"She has already left and left the guard house." Ye Ye said.Nagato has no doubts, because the speed of this deep-sea habitat ship is outrageously fast, and this Oyo has already said it.

So I can't find it now, and Nagato is not too surprised.

"The humanoid deep-sea habitat ship already has its own consciousness, but unfortunately, it has become a deep-sea habitat ship." Ye Ye said again, Nagato's face also showed a sad expression, Ye Ye looked at Chunyu.

After seeing Nagato's expression, Chun Yu believed what Ye Ye said, and finally let go of her heart. After all, Chun Yu had just transformed from a deep-sea habitat ship, and she still didn't get used to her status as a ship girl!

"Nagato, take Chunyu to arrange it." Ye Ye then said to Nagato, Nagato is a professional control expulsion, and Nagato is the best at brushing expulsion favorability.

So Ye Ye handed the spring rain to Nagato!

"Oh, Dadian did a good job, it's all sorted out." Back in the admiral's room, the documents on the table, Dadian has already been prepared, just as Ye Ye is back.

"Oh Admiral." Dadian raised his head after hearing Ye Ye's voice.

"How about that deep-sea habitat ship?" Dadian asked immediately after seeing Ye Ye. After all, it was a human-shaped deep-sea habitat ship. Except for the last time it attacked the deep-sea habitat, this was the second time I encountered it.

The human-shaped deep-sea habitat ship is definitely the existence of the top of the deep-sea habitat ship, and now the main force of the guard house is no longer.

When sorting out the documents on the table, Oyodo was very worried.

"Don't worry, the deep-sea habitat ship has already left." Ye Ye said, Dadian breathed a sigh of relief, but Dadian would not delusionally defeat the opponent.

After all, there is no main force now!In the face of this top-level deep-sea habitat ship, it is very weak.

"Then Admiral, I'm going to continue working." Dadian said, Ye Ye nodded, and Dadian returned to the command room to continue working.

[Please subscribe to get at 5 today, please help me, please subscribe, I will start the E5 strategy, huh, I have saved the resources again, it should be enough, everyone bless me, I hope I can use the E[-] before the resources are exhausted. Beheaded, now all I can do is trust my wives] ..

Chapter [-] The siege of the deep-sea perch!

Chapter [-] The siege of the deep-sea perch!

The addition of Chun Yu did not cause any waves, but on the second day after Chun Yu joined the guard house, something happened. A large number of deep-sea perch vessels broke into the guard house and were heading for the guard house!

There is a fleet of nearly five deep-sea habitat ships, but fortunately, the main force and the main force of the expedition have already returned to the garrison, so Ye Ye is also gearing up for this.

However, Chun Yu seemed to have thought of something. When he saw Ye Ye, he hesitated and seemed to want to say something, but he still seemed to have scruples!

Ye Ye didn't break it either. When he went to the underground base, Ye Ye encountered Chun Yu again. This time, it seemed that Chun Yu was going to speak out.

"Admiral, these deep-sea habitat ships should have come to find me." Chun Yu said, in fact, Chun Yu was also in control of a deep-sea habitat before, but in order to get rid of the fate of deep-sea habitat ships, he left the deep-sea habitat.

These deep-sea perch should not be able to wait for them, so they went directly to the guard house. After Chun Yu finished speaking, she looked at this leaf page nervously. She brought such trouble to the guard house, which made Chun Yu feel a little guilty.

Guilt is useless at this time. Chun Yu knows that he has now transformed into a ship girl and is no longer a deep-sea perch, so those deep-sea perch will not recognize him and will not obey his orders.

The deep-sea habitat ship must have come here because of the follower's own breath, and Haruyu pinched the corner of his clothes with his fingers and was very nervous.

"Really? Then Chunyu, do you want your former subordinates to sleep peacefully?" Ye Ye said, Chunyu nodded quickly after hearing this. In fact, the guard house was fighting with his former subordinates, and Chunyu was unwilling to let either side. are all damaged.

But the reality is cruel, and if that's the case, then let my former subordinates sleep peacefully in the waters of the guard house!

When I came to the underground base, the ship girls were all ready to attack. The main force was the Four King Kong sisters and Xianghe Ruihe, and there were also many auxiliary ship girls. This time, facing the fleet of five deep-sea habitat ships, the guard house made an all-out attack. !

The last time I was surrounded, it was only one fleet and scattered deep-sea habitat ships, which was far worse than the complete five fleets.

However, the strength of the guard house now is very different from that of the past. All weapons have been replaced, the experience of the ship girls has also been greatly improved, and the main force has also joined a lot!

Ye Ye is also very confident in dealing with this fleet of five deep-sea habitat ships.

"Admiral, you will reward me when you come back after this attack." King Kong approached Ye Ye and said expectantly.

After King Kong said this, the other shipgirls were also moved, and all eyes turned to Ye Ye!

"Of course, after returning, each of you will draw a pattern you want to engrave on the jewelry and give it to me." Ye Ye suddenly came up with this idea.

"Oh, Admiral, is this going to give us jewelry? Why don't you, Admiral, I can choose what jewelry I want, why don't you just give me a ring!" King Kong grabbed Ye Ye's hand and his eyes lit up said to Ye Ye.

"Okay, when I want to give me the ring, you can put it on on my knees, and I still want me to marry you. It's okay, it's okay for the Admiral." King Kong made up his mind and looked excited. .

It's not just King Kong who makes up his mind like this, but other shipgirls are all twisted. In fact, what King Kong said is what they hoped.

Not enough, they are not as open as King Kong!

"Sister!" Kirishima reluctantly pulled Kong Kong back, and Nagato came out in time to drive away the current weird atmosphere!

"Cough, everyone should be clear about this battle. The five teams of deep-sea habitat ships are about to arrive, and now they will attack!" Nagato shouted.

The ship girls attacked one fleet after another, but Chun Yu didn't. Ye Ye kept Chun Yu behind.

Immediately after the ship girls left the garrison, they encountered those deep-sea habitat ships. Each fleet found the fleet that it should deal with and started to fight according to the schedule!

On the battlefield, all the ship girls showed their due strength and cooperated very well. It seems that the training and running-in of these hours were not in vain!

The mine team was very active, and they were all replaced with four bursts of acid torpedoes. The power of the torpedoes was greatly increased.

King Kong and the others also suppressed each other with powerful firepower. Shōkaku and Zuihe continued to release planes for support. The exiles also showed their speed and avoided the attack in the artillery fire. A very good ship girl for protection!

The battle lasted for a total of three hours. After paying the price of all the ship's mothers being small or above, all the deep-sea habitat ships were finally defeated.

After Chun Yu found out, he didn't know if he felt sad or happy because of them, but Ye Ye could also see Chun Yu's mood right now, so he immediately gave Chun Yu two days off to visit the guard house and get acquainted with the ships!

After King Kong came back, he didn't even bother to try to repair it, he just stuck on Ye Ye and asked what kind of jewelry it was, but Ye Ye wouldn't reveal it.

But now King Kong is in a broken state, and his clothes are already very torn. In Ye Ye, with this image, King Kong is not shy.

After all, it was the last step before that and everything was done, and Ye Ye didn't see it once or twice.

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