"You must have seen it, no, I can't get married." After Tianjin Feng interrupted Ye Ye's words, he muttered to himself again, Lian Pao Jun ran around Tianjin Feng not knowing what was going on. on.

"Alas." Nagato looked at the helpless Ye Ye, and he couldn't just sit back and watch.

"Are you a ship girl, do you want to go to the guard house now?" Nagato asked first, Tianjin Feng heard this, glanced at Nagato and nodded, but when his eyes swept across Ye Ye Instead, his face flashed a bit of strangeness.

"En." Tianjin Feng nodded.

"Actually, the person next to me and I are the people who guard the mansion. When we came to this island this time, I didn't expect to meet you." Nagato continued.

"Are you guys guarding the mansion?" Tianjin Feng was stunned and then looked at Nagato. Could it be that Nagato is also a ship girl?But the person next to him is a human, right? A male human, and the person guarding the mansion. Could it be the Admiral?

Thinking that it was the admiral who saw himself fatter, Tianjin Feng's mood improved. If it was the admiral, then there was no way to do it.

"I'm the secretary of the guard house, Captain Gate. You should have guessed it. The one next to me is our admiral." Nagato said, Tianjin Feng's mood finally recovered.

Sure enough, it was the Admiral. Since he was seen by the Admiral, he was not at a loss.

Then, Nagato and Tianjin Feng talked about the situation.

"In that case, let's attack from that river." Ye Ye said with a smile, Tianjin Feng was already determined to meet this deep-sea perch.

If you don't defeat it, you will never go back to the guard house.

Since it can't be done from land, it's better to use water. Isn't there a river leading to the lake? Isn't it better to launch torpedoes from here.

"Oh, why didn't I think of it before." Tianjin Feng looked excited, grabbed the gun master and ran towards the river.

The flow direction of the river is to the lake, and it is more suitable for launching torpedoes. Tianjin Wind is still very informative about the technology of launching torpedoes by itself.

Coming to the side of the river, Tianjin Feng first let the gunner launch a shell to attract the attention of the deep-sea habitat ship, and then immediately launched his torpedo after the position of the deep-sea habitat ship could be aimed.

As the torpedo advanced along the river, it immediately collided with the deep-sea habitat ship that was advancing in the opposite direction. It exploded with a bang, but the deep-sea habitat ship still did not sink.

"Lianzhaojun, come on!" However, the deep-sea habitat ship was also broken, and Tianjin Feng immediately called out, and there was a swimming ring-like thing on the waist of Lienzhaojun to help it float on the water.

The agility of the gunner in the water is beyond imagination. The speed is so fast that it is close to the deep-sea habitat ship, and finally gave this deep-sea habitat ship a shot!

"How is it, this ship girl." Ye Ye asked Nagato, Nagato nodded, Tianjin Feng's combat power is top-notch even in the guard house now.

That is to say, the first destroyers of Xiaoxiang Thunderbolt's sixth destroyer fleet to arrive at the guard house can compete with Tianjin Feng!

"Admiral, it has taken some time to come to Diamond Island this time. We can't leave the office for too long. Let's go back to the guard house first, shall we?" Nagato said.

Ye Ye also nodded his head. Anyway, it was confirmed that there were diamonds. The Diamond Island was in the waters in front of his guard house, and no one could take it away.

However, Ye Ye felt that there was not much time to come to this island in a short period of time. Once the raid on the waters of the Nanxi Islands started, unless the raid was completed, it would not stop. ..

Chapter [-] Oi's request!

Chapter [-] Oi's request!

The two locations of the expedition have been completed, and the distribution map of that area has been collected. The expedition fleet led by Kiso and the expedition fleet of Oi Kitakami and the others have begun to reorganize.

The expedition chosen next did not require them to carry out. In addition, the deep-sea habitat ships in the first area of ​​the Nanxi Zhudao waters were finally cleaned up.

With the first experience, the second strategy can be said to be very smooth. After all, the first time I came here, some of the deep-sea habitat ships had already been eliminated. The difficulty of the first area in the Nanxi Zhudao waters has dropped. a lot of.

Combining the experience of the first failure, coupled with the fleet prepared by Ye Ye according to the situation, this success is inevitable.

The battle in the second area will also start tomorrow, and the ships returning from the sortie will all start to rest and make corrections, and the ships who are about to sort out will begin to move their bodies.

Ye Ye formulated an alternate rule. For example, if you go to attack a fleet in the first area today, after returning it today, it will be attacked by another similar fleet tomorrow.

In this way, it is also possible to delay a day for the ship girls to rest and ensure the best state. The formulation of this rule is also due to the increase in the number of ship girls.

The number of Jianniang has always been a flaw, and many of Ye Ye's establishments have been supported, but fortunately, now the number of Jianniang has passed that embarrassing period.

The arrival of Tianjin wind has also helped a lot. Although there are many expulsions from the guard house, only a small number of them can fight in actual combat, and the other destroyers have too little experience.

The previous formation of a fleet just happened to lack an expulsion. The arrival of Tianjin Feng directly filled this position, and Ye Ye also urged Ashgara and Togan and the others.

"What? It's going to be reorganized." After returning, Oi was stunned when he heard the news. At the same time, his grip on Bei Shang was a little tighter. This was the worst news that Oi had heard so far.

If the team is reorganized, doesn't it mean that he may be separated from Beishang and Beishang, and Dajing will not be willing to say anything.

However, the reorganization of the fleet is not something that I can control. If the order is given, I and Beishang are not the same fleet, then I have to abide by it.

However, Dajing can imagine how difficult his life would be without Beishang. With a frown, Dajing decided to go to the Admiral and asked him to be with Beishang.

Like other ships who arrived in the admiral's room for the first time, Dajing was also intimidated by the dense amulets behind Ye Ye, and immediately, Dajing tightened his legs.

The corner of Ye Ye's mouth twitched, and sure enough, these amulets would mislead the ship's mother. It was the first time that Dajing saw him, and Ye Ye didn't want to leave a bad impression.

"These amulets were specially reserved for me when the ship girls gave each other amulets when they were attacking, don't worry about it." Ye Ye coughed and then said, "Oi, what are you looking for?"

"Admiral, I, I want to ask you something, I hope the admiral can agree to me." Oi still had some stage fright, but when he thought of going north, he immediately adjusted.

"If you have anything to do with Nagato, she is my secretary ship and can represent me with full authority." Ye Ye said, generally speaking, for reports and the like, they are first told to Nagato, and then Nagato organizes the report before reporting. Leaf page.

"Secretary ship Nagato..." Speaking of Nagato, Oi raised his brows and his eyes showed strong hostility and resentment. Ye Ye was stunned. What did Nagato do to make Oi look like this.

Oi went to Nagato and hoped that when compiling the fleet, he and Kitakami would be compiled into a fleet.

However, Nagato refused, saying that this matter was decided by the Admiral, and Oi finally had to come to Ye Ye in person.

Nagato was labeled by Oi to break up her and Kitakami. This is the source of Oi's hostility and resentment. Oi is still very sensitive about himself and Kitakami.

"Okay, what's the matter? Is the dormitory uncomfortable? If you feel uncomfortable, I can approve you to change dormitories." Ye Ye said.

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