The situation was unfavorable to him, and the Wo-rank change would immediately retreat, and he couldn't stop it, because Nagato and the others didn't have enough firepower. The reason why they were able to change the Wo-rank to defeat this time was also because of the surprise attack.

If it's head-to-head, it's hard to tell whether they will win or lose. There is a high possibility that Nagato and the others will lose!

Nagato and the others breathed a sigh of relief after driving away the wo-class and returned to the guard house.

"Dadian, send a message to the Admiral, the wo-level reform has been repelled, and the raid was a success!" The first thing Nagato did when he returned to the guard house was to report the matter to Ye Ye.

"Finally nothing!" Ye Ye breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the information from the guard house. The guard house was fine, and the next step was to start the strategy plan to designate the deep-sea habitat in the fourth area.

Ye Ye has been thinking about it for a long time, but he just can't think of a good way to attack the fourth area.

Not to mention those deep-sea habitat ships, it's enough for the ship's mother to drink a pot, plus the light cruiser ghosts and air mothers, the difficulty of the fourth area is much more difficult than the original Nanxi Islands waters!

And it's not that big. Not to mention the number of deep-sea habitat ships, but the quality is ahead of the lineup of deep-sea habitat ships that invaded the waters of the Nanxi Islands!

However, the ship girl also has two more advanced ships, Musashi and Yamato, plus Dafeng and the Lexington sisters, the odds of winning this time are still very high.

Musashi and Yamato are Ye Ye's greatest strengths!

In the bath, the girls were happily soaking in the hot spring. In order to take care of Yamato and Musashi, Ye Ye also specially built a bath in the bath of the frontline base here, specially for Yamato and Musashi.

Originally, a Musashi can overflow water, and a Yamato is even more so, so I paid special attention to this when it was built.

In a short period of time, there is no need to dispatch again, so it has been soaking for a long time now, and Ye Ye did not use quick repair to restore the injuries of the ship girls.

After the battle, you should take a good bath in the hot spring.

Even though Akagi and the others suffered very little damage and had already been repaired, they were still stuck in the bath, and this battle consumed a lot of their energy and spirit.

Repair is a small matter, but it is necessary to relieve the stress of the body and the stress in the bath!

But Kong Kong left the bath, leaving behind a puzzled Haruna!

Because King Kong was only going to verify one thing, he just walked in the frontline base wearing a bath towel, came to the temporary admiral's room, and pushed it in.

"Admiral, what happened to the guard house!" King Kong asked. This is what King Kong is worried about. If you don't ask, King Kong will always feel at ease!

When the door was opened, the air flowed, causing the body fragrance of King Kong to drift into the admiral's room.

"It has already been resolved, Nagato took the fleet to repel the wo-class change!" Ye Ye said, and King Kong showed a relieved look.

"That's good, by the way, Admiral, do you want to come to the hot spring together!" Suddenly, King Kong seemed to have thought of something, and said to Ye Ye with a sly smile on his face.

[Second update, at [-] o'clock, there is still an update of the ship girl, and then at [-]:[-] is the update of the new book. If you update the fourth update when it is close to [-] o'clock, after all, it feels like this continuous writing, and it feels like Calvin's It's amazing, it's really unhappy, I ask for your subscription, and the new book asks for your support! ! ! ] ..

Chapter [-] Replacement!

Chapter [-] Replacement!

At this moment, the body of King Kong is still exuding white mist, and the skin on his body is looming. King Kong seems to have deliberately exposed some skin for Ye Ye to see, but the cunning in his eyes can be clearly seen.

"If the Admiral came, I think the sisters would be very happy!" King Kong took Ye Ye's arm generously, and Ye Ye could feel it clearly just through the bath towel!

"It's not good!" Ye Ye said, and King Kong said that there was nothing to do. "Admiral, it's fine, trust me, will King Kong still pit the Admiral?" King Kong said.

This is just a way to strengthen the relationship between Ye Ye and the ships. King Kong can guarantee that even if Ye Ye enters the bath, there will be no ships that chase after Ye Ye and shout 'H'!

As a ship girl mixed in among the ship girls, King Kong can see the thoughts of other ship girls very well. For the Admiral, all the ship girls have a great impression.

But in the end, Ye Ye still didn't follow King Kong, because Ye Ye was afraid that he would not be able to control the scene when he saw that scene, and the end of the beast is not very good, right!

After Ye Ye refused, King Kong pouted and left, and went back to soak again. Ye Ye was re-planning the expulsion plan of the deep-sea habitat in the fourth area in the admiral's room!

"Sure enough, I still have to sit in the guard mansion!" Ye Ye said to himself, Ye Ye's plan had a prototype, Ye Ye sat in the guard mansion, and the ship girls gathered in the western frontline base to form a fleet.

The base of the guard house is guarded by Ye Ye, so there will be absolutely no problems. This time the attack is a WO-class change, and the next time it may be the highest-level deep-sea habitat ship.

Although the most advanced deep-sea habitat ships cannot leave the deep-sea habitat at will, even if they do, it is no big deal, and it is not impossible to leave the deep-sea habitat.

And the wo-level change to pull aid may be very large, sneak attack on the enemy's base, this kind of thing is not what Ye Ye is doing, so it is not surprising that the deep-sea habitat ship is also doing the same.

It is better for Ye Ye to fight in person rather than letting the girls guard the guard house, so that the guard house can be guaranteed foolproof!

If it weren't for the existence of Beijiang and Gangji this time, otherwise the ship girl who guarded the mansion would be destroyed. There is no ship girl who can restrict the WO-level change, but it is very troublesome!

After that was decided, Ye Ye contacted the guard house early the next morning.

"Dadian, contact Nagato!" Ye Ye opened the communication with the guard's fingertips, but Dadian was the one who answered the call as always.

"Understood Admiral!" Oyodo said, the sound of footsteps leaving the business faintly sounded, and then after waiting for a while, Nagato's voice sounded!

"Admiral, is there anything you want to order?" Nagato's voice sounded from the communicator.

"The plan for the deep-sea habitat in the fourth area has already been formulated. You bring all the ships except Bei-chan and Gangji to the western front-line base to carry out the deep-sea habitat attack plan in the western waters!" Ye Ye said.

"Admiral, what should I do about the guard house? I'm afraid there will still be deep-sea ships that will attack the guard house by taking advantage of this gap. After all, this is our base camp!" Nagato said, and now Nagato is worried that the wo-class will not change. Willing to make a comeback!

Although it is unlikely to attack the guard house in a short period of time, until today, Nagato has not slackened, the detection ability of the sea area is fully opened, and the slightest traces and changes on the sea surface cannot escape monitoring!

This is the best way to detect enemy attacks right now.

"Nagato, is there really no problem? Let the troops in the guard house be so empty, at least leave a fleet to defend." Nagato began to arrange under Ye Ye's order.

Mutsu said to Nagato worriedly, after all, the guard house is too important, it would be bad if Coco was attacked after they left!

It is normal for Mutsu to worry!

"This is the order of the Admiral. Since the Admiral made such an order, it means that there must be a way to deal with it. We only need to execute the order of the Admiral!" Nagato replied.

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