as a perspective, that is to say, the line of sight is connected. the place reached.

Of course, like the Zero reconnaissance aircraft, Mutsu also has this kind of ship, but this kind of thing is still the most experienced in regular aircraft carriers.

So this work falls on Shōkaku, because Shōkaku is more stable and will be more careful.

"It has already entered the fourth area and is being tested." Shōkaku's voice came, and the zero-type reconnaissance plane and the comet bomber sent by Zuihe had already entered the fourth area.

During this period, they also encountered several deep-sea habitat ships, but they were all resolved. It was also because of the reduction of deep-sea habitat ships, so the Zero reconnaissance plane and the comet entered the fourth area unharmed.

"Deep-sea perch are all destroyed!" The third area was liberated, and a happy expression appeared on Dadian's face. King Kong and the others had already reached the junction of the third area and the fourth area.

However, they did not break into the fourth area. The four King Kong sisters, the Mine Squad, and the air carrier mobile unit of the whales stayed on the sea around Shokaku and Zuikaku. Shokaku closed his eyes and focused on the fourth zone.

Shōkaku naturally did the same, manipulating the comets around the Zero reconnaissance plane.

The zero-type reconnaissance plane moved forward and gradually approached an area. Huge black clouds spread across the sky, and the black clouds appeared swirling. I found it!

[Wah la la, today is the second watch of the ship's mother, and the ship's mother who will appear next still hasn't thought about it. In this case, the plot is indeed a bit boring. It's really nerve-racking. Well, please subscribe, please Please! ! ! ] ..

Chapter [-] Come, come, soak in the hot springs!

Chapter [-] Come, come, soak in the hot springs!

"What should I do? The coast is already under attack by deep-sea habitat ships. Now we have completely lost the power of the coast, and maritime trade has been completely closed." The impact of deep-sea habitat ships is getting bigger and bigger.

"If there are those ship girls." One of the human representatives sighed, the other representatives were all silent, and the ship girls all gathered towards Ye Ye, and Ye Ye and their relationship were already incomparable.

They tried to capture the ship girl who was advancing towards the guard house on the sea, but they all failed. The plane would be attacked by the deep-sea habitat ship on the screen, and the same was true for the fleet, and the ship girl itself was not bad.

For various reasons, they also gave up the capture of the ship girls. This gathering was not for anything else, but because the deep-sea habitat ship seemed to have signs of advancing inland through the river.

When they were discussing, Ye Ye and the others were exploring the fourth area. With the opening of communication, Shōkaku passed back the news that he had discovered the deep-sea perch.

"Sure enough, it's in the fourth area. Well, now the whole ship returns." Ye Ye ordered, and the time for counterattack was finally about to start.

After the ship's return, they also suffered some damage. After all, they were faced with a large number of deep-sea habitat ships. Everyone was in the repair process, and the resources were sufficient. Ye Ye deliberately opened a few more, enough to accommodate King Kong and the others. .

"Well, ah, it's really comfortable." King Kong took off his clothes, put on a bath towel and walked into the place that looked like a hot spring. He soaked his whole body in it.

Hiei, Haruna, Kirishima, the fleet that attacked this time all came here, and the empty hot spring bath also became popular.

After Jianniang is injured, it needs to be repaired. The repair place is the hot spring. This hot spring is not an ordinary hot spring. It has the ability to restore Jianniang's body. After entering the hot spring, according to the damage of Jianniang, there will be a soaking time.

The more severe the damage, the longer the soaking time. Of course, the stronger the physical ability of the ship's mother, the same damage, the stronger the ship's mother will be longer than the weaker ship's mother.

Just like King Kong and Hiro, the damage they received is the same, but the time it takes for King Kong is much longer than Hiro.

Although some ships take a long time, the good thing is that there is a kind of quick repair material, as you can tell from the name, this is what helps the ship to recover quickly.

No matter how much damage it is, after adding this kind of thing to the hot spring, Jianniang's damage will decrease rapidly. This dominance is in Ye Ye's hands. Whether or not Jianniang can use this kind of thing depends on Ye Ye's decision.

But even if he wanted to use this kind of quick-repair material, Ye Ye would let Jian Niang soak in the hot spring for a while before adding the quick-repair material.

"Ah, it's really warm, it's really comfortable to come back to take a dip." King Kong closed his eyes and enjoyed it quietly.

"Sister King Kong, we are not soaking in hot springs, but replying." Hiei reluctantly corrected the ambiguity in King Kong's words.

"Oh, you've already arrived." Nagato walked in wearing a bath towel, glanced around, stopped where the exiles were, and said.

"Secretary ship Nagato, is the Secretary ship Nagato also injured, so come to recover?" Kawauchi looked at Nagato and said.

"No, I'm just here to take a dip and relax." Nagato said, and after that, Nagato walked to the place where Xiaoxiang Thunder and Lightning was and soaked in.

This time Nagato has also been premeditated for a long time. Knowing that after the attack, the deportees must come back to repair it, so I can feast my eyes.

After King Kong and the others came back, Nagato just told Ye Ye that he wanted to take a dip, and Ye Ye agreed.

Naturally, Ye Ye knew Nagato's purpose, so he was definitely expelling them. Of course, Ye Ye didn't need to stop him.

"Big whale, how is it, I've already gotten used to it now." King Kong looked at the big whale who was a little embarrassed. After King Kong's words sounded, the surrounding ship girls all turned their attention to the big whale. .

The big whale's face turned red, but the steam was rising here, so no one was surprised that the big whale was blushing now.

"Well, it's already, I'm almost used to it." The big whale nodded and said, and when he spoke, his fingers pinched each other in the water, which indicated that the big whale was very nervous.

"Hey, what kind of person do you think the Admiral is?" King Kong asked, the whale was obviously stunned, and then became even more nervous.

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