It must be shameful, King Kong secretly said.

King Kong's words also expressed the feelings of the other ship girls, the overwhelming force, but in the end they lost both sides and then retreated, which made the self-esteem of the ship girls take a hit, and they must fight back!

"Crack!" The sound of the gear turning sounded, the source of the sound was from above, and all the ship girls instinctively looked at the roof.

Green quick-repair materials were delivered one by one, and then poured into the water. One bucket can only be repaired by one ship girl. If it is scattered, it will not have any effect.

Especially in a relatively large bath, many ships are soaked in it together, this is the need to invest the same amount of quick repair materials, one by one, the injuries of each ship will disappear quickly, and then recover!

"Haha, the Admiral finally used the quick repair for us. I'm going to the Admiral. I'm going to attack immediately, I'm going to be ashamed!" King Kong stood up immediately, took off his bath towel and put on his own clothes .

After King Kong left, the ship girls acted quickly and put on their own clothes. Now they are all simmering in the fire. It would be better if they could attack again!

[It's a bit late, but well, the Admiral Deep Sea is good, and the dean is on the stage, but it is naturally impossible to recover one of the biggest bosses, the dean, otherwise, there is really no interest in the next time, and Cheers to Bilibili, I just spent my first Spring Festival on Bilibili! ! ! ] ..

Chapter [-] Shame!

Chapter [-] Shame!

"Admiral!" The door of the admiral's room was violently slammed open. Ye Ye didn't have to think about who it was. Even if he didn't listen to the sound, there was only one person who could do such a thing, and that was King Kong.

Just after coming out of the hot spring, King Kong exudes a warm breath, and a fragrance drifts in the air!

Walking in front of Ye Ye, standing with both hands on the desk, King Kong started to say, "Admiral, I'm going to attack again now, please approve!"

"I want to hear the reason!" Ye Ye said with a smile. In fact, Ye Ye already knew it in his heart. If he was defeated, he would not be able to swallow it, and more importantly, now the air mother Qi Ji and the exorcist Qi Gui are both Injured, they do not have the same quick repair materials as the ship girl, they can recover quickly, and it is the best time to go to the net.

For this kind of treatment, Ye Ye compared the conditions of the deep-sea habitat ship and the ship's girls. Apart from the overall strength of the deep-sea habitat ship being higher than that of the ship's mother, the other aspects are too different from the ship's mother.

Where they live, they are simply in the open air, and at most there is a deep-sea habitat for rest, which is far worse than the life of the ship's girls, and if the battle is damaged, the ship's mother can use quick repair materials.

But the deep-sea habitat ship can only recover slowly by itself!

This is the difference between the villain and the protagonist. Ye Ye shook his head to clear the question from his mind. Looking at King Kong, Ye Ye waited for King Kong's answer!

"Xue Sha, this is the first time we've lost so ugly, and if we attack now, it will have a great advantage for us." King Kong said, Ye Ye nodded, and it was the same as what he thought.

"If that's the case, then let's attack, go to Akashi to get your ship outfits again. The outfits you used before have not been repaired yet." Ye Ye approved, King Kong was overjoyed and walked out of the admiral's room excitedly. .

"Nagato, come to my office!" Ye Ye picked up the communicator on his left, this communicator directly connected to Nagato, and Ye Ye just put the communicator back!

After waiting for a few minutes, Nagato knocked on the door and walked in.

"Let's prepare for the latest battle immediately. Today we are going to defeat this huge deep-sea habitat!" Ye Ye handed over his plan to Nagato. Nagato also understood the reason for this attack and left immediately. The admiral's room to prepare for the latest battle.

After King Kong got Ye Ye's permission, he immediately returned to the bath. At this time, the girls on the ship had just put on their clothes. Looking at King Kong's face, they all understood. King Kong successfully persuaded Ye Ye!

"The Admiral has already agreed that we will attack again." King Kong raised his arms, clasped his palms together, and shouted, and the atmosphere in the bath was ignited.

