If Hongji and Beijiang are allowed to participate, there should be no problem in air combat, Ye Ye thought.

"What's the matter, Admiral, as expected, the deep-sea perch is heading for the guard house!" King Kong said, Ye Ye nodded, the probability is very high.

"Okay, King Kong, I understand this matter, you go and fix it first!" Ye Ye continued, King Kong looked at himself and smiled a little embarrassingly. Indeed, she was in a state of embarrassment now.

"Then Admiral, I'll go to the channel first!" King Kong said, leaving the temporary admiral's room.

"That is to ambush them here!" Ye Ye's eyes wandered on the chart, and finally stopped at a place. Since he wanted to sneak up on the guard's mansion, it was a big gift for her.

In the guard house, in the command room, the instrument suddenly rang, it was Ye Ye's communication.

Dadian hurriedly connected, and when he heard Ye Ye wanted Nagato to answer, he turned on the radio again, and Nagato was about to rest at this time.

"What's the matter, Odo!" Nagato came to the command room, and Odoto handed over the communicator to Nagato, and Nagato understood in an instant!

"Is that the Admiral?" Nagato asked.

"Nagato, immediately organize a fleet. The deep-sea perch with the wo-class changed to the head is very likely to attack the guard house. This time, bring Hongji and Beijiang to control the air, otherwise you will have a hard time fighting under the wo-class-changed air strike. Yes!" Ye Ye's voice came out, and Nagato's face suddenly became serious!

"Admiral, is this news true?" Nagato felt troubled.

"Although it is not completely certain, there is a [-]% chance that they will attack the guard house!" Ye Ye said, if it exceeds [-]%, it has to be guarded against.

"I will now transmit the location of the ambush to you, and immediately organize the ship's maiden guarding the mansion to attack. If necessary, Nagato, you will also attack!" Ye Ye said.

"Understood!" Nagato repressed himself in a slightly flustered mood, and then said!

With the current strength of the garrison, it is really difficult to deal with the deep-sea habitat ships led by Wo Kai, but it is fortunate that there are still two Kongo-class ships, Hiei and Kirishima. With her and Mutsu, they are not too scarce in terms of combat power.

Moreover, there are Beijiang and Hongji in air dominance. Although the overall attributes have dropped after becoming the ship's mother, if the two are together, there will be no problem in robbing air dominance with a Wo-class. It should even be said that it is It's easy!

Nagato began to arrange!

On the other side, the ship girls have all finished entering the canal, and Ruifeng came to Ye Ye with the only Type Zero reconnaissance plane that came out of the Western Seas!

"Ruifeng, check it out!" Ye Ye said.

"Okay, Admiral!" Ruifeng began to check the contents of the Zero-type reconnaissance plane. Ruifeng's face began to turn bad, and finally he broke out in a cold sweat.

"What did you see, Ruifeng!" Ye Ye knew when he saw Ruifeng's appearance, Ruifeng must have seen something!

"I saw a lot of deep-sea habitat ships, and many of them were golden, and most of the rest were red. I saw a deep-sea habitat, and the one in the deep-sea habitat was the air mother Qiji!" Ruifeng said.

"Air Mother Qiji!" Ye Ye was taken aback, did he actually run to the Western Sea?Thinking about it now, isn't the direction in which the air mother Suuji escaped from the Western Seas?

There is trouble this time, the air mother Suji is a more powerful deep-sea habitat ship than Beijiang and Hongji, and it can be seen from the air.

"And in the deep-sea habitat, there are some deep-sea habitat ships that have never been seen before, but there are no other colors flashing on them!" Ruifeng said.

It must be the product of the second great aberration, Ye Ye thought.

"Anything else?" Ye Ye asked, Ruifeng turned his head, but there were only a few.

"In this case, Ruifeng, you said that all the ships in the front-line base should gather, and I will announce the result!" Ye Ye said, Ruifeng nodded!

Ye Ye didn't have any reservations about the Deep Sea Habitat and Air Mother Qiji, and he just told the ship girls.

The shipgirls who participated in the battle against Heirloom Suhime all had solemn expressions on their faces. Heirloom Suhime was not a small role. In order to defeat the Deep Sea Suiji, they had to attack twice before they were successful.

The first time was when he was defeated and returned to the garrison. The air mother Suhime was definitely much stronger than Gangji and Beichan!

In air combat, on the loader, on top of one's own armor, in short, among the most advanced deep-sea habitat ships, Helmsuji is also considered to be the top and most advanced deep-sea habitat ships!

[I can’t see it in the book review area, that’s it, I was forced to go out to help plant trees this afternoon, I wiped it, I came back tired and fell asleep, it’s impossible, so there are only two updates, today is the fourth update, and the worst is three It's really hard to fill the vacancy tomorrow, and I don't want to sleep anymore! ] ..

Chapter [-] Ambush!

Chapter [-] Ambush!

Nagato Mutsu went out in person, and added Hiei and Kirishima, plus Hongjie and Beichan to form the fleet. If Hongji and Beichan were to say the type, they should be the aircraft carrier type.

It is said that it is an armored aircraft carrier, and the same is true. The armor of Gangji and Beijiang is very good. It is said that it is a regular aircraft carrier.

But no matter what, Hongji and Beijiang can play a more powerful role than the air carrier, and the mine team is naturally indispensable except for the first time.

The fleet with Nagato as the flagship, the heavy cruiser with Tone as the flagship, and the mine squadron with the light cruiser as the flagship, the three fleets first came to the subsidiary base that Ye Ye said might be passing by, and communicated with Oyo at the same time. Open it, and get the news from the Guard House all the time.

A touch of blue rippling in the air, it seems like a flame, Nagato looks for a while, there is no mistake, this is the Wo-level change, they have arrived!

Ye Ye didn't make a mistake in his prediction, the WO-level change did pass by this subsidiary base, and even more wanted to destroy this subsidiary base!

After all, the purpose of her trip was to destroy Jianniang's base, and it could only be regarded as revenge. After all, Ye Ye led Jianniang to destroy the supply base of their deep-sea habitat ship!

So the wo-level change was the idea, and it was also the base for destroying the ship's mother. That's the idea.

There was a loader in the sky coming back towards the subsidiary base, and for a while, Nagato led the three fleets to a place where they would not be affected by the attack, on the other side of the subsidiary base.

This is a plan made by Nagato based on the current situation, but it requires a price, that is, the affiliated base, but the guard house is rich and powerful, so don't worry about it.

"Everyone, mine launch!" Nagato gave the order. The ship's girls were equipped with four-shot acid torpedoes. The advantage of acid rain torpedoes is that they are not easy to be found in the water.

Taking advantage of the existence of the cover, the mines were launched towards the fleet of the wo-level change. The mines approached. When the wo-level found it, it was too late, and the mines had already entered the fleet.

The sound of the explosion sounded, and Nagato led the fleet to break in quickly!

Blocked! The wo-level change quickly started to fight back with its own loader, but with Beijiang and Hongji there, the wo-level change did not have any advantage in air control.

The fleet lost one third in an instant, and it was still in the midst of continuous losses. The wisdom of the wo-level change is very good, otherwise it would not have come up with the idea of ​​attacking the base of the guard house and destroying the base of the ship girls!

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