Otherwise, when they think of Hiei's dark dishes, Kirishima and Haruna both have psychological shadows. They also sang the dishes so well at the beginning, and the shadows accompany them to this day.

King Kong is actually quite hardworking, and he didn't dislike Hiei's cooking or the like.

A few hours passed, and finally, everyone's cooking was done. Ye Ye looked at the mountains of cooking in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and Nagato was unable to start.

But Akagi just didn't want to do so much anymore. Isn't the reason why she came to be a judge just to have a big meal!

This time I can finally eat it openly. Akagi feels so happy!

In the end, the game ended without any results. There were too many dishes and it was difficult to make a decision, but fortunately, the goal was achieved, and a ship girl decided to take a part-time job.

And the cooking at the competition was packed away by Akagi. Looking at the dishes in the dojo, Kaga covered his forehead, that is, only to Akagi, Kaga would show such an expression!

"Sure enough, I'm so happy." Akagi felt very satisfied.

Tomorrow, Ye Ye's holiday for the ship girls will end. In the afternoon, Nagato will start preparing tomorrow's matters with Ye Ye. Naturally, there is only one thing to do, and that is to break through the waters of the Nanxi Islands and then attack the deep-sea habitats. .

Now with the addition of Akagi Kaga and Hiryuu Soryu, they can become two aviation teams, so that the control of air combat can be guaranteed, and the biggest drawback is also solved.

The attack on the huge deep-sea habitat this time, but relying on the air dominance of Shokaku Ruikaku and Zuiho Great Whale is completely unattractive, but this time after adding Akagi Kaga and Hiryuu Soryu, air dominance is very stable.

In addition, recently, Akashi has just developed advanced aircraft called Tianshan, Gale, and Caiyun, and the comet and other aircraft are also going to be eliminated.

The first aviation team, the second aviation team, the third aviation team, plus the two aircraft carrier mobile units composed of Ruifeng and Da Jing, Ye Ye is looking forward to tomorrow's battle situation.

To attack is to show the greatest strength. This time Ye Ye has organized the guarding ships into various fleets. The lineup is even larger than when he went to rescue Ise Hyuga and the others last time.

In this attack, every ship girl brought emergency repairs, not only Ye Ye, but Nagato is also full of confidence in this battle!

"This time we will definitely succeed in breaking through this huge deep-sea habitat." Nagato's tone was very firm.

"It's natural," Ye Ye said.

"Give this to every ship girl." Ye Ye took out a large stack of paper from one side, all maps, which marked where the fleet of deep-sea habitat ships existed, together with the deep-sea habitat ships. The composition of it has been shown, and Shōkaku kept it in his heart when he was investigating!

This allows the ship girls to prepare before going out, and then they won't be caught off guard!

These are all precious information brought by Xianghe. Although it has been fifteen days, there shouldn't be any changes. After all, Ye Ye and the others have not sent the ship to attack.

So the pattern of deep-sea habitat ships will not change!

Of course, it is also necessary to prepare mentally in advance. Although there is a high probability that there will be no change, what should I do if I encounter that weak probability? I am not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

Therefore, there is a warning in the blank space below each map!

[Huh, there are a little more things today, so the update has been postponed until now, and there are still two more, but the time will definitely be a little later, we have to have a New Year's Eve dinner, so please understand everyone, happy new year, today's New Year's Eve , I beg you to subscribe to more than [-] people, I beg you all! ! ! ] ..

Chapter [-] The first attack!

Chapter [-] The first attack!

The result of the first attack was a loss for both sides, which made Ye Ye and Nagato stunned. All the ships were destroyed. Before no one was destroyed, the fleet retreated.

This time, the opponent was unexpectedly difficult. It was the highest-level deep-sea habitat ship of the regular aircraft carrier type, and Shokaku Zuikaku Akagi and the others were evenly matched with the highest-class deep-sea habitat ship of the aircraft carrier type on the opposite side.

Next to this high-level deep-sea habitat ship is a deep-sea habitat ship with the highest-level light cruiser.

The highest-level regular aircraft carrier-type deep-sea perch on the opposite side, Ye Ye, called the Hei-mother, and the highest-level light cruiser-type deep-sea perch, Ye Ye, called the light cruiser, were also damaged!

Immediately Ye Ye made a plan. First, he changed the equipment for Akagi and the others. They all brought an extra air-to-air plane, and then they all used quick-repair materials. Once they were corrected, they would attack immediately.

Strike while the Air Mother Suhime and the Light Cruiser Resident Ghost haven't recovered, and if possible, Ye Ye still wants to purify these two highest-level deep-sea resident ships, just like the current spring rain.

As for Ye Ye's thoughts, Chun Yu's first impression was that Ye Ye was too bold, and the second impression was that he was a little moved.

"Damn, it turned out to be a failure. That guy is really terrifying. The power of the plane is so great that even my armor is broken." At the repair place, all the ship girls gathered again.

Ye Ye has expanded the cafeteria and here, so it is still easy to accommodate most of the ships guarding the mansion!

"It is indeed a terrifying enemy." Xianghe said. As an air carrier and an air carrier Suji, she has faced each other head-on. She is particularly aware that they are only able to face each other with the strength of six regular air carriers and three light air carriers. The air mother Suhime was tied, and it was only in the air.

Although they also changed their planes, the plane of the aircraft carrier Suhime on the opposite side was even more terrifying, and the firepower was outrageous, and it was the light patrolling ghost.

The high speed is outrageous, and it is impossible to catch up at all, and the opponent always fires while moving fast. Although the power is not too strong, it also causes damage to the ship's mother.

This kind of damage accumulates, and it is a small damage. Among the ships that attacked, one-fifth was made by the light patrolling ghost, and one-third was made by the air mother Yuji. The ones that are broken in the middle are the ones that are accumulated from scratches on the way forward.

Although as long as it is not a big break, it will not pose a threat to the life of the ship's daughter, but they will not demonstrate it by themselves. All the members will break through, and when the ship's daughter is about to be broken, they will retreat!

They were all influenced by Ye Ye, and once they were ship maids with mid-breaking damage, Ye Ye would always let them return.

"Damn, I went to the Admiral to ask for an air-to-air plane. The next time I go, I won't believe it. Damn, I will definitely defeat her next time." Rui He's tone was very unhappy, this time But he was beaten badly, and it was the first time that Ruihe was beaten so badly!

"Daydreaming, that guy can't fight unless he gathers all our planes. If it's just you, I'm afraid he will be hanged and beaten instantly!" Kaga always likes to pour cold water on Zuihe.

This time, the cold water worked successfully, Ruihe's enthusiasm quickly began to fade, and then he stared at Ruihe, and Ruihe's teeth rattled!

"Bastard Kaga, won't you kill me if you don't hit me?" Zuikaku stood up from the hot spring excitedly, then pointed at Kaga and called out.

"I'm just telling the truth." Kaga said calmly.

"You guy..." Rui He was about to step forward, but was stopped by Xiang He.

"Zuihe, Kaga-senpai is actually right. If we go alone, we will definitely be defeated. Even Kaga-senpai is the same. If we go, we will be hanged and beaten." Xianghe silently added. He gave a hand, and Kaga still couldn't find a way to refute, he could only frown.

"Hmph." Since Shokaku said so, Zuihe looked at Kaga and snorted coldly before returning to the hot spring.

"Ah, damn it, after I go out this time, I will ask the Admiral immediately, I will take revenge!" King Kong's frantic voice sounded, and one of several fleets besieged each other and still lost both, which is really ugly.

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