"Is there a fleet attacking?" Ye Ye asked again, and Dadian nodded hurriedly.

"You help me sort out the documents on the table, I'll take a look." Ye Ye said, Dadian nodded, Ye Ye came to the command room.

Sending out a Type Zero reconnaissance plane, Ye Ye saw the appearance of this deep-sea habitat ship. Now Nagato and Mutsu are leading the ship girls to deal with this deep-sea habitat ship.

"It's interesting!" Ye Ye could see that this deep-sea habitat ship didn't want to fight at all, and even when he saw his natural enemy, the ship's mother, he suppressed his urge to bombard him.

"Do you want to kill yourself?" However, for Nagato Mutsu and the others, they did not hide at all but put it on, Ye Ye's eyes narrowed, this deep-sea perch is a bit interesting, don't you want to be a deep-sea perch?

"Nagato, step back." Ye Ye asked Nagato and his crew to step down. This deep-sea perch is very interesting, and it seems that she can control herself.

"Understood the Admiral." Although he didn't understand why Ye Ye wanted them to retreat, the Admiral's order was absolute. After a glance at this deep-sea perch, Nagato was leading the girls to retreat.

Seeing the girls retreating, the deep-sea perch ship seemed to be reluctant, and immediately launched a shelling, but the shelling was directly stopped by Ye Ye in the air.

Now Ziye Ye is sure, this deep-sea perch just wants to die!

Ye Ye left the underground base and came to the shore on the side of the guard house. Not far from the shore was the impatient human-shaped deep-sea perch. It should be called Destroyer Qiji!

Ye Ye caught the attention of Destroyer Qi Ji, and immediately drove towards Ye Ye. It seemed that after discovering that Ye Ye was not the ship's mother, he immediately launched an artillery bombardment.

Ye Ye was also a little cold, and then smiled wryly, is he not entertaining you so much?Just gave a shot!

The speed of the cannonball suddenly stopped in the air and then fell into the sea and exploded. Ye Ye was not an ordinary person, although now Ye Ye wanted to be an ordinary person.

However, it can also be used in special situations.

The expelling Qi Ji Ye Ye was already planning to enter the garrison, of course, only after the grievances were removed from the deep sea Qi ship to become the ship's mother.

Although the appearance of expelling Suuji is very cute, but her legs are gun barrels, so what should I do when I get married?

The expulsion Suuji seemed to be very surprised, and immediately came to the shore, planning to get close and take another shot.

"You don't want to be a deep-sea habitat ship anymore." But when Destroyer Qi Ji was about to take another shot, Ye Ye's words stopped her.

"If you don't want to be a deep-sea habitat ship, I can help you." Ye Ye said again, in fact, the deep-sea habitat ship is also very pitiful.

He was sunk by humans before his death, and when he was in a quiet sleep, he was transformed into a deep-sea perch, a dark creature that began to take revenge on humans.

The ship girls and Ye Ye sank the deep-sea habitat ship with the intention of letting them fall asleep again. Although their faces were not revealed, every time they defeated a deep-sea habitat ship, the ship women would feel a little sad.

The reason for the discord between the ship girl and the human beings is not only because the human beings rejected the ship girl at the beginning, but also because of this reason. If it wasn't for the peaceful age, they would have been wrecked.

During his lifetime as a ship, he had made so many contributions to mankind, but after his death he could only sleep on the bottom of the sea, and now he is uneasy even in death.

If they could also be born in a peaceful age, the ship girls all sighed.

In the guard house, the sixth expelled Dian-chan is very sad, sad for the fate of the deep-sea perch!

[Huhu, Chunyu is about to appear, um, that's it, I don't know why it is Chunyu, you can check it out, um, the standing painting of expelling Qi Ji is really not good, it has no legs, and the legs are replaced by cannons, this is really true Whether it’s not good or not, so let’s transform it into spring rain, of course, Beijiang must have to accept it~~~~~~~~~] ..

