"No, what I want to ask is the formation of the fleet." Dajing said, Ye Ye nodded and understood something. Dajing and Beishang a bunch of good CPs didn't want to separate, but they also didn't know my arrangement, no wonder Dajing met the captain. The door is hostile.

It seems that Nagato was the first to find it, but it was unsuccessful.

"You want me to compile you and Beishang into a fleet, right?" Ye Ye said, and Dajing nodded quickly.

"There is no problem with this. After all, you and Beishang have a tacit understanding. It may be better to be in a fleet." Ye Ye agreed directly. This is not a problem.

"Thank you, Admiral!" Dajing breathed a sigh of relief, and he and Beishang would finally not be separated.

Well, let's make a talisman. With Ye Ye's affirmation, Dajing was also in a happy mood, so he decided to go back and make a talisman with Bei Shang to give it to Ye Ye.

Maybe there is still a chance for him to be honest with Beishang, Oji laughed at the thought of being a bit slutty here.

But immediately, seeing Ye Ye's suppressed smile in his eyes, Dajing's face flushed, and he hurriedly exited the admiral's room.

cp or something, in fact, if it doesn't work, Ye Ye won't dismantle it, especially a cp like Dajing Beishang, what will happen if it is disassembled.

Thinking of dismantling Dajing and Beishang, at night, Dajing looked at himself resentfully in the dark with four bursts of acid torpedoes, Ye Ye felt a chill all over his body.

It's better not to happen.

[I beg you all to subscribe. Yesterday's subscription was a little unsatisfactory. There are only a dozen or so to reach [-] subscriptions. The first goal is to be completed. Please subscribe, please subscribe, say, The sea area is just asking for a reward. There is still no reward this month. It's hard work. Today, I was deceived by dalao for resources] ..

Chapter [-] Build the Ring!

Chapter [-] Build the Ring!

"Admiral, you want to leave the guard house to go to Diamond Island? How is this possible? If the admiral is not in the guard house, how can many things be resolved? Admiral, you are the core of the guard house."

After Nagato heard Ye Ye's words, he slapped it on the desk of the admiral's office. The table trembled, and Ye Ye could see that there was a shallow handprint where Nagato took the photo.

Ye Ye rubbed his forehead. He didn't expect Nagato's reaction to be so intense, but because of Nagato's point, Ye Ye felt more at ease to let Nagato be the secretary ship.

Today, the ship girls are all correcting, and Ye Ye also has some spare time to do. Although it is during the battle in the Nanxi Zhudao waters, Ye Ye also feels that this is nothing to do with going to Diamond Island to collect those diamonds to make rings. conflict.

But Nagato's appearance now, with the expression that he couldn't agree to anything, made Ye Ye feel difficult.

Once Nagato decides on something, it is very difficult to change it, even if he is the Admiral himself.

"The girls are all resting today, so it doesn't matter, I'll be back soon." Ye Ye tried to convince Nagato, but Nagato's eyes didn't change at all, and he was still staring at Ye Ye.

"That's it, let one of the whales or Ruifeng Xianghe Ruihe follow me, so that I can know what's going on as soon as possible." Ye Ye said.

"No way!" Nagato didn't loosen at all, Ye Ye was helpless. Forget it, if you don't go, you won't go. Diamonds can't escape. Indeed, it's the raid period in the waters of the Nanxi Islands, so it's not good to go out on your own.

However, as long as it doesn't get in the way of business, and no one knows about it, it's not a problem.

With his own ability, it would take more than ten minutes to collect all the diamonds on the Diamond Island. Nagato would not find himself out during this time.

And even in these ten minutes, Nagato happened to find that he was no longer, and he could explain that he took a walk in the guard house. It was only ten minutes, Nagato naturally would not have thought that Ye Ye had already been to Diamond Island. .

Ye Ye said that he would not go, and Nagato nodded in satisfaction, but Nagato was still worried. After returning to the command room, he asked Akashi to insure all the ships in the guard house.

I'm making rings for you guys, but it made me feel guilty as a thief, Ye Ye turned a corner through the window behind the guard house and came to Diamond Island.

He quickly collected the diamonds that met his own standards one by one, and Ye Ye immediately returned to the Admiral's Room in the guard house. It seemed that Nagato was not found.

Take out a piece of diamond. These diamond leaf pages have been processed at the same time as they are taken out. Each one is very translucent. The diamond is deformed in Ye Ye's hand, and finally forms the appearance of a ring.

Following the same method, all the diamonds were turned into rings, but this was only the first step, and the rings had to be carved with patterns. In addition, the names of the ship’s girls had to be written on them.

This project, there is no rush, the ring needs to be beautiful enough, it can't just engrave some beautiful patterns, and the name is just finished hastily, how can this represent Ye Ye's love for the ship girls.

Collect all the ring embryos and wait for your own design before starting work.


There was a sound outside the door, and Xianghe knocked on the door and walked in.

"Xianghe? What's the matter, aren't the arrows enough? Go to Akashi, didn't I tell you, you don't need to inform me about this, I've already told Akashi, just go get it." Ye Ye continued to say after seeing that it was Shōkaku.

Xianghe does things very strictly, such as picking up arrows needed for contact, and reporting to Ye Ye every time.

"It's not about this, it's like this, Fusang and Shancheng held a banquet, I hope the Admiral can also participate." Xianghe said with a smile, Ye Ye couldn't help but stare.

"The banquet held by Fusang and Shancheng? Okay, when will all the ships attend?" Ye Ye said, and Xianghe shook his head.

Then he said the ship girls invited by Yamashiro and Fusang. Fusang and Yamashiro only invited a few ship girls, and they could remember as little as Xianghe.

When Ye Ye heard the invited shipgirls, he felt that there was some connection, but he didn't come up with the reason why Fusang and Shancheng were just inviting these shipgirls.

"Admiral!" Nagato hurriedly walked into the admiral's room and handed the document in his hand to Ye Ye. This was the information she just got. After seeing the information, Nagato did not hesitate and immediately Leaf pages found.

Xiang He had already obtained Ye Ye's consent, and slowly withdrew from the admiral's room.

Astonished, what could have caused Nagato, who has always been steady, to reveal such a panicked message, Ye Ye's expression darkened immediately after he took over the document.

Ye Ye was really angry this time, and Nagato also felt that Ye Ye had suddenly developed a powerful force, some of which made people unable to look directly at it.


The information in the file sums up to provide leaf pages with two messages.

One is that the transformation of Jian Niang is still going on, that is, the day before yesterday, a new Jian Niang was born. This is news, and the other news is that the newly born Jian Niang was besieged.

Because of the deep-sea perch, the ships were all locked in the docks inside the newly excavated continent, and there was only a passageway from the sea that was blocked by a giant steel gate.

So when the ship girl was born, she was besieged. In fact, humans have always wanted to capture a ship girl for research. The birth of the ship girl this time is just to rekindle their original intention of extinguishing.

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