The last failure has become the fuel for the morale of this time. The ship girls present all want to be shamed. The enthusiasm and morale of the ship girls this time are the highest since the establishment of the garrison!

"I just know that the Admiral will definitely agree, Sister Shokaku, this time we must teach that deep-sea habitat ship a good lesson." Zuikaku said that Kaga rarely did not throw cold water on Ruihe.

There is no need to prepare anything else, the ship girls came to the underground base, and then they all chose the same ship equipment as the ones they used before.

Xianghe and Zuihe plus Akagi and their planes have been re-equipped. The reconnaissance plane, Caiyun, and Gale for the air, the number of Gale has been increased!

Gale's role is to seize air dominance. Gale itself actually has no attack power on deep-sea habitat ships. Gale's role is to fight against the opponent's aircraft to protect its own aircraft, and at the same time it also shoots down the opponent's aircraft!

After Nagato arranged some other matters, the fleets attacked again. The last time it failed due to configuration reasons, it was mainly because the reconnaissance plane was destroyed at that time, so the situation in the deep sea habitat was not seen.

Who knew that there was also this air carrier Qiji in it. In order to ensure all aspects, the aircraft configured for the air carrier and the light aircraft carrier were relatively average, which were used for anti-aircraft, explosive and mine equipment, and finally reconnaissance aircraft!

This time, Ye Ye asked Ruihe and Xianghe to replace the explosive equipment with Gale, leaving only the planes and reconnaissance planes for the lightning equipment. Leaf Pages still decided not to make changes.

It was already a tie before, but now the air battle is intensified, and it is appropriate to seize air dominance, so this time the deep-sea habitat will definitely break through the deep-sea habitat.

The combined strength of the originally attacked fleet should have no pressure to attack the deep-sea habitat, but it was unexpected that the opponent would have the air mother Suji, and suffered a lot in the air battle, which led to the defeat.

This was really unexpected. This time, he was well prepared, and Ye Ye had confidence in whether he could conquer the deep-sea habitat!

Along the way, the fleet did not encounter a few obstacles at all, except for a few sporadic fish that slipped through the net when they came to attack last time!

All the way to the deep-sea habitat, no ship girl was injured at all, which greatly increased the confidence of the ship girls, and this battle will be won!

After approaching the deep-sea habitat, Xianghe Ruihe, Akagi and Zuiho released all the strong winds, and also released their attacking planes.

There are hundreds of planes in the dark sky, covering the sky!

Arrived, reached the deep sea habitat!They had seen Heimasuhime and the Light Cruiser Ghost again, and they were very surprised that the ship girls had come again, but now is not the time to be surprised!

The air carrier Suhime released her own plane, and the light cruiser also began to attack the sky, but this time the plane was overwhelming. Combined with the attack of the ship girls on the sea, the air carrier Suhime and the light cruiser Although the speed Fast, but still rubbish!

It didn't take long for the deep-sea habitat ships guarding the two of them to be completely destroyed, and the air carrier Suji and the light cruisers were also destroyed and destroyed! ..

Chapter [-] Beheading Failed!

Chapter [-] Beheading Failed!

Seeing that the Air Mother Suihime and the Light Cruiser Ghost were both smashed, all the ship girls attacked even harder. In the end, the Air Mother Suhime was broken, and the Light Cruiser Ghost was fine, but it was almost a big break!

As the most advanced deep-sea habitat ships, they have the wisdom not inferior to those of the ship girls, and they will not change to those deep-sea habitat ships that generally only know how to attack.

This was unexpected again. Since the battle, the ship girls have never encountered a deep-sea perch that escaped in the end. This time, it was not expected at all, so the aircraft carrier Suji and the light cruiser were allowed to escape. .

Even Shokaku Zuikaku and the others released the reconnaissance plane, but they were still unsuccessful and escaped!But fortunately, the final deep-sea habitat has been completed. Although it failed to kill the opponent, it was a victory.

This made all the ship girls who participated in the battle relieved, and the fleet began to return immediately. The fleets unloaded their equipment, and then the flagships of each fleet began to report to Nagato.

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