Chapter [-] Your name is Chunyu!

Chapter [-] Your name is Chunyu!

Destroyer Qi Ji stared at Ye Ye, her intelligence was not worse than that of humans, and she was almost the same as the ship's mother, but as a deep-sea habitat ship, she limited some aspects of her.

"Really? Then today I will help you get rid of the identity of the deep-sea habitat ship!" Ye Ye's eyes were certain, and a ray of light rose on the shore of the guard house, and finally dissipated, which attracted the attention of the ship girls in the guard house.

"I, I'm no longer a deep-sea habitat ship!" The original deep-sea habitat ship has become a ship's mother. Destroyer Xi Ji looked at her body in surprise, and said light words in her mouth.

After becoming a ship girl, she was able to speak freely, and looked at her legs. Chun Yu's eyes were full of surprises, and she also had legs!

"Your name is Chun Yu!" Ye Ye said, Chun Yu nodded, it was Ye Ye who gave her a new life, so it should have been Ye Ye's name, looking at Ye Ye, Chun Yue rushed towards her.

Finally, the fate of the deep-sea habitat ship is to be trusted. On Ye Ye's body, Chun Yu cried with joy, Ye Ye expressed his understanding, but don't wipe everything on my clothes, Ye Ye showed helplessness!

After returning to the guard house, Ye Ye planned to hide his identity as a deep-sea perch before Chun Yu, although he maintained a pitiful attitude towards the girls of the deep-sea perch, even if he knew that Chun Yu was a deep-sea perch before, he would not It will repel the spring rain.

But Chunyu doesn't necessarily mean that he won't think about it. Ye Ye also doesn't want to have an accident out of thin air, so he still directly hides the fact that Chunyu was a deep-sea habitat ship before, saying that Chunyu is the ship girl who just arrived, and happened to be met by himself. .

As for asking what happened to the deep-sea habitat ship, it means that it is good to leave the guard house. Although Chun Yu's appearance is very similar to when he was a deep-sea habitat ship before, his temperament is completely different.

So Ye Ye wouldn't think that anyone would recognize the deep-sea habitat ship before Chunyu. If a ship girl thinks of it, it must have a big brain hole. At least Ye Ye doesn't think that her ship girls will have such a thing. Brain hole.

"Chun Yu, now you are a ship girl, not a deep-sea habitat ship. Don't worry about your origin, no one will know your identity, and the ship girls will think that you are just a ship girl who has just arrived. ." Ye Ye instructed Chun Yu.

"Speaking of it, in the final analysis, you are actually from the same background as the ship girls, and you have integrated into the guard house well. You, who used to be a deep-sea habitat ship, know the sadness of being a deep-sea habitat ship. Next, you have to refuel and free yourself. More deep-sea habitat ships." Ye Ye said, Chun Yu nodded firmly.

As Chun Yu said, she knew how sad it was to be a deep-sea habitat ship.

"Admiral, where did you go?" Nagato brought the ship girls back to the guard house and couldn't find Ye Ye, so Nagato immediately started the ship girls to look for Ye Ye.

But now that Ye Ye was back, Nagato breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Chunyu beside Ye Ye, Nagato raised his brows.

"This is the ship girl who just arrived at the guard house, called Chun Yu. I happened to meet her, so I brought it back directly." Ye Ye introduced Chun Yu.

Chun Yu nodded nervously.

"I'm Nagato, I'm the secretary ship of the guard house. Please give me more advice from now on, Haruyu." Nagato is also friendly enough. After all, Haruu is an expulsion, and if you don't gain favorability, it's not Nagato!

But the deportees, they're awesome!

"Admiral, where is the deep-sea perch, why can't we find her trace?" Nagato then asked again.

"And the Admiral, why did you call us back and just wipe her out here." Nagato said again, and Haruyu's figure trembled, which was all seen by Ye Ye.

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