After hearing the news that the air mother Suhime and the light patrol Suuki had escaped, Nagato was surprised for a moment, and then he returned to calm, did he escape?This time is when a lesson is good, next time pay attention!

The purpose of this operation is to capture the deep-sea habitat, as long as the combat mission is accomplished.

After Ye Ye found out, he nodded. This time, the ship's mother remembered that the deep-sea habitat ship would also escape.

As for the air carrier Qiji and the light patrol Qiji, they are both broken now, and there will be no storms in a short period of time, but it is also necessary to take precautions. Ye Ye plans to establish an affiliated base in the waters of the Nanxi Islands to defend the guard house!

The area where the next attack will be carried out has not yet been determined. After ushering in the strategy of the huge deep-sea habitat, the ship girls ushered in a time to relax!

It's summer time now, and the weather is getting hot. Watching the Yi boats swimming happily in the sea, King Kong has an idea.

That is the swimsuit, just use this as a sure-fire blow, King Kong intends to invite Ye Ye to swim together, he made up his mind on the first day, and the next day King Kong plans to try it out.

But the next day, King Kong was a little dumbfounded. All the ship girls actually had the same thoughts as her. In fact, King Kong didn't know, she said it accidentally when she was sleeping at night!

But the first problem is to come out, where to get the swimsuit, if Ye Ye buys it, the ship girls will feel inappropriate, and the expedition has become the first choice for the ship girls.

For a time, Ye Ye's table was full of expedition missions, Ye Ye was dumbfounded, expulsion and light cruisers or thunder patrols went to expedition missions, but your battleships, heavy cruises, and light aircraft carriers are all make-believe.

If resources are not resources, Ye Ye smiled wryly. He couldn't refuse. Forget it, just spend resources to eliminate disasters!

"Admiral, this is the expedition application that Jian Niang just handed in." Nagato knocked on the door and walked in, handing Ye Ye some applications again.

Well, Ye Ye was helpless, and adding these, except for Daedon Akashi and Nagato, Mamiya and Irako, all the other ships in the guard house applied for the expedition.

Looking at Nagato, who was envious, Ye Ye covered his forehead. It seems that Daedodo Akashi, Nagato, Mamiya and Irako, if they didn't have jobs, would actually want to go!

The purpose of the expedition was naturally to buy swimsuits. Of course, although they couldn't go, they also asked other shipgirls to help bring back Yijian swimsuits.

The people who get rid of are naturally familiar people. For example, Nagato asked Mutsu. Mutsu knows what type of underwear she uses, after all, it is a sister ship!

They are very familiar with each other!

On the other hand, Dadian and the others found the ship girl they were familiar with and asked for help.

This large-scale expedition made those human businessmen happy. The one-time expedition mission was reduced by more than half, leaving only the expedition mission that took a long time.

The ships selected by the girls are all expedition missions within six hours, in order to return as soon as possible.

In the above, it is an eight-hour, twelve-hour, and twenty-four-hour expedition. Since these long-term expeditions, no ship girl has gone on an expedition!

Although if Ye Ye designated them to complete these long-term expeditions, they would agree, but when Ye Ye arranged the expedition tasks, he would also listen to the ship girls' willingness to go on the expedition.

Then Ye Ye took advantage of the fact that the ship girls were going on an expedition, and also stayed with Akashi to go to the waters of the Nanxi Islands, and selected four islands to build an affiliated base.

It can only be said that it really deserves to be a black technology. The relatively huge project is easily in the hands of the ship and the elves. It takes two hours to complete all the construction of a base that should be built. This speed is amazing!

Then came the second base, the third affiliated foundation, and then the fourth affiliated base. It took six hours, and Akashi's construction speed was significantly improved.

After the completion of the construction, Ye Ye brought Akashi back, already with the ship girl back, but Ye Ye noticed a strange thing, that is, the ship girl was empty-handed.

The expedition did not fail, perhaps because the ship girls were too lazy to take them, but in this case, what were they doing on the expedition!

In the end, Nagato explained it to Ye Ye.

Are you shopping for swimsuits?Ye Ye raised his brows when he heard this, it's better if I go with this kind of thing, it's even faster!

Of course, there is no denying that Ye Ye wanted to use her help to buy swimsuits for the girls as an opportunity to get the measurements of the girls, and then choose the swimsuits that they like fortunately.

But it's too late to say anything now, the ship girls have all gone on expeditions, and they are almost all coming back now!

[At the same time as the battle is mixed with daily life, this is my main line, today's fourth update, please subscribe, and which ship girl you want to appear next, write it in the book review area, I will try my best to satisfy~~ ~~~] ..

Chapter fifty-seven is really happy!

Chapter fifty-seven is really happy!

Although I feel a little regretful about not being able to choose a swimsuit for Jian Niang Ye Ye, but at least I can feast my eyes, and I am still feasting my eyes.

You know, in fact, even the Yi ship also prepared a set of swimsuits and replaced the dead tank water on their bodies, not to mention her ship's mother.

Now Nagato is in his dormitory. He put on the swimsuit that Mutsu brought back, and after a couple of activities, Nagato nodded his head in satisfaction. It was very good. As expected of Mutsu, the choice was just right!

I just don't know if the Admiral will like it tomorrow. Nagato's face flashed red. To be honest, the swimsuits chosen by the ship girls are very bold but not too revealing.

The reason why the ship girls chose such underwear was naturally to kill Ye Ye in seconds, and Ye Ye was also looking forward to the various scenes of tomorrow, so he could not help but speed up the speed of correcting documents.

In Xianghe Ruihe's dojo, Xianghe was standing in front of the mirror in a white swimsuit. A hint of shame flashed on his face from time to time. Ruihe looked at Xianghe's chest and couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

Touching his chest, Rui He was about to go crazy. He had such a good chance to get close to the Admiral tomorrow, but he was only fit enough to wear a good swimsuit.

Looking at the English translation in his hand, Ruihe had a trace of resentment towards Xianghe. The real swimsuit was chosen by Xianghe with Ruihe, especially for those with small breasts!

Rui He really felt mentally unbalanced, even Ruifeng's swimsuit, the one on the chest was bigger than hers, and Ruifeng's chest cloth was still bigger than hers.

If it wasn't for the exiles who had chest cloths smaller than himself, Zuihe might have gone mad, but as an air carrier type, it was compared to expulsion...

However, Rui He can only make up his mind, and he is better than expelling to comfort himself.

Of course, in fact, in the expulsion, there is no chest cloth larger than Ruihe's, such as Xiaoxiang Thunderbolt, their chest layout is not worse than Ruihe's, or even bigger than Ruihe's!

Rui He suddenly thought about it, if Kaga saw her tomorrow, how would she laugh at herself? Kaga and Akagi were wearing loose clothes, so they couldn't see how big their breasts were, but Zui He who had entered the channel together knew, Kaga's chest is no worse than Shōkaku's!

I won't be ridiculed to death by Kaga tomorrow, damn it, Zuihe rolled around on the ground of the dojo, it's really annoying!

"Ruihe, don't worry anymore, the size of your chest doesn't mean anything, maybe the Admiral is still a poor breast control!" Xianghe began to comfort Ruihe, saying this, but he was muttering in his heart, if it is If you have a loli body and small breasts...

Hearing Xianghe's comfort, Ruihe felt a little better. Indeed, maybe the admiral would still like poor breasts, and he didn't have a chance yet.

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