"Admiral, is it a ring in the end?" King Kong sighed with Ye Ye's appearance of not leaving if you didn't tell me.

What a hassle!

[Huh, the quality of Blood Devouring Raid is a bit poor, but fortunately, the quality of the ship girl remains the same. Today's subscriptions are less than yesterday. I ask for your support. I hope there will be [-] people tomorrow. ] ..

Chapter [-] Shōkaku's Underwear!

Chapter [-] Shōkaku's Underwear!

The Raiders in the waters of the Nanxi Islands has already progressed to more than half. In the five areas, the deep-sea habitat ships in the first, second and third areas have been eliminated. After the fourth area has been determined, no deep-sea habitat has been found.

No, this means that there is really a big fish, but I don't know if I can eat it, but since I haven't found it, it is necessary to re-strategize.

If the deep-sea habitat is not removed, the deep-sea habitat ships in the waters of the Nanxi Islands will continue to appear, so Ye Ye immediately changed his strategy and launched a strong attack on the waters of the Nanxi Islands.

After several days of hard work, the raid on the waters of the Nanxi Islands has finally been completed, but now the purpose of raiding the waters of the Nanxi Islands is to find out where the deep-sea habitats are.

Both Xianghe Ruihe and Ruifeng Great Whale were sent out, and they used the Zero-type reconnaissance plane to conduct constant reconnaissance, accompanied by the main fleet moving slowly towards the waters beyond the waters of the Nanxi Islands.

Finally, the location of the deep-sea habitat was finally discovered, which was only found under the cover of many comets and other aircraft.

Because of the resources of the fleet, they stopped after they reached a certain distance. Shokaku Ruihe and Ruifeng Dajing used all their Zero reconnaissance planes, and at the same time used most of their planes as escorts. airplane.

The plane went deep into the words outside the waters of the Nanxi Islands. One after another plane was shot down. Although there was some waste, in the end, I saw the amazing deep-sea habitat. This resource was not wasted in vain!

The last time, as an apology for capturing the ship's mother, human beings prepared a lot of resources as an apology, and Ye Ye did not refuse.

There are not too many resources. Don't look at the resources of the guard house, but they can be exhausted in half a year at most. This time, it is impossible to exhaust them in at least a year!

After Shokaku and the others returned, they handed over the report to Nagato. Although Shokaku saw it when the last Zero reconnaissance plane was shot down and was about to fall into the sea, Shokaku was sure that it was the deep sea. Habitat!

After getting the report, Nagato also handed it over to Ye Ye.

"Is it here?" Xianghe was shouted by Ye Ye into the admiral's room. Looking at the chart on the table, Ye Ye pointed to a place and asked Xianghe.

"It should be in this place." Xianghe stood on tiptoe and bent down and tapped a place with his fingers. Ye Ye nodded and used a pen to distinguish the area.

This time to find the deep-sea habitat, in fact, there are other receipts, and the deep-sea habitat ships on the route to reach this deep-sea habitat have already been figured out.

"Ah!" Just when Ye Ye wanted to ask another question, Xianghe suddenly exclaimed and his feet slipped!

Ye Ye hurriedly grabbed Xiang He, but it was unavoidable, a sound of clothes torn came to mind, Xiang He's clothes on the left side were all torn, revealing a pink suspender.

The clothes have been torn to the skirt, and at the edge of the skirt, there is a red rope, what is this, Ye Ye also thought of it!

This is indeed quite suitable for Xianghe. This is Ye Ye's first thought. When Xianghe, who exudes a mature wife's breath, matches such underwear, Ye Ye's heart is immediately moved.

"Admiral... Admiral, you see it." Xianghe quickly squeezed the broken pieces of his clothes together with his hands, and then asked Ye Ye with a blushing face, but there was no shame.

"I see." Ye Ye nodded without shyness, and Xiang He's face became even more rosy.

"This..." Xianghe was shy.

"Don't worry about anything, I will be responsible for you." Ye Ye said, and at the same time he added another sentence in his mind, "Not just you, I will be responsible for all the ships!"

While Xianghe was shy, he heard Ye Ye's words with an inaudible 'en', and the awkward atmosphere was instantly resolved.

Xianghe squeezed his clothes and left the admiral's room, Ye Ye breathed a sigh of relief, it was dangerous, but luckily he was smart enough to adapt to changes!

However, Xianghe is really suitable for the head of the family.

Ye Ye even had some expectations. He and Xiang He would look like after they got married. Thinking of Xiang He's shy appearance, Ye Ye became hot for a while, and this day would not be too far away.

Ye Ye stopped and continued to attack, although this would lead to the reappearance of deep-sea habitat ships in the waters of Nanxi Zhudao, but if you don't make full preparations now, you will be attacking that deep-sea habitat.

How could Ye Ye be able to do such a thing.

Ye Ye in the waters of Nanxi Zhudao has also planned to be a place for the ships to exercise. Before attacking the deep-sea habitat, the ships will be trained in this place, and then when the time is right, they will re-attack the Nanxi Zhu in one go. Island waters, and then marched toward that huge deep-sea habitat!

But before that, Ye Ye still gave the guarding mansion's Jian Niang a holiday. This plan is not in a hurry. It can be carried out at any time, so Ye Ye is also very cool. Ship girls relieve stress!

Ye Ye, who wanted to go out on an expedition, was also approved after the arrangement.

However, after the holiday, Ye Ye was busy here. One by one, the girls painted the patterns on the jewelry they wanted and handed them over to Ye Ye.

Moreover, the paintings of every ship girl turned out to be rings. It seems that they were all influenced by King Kong, but this is exactly what Ye Ye meant. After all, Ye Ye wanted to make rings.

But then, Ye Ye saw through the meaning of the ship girls, they had colluded, they were all painted rings, so Ye Ye had to make rings!

[Xianghe and Zuihe are one extreme, luck is one extreme, Xianghe's luck is bad, but at that time Zuihe's luck was very good, and, Mrs. I like you, but unfortunately there is still no wife in the game, There is also no sister-in-law, my wife, sister-in-law and daughter just got a daughter, which is really sad] ..

Chapter [-]: Daughter (Zuihe)'s Fried Egg!

Chapter [-]: Daughter (Zuihe)'s Fried Egg!

In the past two days, Ye Ye expressed that the pressure was very high, and the popularity of the ship girls seemed to never stop. Every day, the ship girls came to ask about the progress, and Ye Ye couldn't help but feel some regrets.

If I knew earlier, it shouldn't be said that the reward is going to be given to jewelry. Now every day, the girl is here to urge the making of the ring. It is unrealistic to wait until the girl is all ready to get married.

Xianghe has been hiding from Ye Ye since that day. He didn't know what he had done to her. Naturally, when he saw underwear, Xianghe would not say it, but the strange behavior would definitely cause a together. Attention Zuikaku, who lives here.

Ye Ye has also been worried for the past two days, for fear that Rui He would just come to the door and cause the whole city to suffer. Rui He's words would definitely be possible!

It's already noon, let's go to Mamiya where to eat, Ye Ye checked the time, then rubbed his forehead, and came to Mamiya Irako and the others through the back door, but in the kitchen Ye Ye saw a petite girl. The figure is busy.

Mamiya seemed to be teaching something on the side. When he walked in, Ye Ye knew who he was by looking at the familiar costumes. The witch costume was undoubtedly Ruifeng!

"Well, very good, it's finally done." Mamiya's voice recalled that Ruifeng also showed a happy expression.

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